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I hate myself for starting this thread....


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It's definitely frustrating watching Brady stand back there and not get harassed at all... but then I think the same is true on the other end when we watch Fitz throw the ball all over the place. It seems like in the modern NFL if you have a QB who reads defenses well and makes quick decisions, it's hard to get pressure. That's not to say we don't need a better pass rush. It's definitely a concern, but QB's are putting up eye popping numbers across the board this year. Fitz is on pace to throw for 4500 yards this year and he's ranked 12th in the league. If this keeps up, not only will Marino's record go down this year, but 5-10 guys might break that record. This being the trend thus far leads me to believe that a lot of teams are having issues getting to the QB.

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What irked me about that one was they'd called holding on Wood the series before for a similar hook move. At least be consistent, but then again, look who we're playing...


The refs missed a lot of calls on us too though (holding on Dray's pick 6, Fred's 38 yd. catch, etc.) and also made a lot of interesting calls on NE's D. I'll take it all day obviously, but ya, Merriman was getting held the whole game. It happened during the Raiders game too. Watch the Campbell hail mary, the holding (aka tackling) job that they did on Merriman was outrageous.


You're kidding, right? Please say you're kidding. PLEASE. Are you honestly comparing the Giants defensive performance from the '08 Super Bowl to our pitiful pass rush today? Seriously? Brady wasn't off his rhythm, dude. He threw four picks, but two of them were tipped, one was a slight underthrow (Wilson's) when there was NOBODY in his face and the other McKelvin just broke in front of Chad Johnson for a nice play. Did you even watch the game???


So true Ghost. He might have gotten A LITTLE rattled by the fact that balls were getting tipped and picked and that he wasn't executing PERFECTLY. But he didn't throw picks because we pressured him. Oh and by the way, the Giants had 5 sacks on Brady in that Super Bowl. I have 2 posts to my name and I know that.

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At this point the threat of Merriman is worth more than the actual player. the guy's best days are clearly behind him. Unless he does another roid cycle, do not expect too many "lights out dances." from this guy. Tom Brady had enough time to do his taxes in that pocket. With a healthy Aaron Hernandez, we lose that game by ten or more. I'm officially filing Shawne Merriman in the "better than nothing section" of my fanbook.

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