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Goodell's Letter to Fans


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Didn't see it posted.



Dear NFL Fan,


When I wrote to you last on behalf of the NFL, we promised you that we would work tirelessly to find a collectively bargained solution to our differences with the players' union. Subsequent to that letter to you, we agreed that the fastest way to a fair agreement was for everyone to work together through a mediation process. For the last three weeks I have personally attended every session of mediation, which is a process our clubs sincerely believe in.


Unfortunately, I have to tell you that earlier today the players' union walked away from mediation and collective bargaining and has initiated litigation against the clubs. In an effort to get a fair agreement now, our clubs offered a deal today that was, among other things, designed to have no adverse financial impact on veteran players in the early years, and would have met the players’ financial demands in the latter years of the agreement.


The proposal we made included an offer to narrow the player compensation gap that existed in the negotiations by splitting the difference; guarantee a reallocation of savings from first-round rookies to veterans and retirees without negatively affecting compensation for rounds 2-7; no compensation reduction for veterans; implement new year-round health and safety rules; retain the current 16-4 season format for at least two years with any subsequent changes subject to the approval of the league and union; and establish a new legacy fund for retired players ($82 million contributed by the owners over the next two years).


It was a deal that offered compromise, and would have ensured the well-being of our players and guaranteed the long-term future for the fans of the great game we all love so much. It was a deal where everyone would prosper.


We remain committed to collective bargaining and the federal mediation process until an agreement is reached, and call on the union to return to negotiations immediately. NFL players, clubs, and fans want an agreement. The only place it can be reached is at the bargaining table.


While we are disappointed with the union's actions, we remain steadfastly committed to reaching an agreement that serves the best interest of NFL players, clubs and fans, and thank you for your continued support of our League. First and foremost it is your passion for the game that drives us all, and we will not lose sight of this as we continue to work for a deal that works for everyone.





Roger Goodell

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PR spin control. The main issue is money. Always has been. Always will be. And the owners decided to create a system where they pay their employees a percentage of the total revenue. When they did that they created a partnership. But they expect the players to take their word on what that total number actually is. On trust alone. Now, there isn't a business in the world that would agree to sign a new deal based on this principle without seeing the books. The fact that the NFL is insisting that they met the players' finical demands is a bold faced lie since the desired number is a percentage of a number the owners refuse to acknlowdge.


If the owners didn't have anything to hide they would show the books. If the leave was really not making record profits and generating record revenues, they'd show their books because it would take whatever leverage the players have away.

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I agree, the owners lawyer did say they would hand over the last 5 years of financial records to an agreed upon 3rd party as well as an audited annual for the 32 teams but there is likely more to it than that. The idea, from what I can tell, is that the rookie salary cap would be used to save the owners money but those savings wouldn't go to increase veteran salaries but to keep them the same for the next two years.


I have a hard time rooting for either party in this situation but I am leaning towards the players. The only thing holding me back is I want whatever gives the Bills the best chance to stay in Buffalo. Not sure if either party really cares about small market teams, I suppose the owners of the small market teams do but you never know the motivations as more money to them simpy means a higher price when they sell to the new owners.


I would say that the NHL strike a few years back did help the Sabres quite a bit, so I am hopeful that whatever the agreement within the NFL helps in that regard. Not holding my breath, just hopeful.

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thats not true. The players would receive audited team financials under the latest offer.


Players got a great deal and everything they wanted.


They look like real amateurs walking away from this.

The whole thing is a f'ing joke and I blame Goodell. He needed to yolk those mouthpieces up from the camera and tell the Union that they are there to work in the office and not the media. The players look far worse in this, especially now, but the NFL itself - Goodell and the actual league look like brats, too. The owners made a joke of it all by showing up to the meetings in grand fashion this evening as arriving to the ball when they should have been there all along.


The NFLPA, on the other hand, should tell each and every player not to say a thing in any fashion to anyone. So far Smith has looked like a fool, in over his head, and I just cannot believe that he is still supported. There is talk that with the DeCert that he would actually lose his powers and effectively take himself out a job ... and there are players who are ready to knock him off the throne, too.


This reaks of stupidity, and I do not care how Goodell twists it.

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thats not true. The players would receive audited team financials under the latest offer.


Players got a great deal and everything they wanted.


They look like real amateurs walking away from this.

The only people saying they offered legit financials are people who work for the NFL. Every other outlet says it didn't happen. Hence Smith's before the deadline demand of audited financials for the past 10 years. Not one or two or three. The owner's contention is that the league's financial future is grim based on the cost of these new stadiums. They were asked to prove it. They refused. Why refuse unless the numbers aren't what they claim?


If the NFL had offered, the federal moderator would have come down hard on the players. It was the biggest sticking point. Because that's the only way to actually discuss the numbers.

Edited by tgreg99
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The whole thing is a f'ing joke and I blame Goodell. He needed to yolk those mouthpieces up from the camera and tell the Union that they are there to work in the office and not the media. The players look far worse in this, especially now, but the NFL itself - Goodell and the actual league look like brats, too. The owners made a joke of it all by showing up to the meetings in grand fashion this evening as arriving to the ball when they should have been there all along.


The NFLPA, on the other hand, should tell each and every player not to say a thing in any fashion to anyone. So far Smith has looked like a fool, in over his head, and I just cannot believe that he is still supported. There is talk that with the DeCert that he would actually lose his powers and effectively take himself out a job ... and there are players who are ready to knock him off the throne, too.


This reaks of stupidity, and I do not care how Goodell twists it.

I agree totally in over his head. He's like Dick Jauron in a head coaching position

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I agree, the owners lawyer did say they would hand over the last 5 years of financial records to an agreed upon 3rd party as well as an audited annual for the 32 teams but there is likely more to it than that. The idea, from what I can tell, is that the rookie salary cap would be used to save the owners money but those savings wouldn't go to increase veteran salaries but to keep them the same for the next two years.


I have a hard time rooting for either party in this situation but I am leaning towards the players. The only thing holding me back is I want whatever gives the Bills the best chance to stay in Buffalo. Not sure if either party really cares about small market teams, I suppose the owners of the small market teams do but you never know the motivations as more money to them simpy means a higher price when they sell to the new owners.


I would say that the NHL strike a few years back did help the Sabres quite a bit, so I am hopeful that whatever the agreement within the NFL helps in that regard. Not holding my breath, just hopeful.

The rookie pool to what is the 1st or 2nd round, I forgot which they proposed - think just 1st - would go to increasing payments to retired players benefits. That alone shows you that this is mess. That players now supposedly care about prospects is a joke, and there is no way I believe that Manning, Brady, or Brees give a rats ass about 4th round player in 2012 who plays for 3 years to get benefits.


That Brady, Brees and Manning are doing this is a joke, too. They are sticking it in the face of the owners who have just offered them huge contracts to represent the teams they play on. Kraft is supposedly very upset with Brady after the extension he just signed. These guys are going to ruin their image and I am so happy to see it because they are pure frauds.

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PR spin control. The main issue is money. Always has been. Always will be. And the owners decided to create a system where they pay their employees a percentage of the total revenue. When they did that they created a partnership. But they expect the players to take their word on what that total number actually is. On trust alone. Now, there isn't a business in the world that would agree to sign a new deal based on this principle without seeing the books. The fact that the NFL is insisting that they met the players' finical demands is a bold faced lie since the desired number is a percentage of a number the owners refuse to acknlowdge.


If the owners didn't have anything to hide they would show the books. If the leave was really not making record profits and generating record revenues, they'd show their books because it would take whatever leverage the players have away.


Really, PR and spin? Shocking...


One thing the Owners clearly are not hiding is their intent on taking back their League...They create some of the greatest employment opportunities in the world for Players, and billionaires or not it's their right to run the League as they see fit in the long run...They are not being unreasonable...Unreasonable is asking for 10 years of audited Financial statements and walking away from the bargaining table like a bunch of spoiled brats when they don;t get their way despite getting all kinds of concessions already...


The Owners gave up too much in the past and now they are going to have to go through this painful process to get it back in their favor...This garbage about Business Partners is pretty much exactly what NFL Owners are tired of...We'll see how the Courts see this whole thing...But I doubt very much in the end a Court is going to be able to tell the NFL Owners how they have to run their Business...


Players have done extremely well and will continue to do so under any deal...The public consensus will be with the Owners regardless...It will...It's only going to get worse...Unions are not exactly popular nowadays...Players will begin to break...They will speak out against the Union if this goes on to long...They are boiling the golden goose along with her golden eggs and most Players know it...And Public opinion is only going to get worse towards the Players every time that annoying mush-mouth speaks for them...He's about the least likable Leader they could have ever chosen...He comes across as a complete D-bag...Listen to his Pressers...He's not a likable figure...If I was the Players I would get him out of the spotlight NOW...Put Drew Brees or somebody like that infront of the Mic because this Smith guy is not going to win anyone over...When he talks about the Fans, heck when he says the word Fans, I want to punch him in the mouth... :w00t:


Anyway...Just my opinion... B-)

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D. Smith isn't helping his cause by using terms like Digg it, whats next, is he going to tell Goodell to 'sit on it'


As for Kraft and Brady. Kraft should get on his knees and thank the good lord for what Brady has done for him. Sure he just extended him but he is the best player in the league, reigning MVP and the reason that Kraft is making as much money as he is. Also, Brady signed below market on the last contract so Kraft should take the higher road on this one.

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D. Smith isn't helping his cause by using terms like Digg it, whats next, is he going to tell Goodell to 'sit on it'


As for Kraft and Brady. Kraft should get on his knees and thank the good lord for what Brady has done for him. Sure he just extended him but he is the best player in the league, reigning MVP and the reason that Kraft is making as much money as he is. Also, Brady signed below market on the last contract so Kraft should take the higher road on this one.

Did I miss something? Did Kraft diss Brady publicly? That at least would be one good thing that came out of this!

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Really, PR and spin? Shocking...


One thing the Owners clearly are not hiding is their intent on taking back their League...They create some of the greatest employment opportunities in the world for Players, and billionaires or not it's their right to run the League as they see fit in the long run...They are not being unreasonable...Unreasonable is asking for 10 years of audited Financial statements and walking away from the bargaining table like a bunch of spoiled brats when they don;t get their way despite getting all kinds of concessions already...

No one forced the owners to agree to pay their employees a percentage of total revenue. That was their choice to do. Yet now they refuse to show how much revenue is actually being generated. You cannot get an accurate financial picture with one year. Or two. Or three. You need to see the current trends and the big picture.


Without doing that, the owners are essentially saying "just trust us". But would you trust that? This is a league that runs a slaughter house. Players average 3 years. Don't have guaranteed contracts. Are one play away from being out of the league for good. They live an average of 55 years and don't receive fair benefits post retirement.


And you expect them to take these owners at their word?



The Owners gave up too much in the past and now they are going to have to go through this painful process to get it back in their favor...This garbage about Business Partners is pretty much exactly what NFL Owners are tired of...We'll see how the Courts see this whole thing...But I doubt very much in the end a Court is going to be able to tell the NFL Owners how they have to run their Business...


Their business doesn't work without the players. And as said above, they agreed to pay their employees based on total revenues. That makes them partners. Whether you like it or not. Now, if the owners want to change that, that's their right. But why do so when the league is making record profits? How much is enough? If there is a dire financial future ahead, then prove it. Show the books. They won't. Because this is about making as much money as possible. For both sides. Yet the fans are the ones who suffer.


Both MLB and the NBA never really recovered from their last work stoppages. That time it was the players who caused the turmoil. It took a decade for them to bounce back -- if they ever have. The NFL thinks they're invincible. But they aren't. They will lose fans and jeopardize the sport's status as the king of entertainment in the US if they lose this season.


So is it worth it?


Players have done extremely well and will continue to do so under any deal...The public consensus will be with the Owners regardless...It will...It's only going to get worse...Unions are not exactly popular nowadays...Players will begin to break...They will speak out against the Union if this goes on to long...They are boiling the golden goose along with her golden eggs and most Players know it...And Public opinion is only going to get worse towards the Players every time that annoying mush-mouth speaks for them...He's about the least likable Leader they could have ever chosen...He comes across as a complete D-bag...Listen to his Pressers...He's not a likable figure...If I was the Players I would get him out of the spotlight NOW...Put Drew Brees or somebody like that infront of the Mic because this Smith guy is not going to win anyone over...When he talks about the Fans, heck when he says the word Fans, I want to punch him in the mouth... :w00t:


Anyway...Just my opinion... B-)

Funny, it hasn't been with the owners yet. I doubt it will either. They could take the high ground by showing the books. But they won't. Why? Could it be because the books don't paint the dreary picture they hope?


You bet cha.

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Between the garbage the Bills have put on the field and the attitude of the NFL, the NHL is where it's at for me. With new ownership and the Sabres on fire, the Bills just seem to be millions of miles away right now. I am sure that will change around draft time but I think this sport is slipping (at least to me)....

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Did I miss something? Did Kraft diss Brady publicly? That at least would be one good thing that came out of this!

Sirius NFL radio was talking about it all day, how Kraft has said some comments about Brady filing a lawsuit - he is not happy.


I would love to see him get cut. I don't care if it is a bad move for the Patriots, and even if I was a Patriots fan, I would support it.

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The owners reopened the CBA on the basis that the deal was not working for them and the financial integrity of the game. When they were asked for documentation supporting their claim they steadfastly refused to do so, with the exception of a belated PR proclamation that they were willing to marginally reveal some financial data.


What exposed the intent of the owners to steamroll the union and the original CBA contract agreement was a neutral arbitrator (Judge Doty) who ruled that their coerced TV deal was an attempt to use the TV money in a lockout to out-finance the union. The owners real intent was to lock out the players and ultimately impose a settlement on their own terms. Their brazen act was ruled an unfair labor practice. A ruling will follow to determine the consequence of this unfair labor practice.


Decertifying and taking the dispute to the courts is not going to resolve anything. It is more of a push/back tactic by the union. In reality it will only make this conflict more complicated, lengthy and acrimonious. But I understand why the union took this action. They don't trust the owners, and they shouldn't. Ultimately, the parties will have to get back to the negotiating table and work out an agreement.


In my view the owners never should have reopened the original CBA. It was working for all sides. They got greedy and wanted more. Now it is a mess of their own creation.

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The owners reopened the CBA on the basis that the deal was not working for them and the financial integrity of the game. When they were asked for documentation supporting their claim they steadfastly refused to do so, with the exception of a belated PR proclamation that they were willing to marginally reveal some financial data.


What exposed the intent of the owners to steamroll the union and the original CBA contract agreement was a neutral arbitrator (Judge Doty) who ruled that their coerced TV deal was an attempt to use the TV money in a lockout to out-finance the union. The owners real intent was to lock out the players and ultimately impose a settlement on their own terms. Their brazen act was ruled an unfair labor practice. A ruling will follow to determine the consequence of this unfair labor practice.


Decertifying and taking the dispute to the courts is not going to resolve anything. It is more of a push/back tactic by the union. In reality it will only make this conflict more complicated, lengthy and acrimonious. But I understand why the union took this action. They don't trust the owners, and they shouldn't. Ultimately, the parties will have to get back to the negotiating table and work out an agreement.


In my view the owners never should have reopened the original CBA. It was working for all sides. They got greedy and wanted more. Now it is a mess of their own creation.



Well said.


I dont blame Brady, Brees, Manning etc for siding with the players. They have to show solidarity. They just need someone better than this hack Smith negotiating on their behalf.

I hear ya, Joe. But Smith was put into a no-win situation. The owners were always going to lock the players out. There was always going to be a work stoppage because it's the only way for the Owners to get what they want. I actually think Smith did everything he could given the scenario. No matter who was in there, we'd still be in the same spot we're in now as fans.


Without football in 2011.

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The owners reopened the CBA on the basis that the deal was not working for them and the financial integrity of the game. When they were asked for documentation supporting their claim they steadfastly refused to do so, with the exception of a belated PR proclamation that they were willing to marginally reveal some financial data.


What exposed the intent of the owners to steamroll the union and the original CBA contract agreement was a neutral arbitrator (Judge Doty) who ruled that their coerced TV deal was an attempt to use the TV money in a lockout to out-finance the union. The owners real intent was to lock out the players and ultimately impose a settlement on their own terms. Their brazen act was ruled an unfair labor practice. A ruling will follow to determine the consequence of this unfair labor practice.


Decertifying and taking the dispute to the courts is not going to resolve anything. It is more of a push/back tactic by the union. In reality it will only make this conflict more complicated, lengthy and acrimonious. But I understand why the union took this action. They don't trust the owners, and they shouldn't. Ultimately, the parties will have to get back to the negotiating table and work out an agreement.


In my view the owners never should have reopened the original CBA. It was working for all sides. They got greedy and wanted more. Now it is a mess of their own creation.

problem with players unions is they dont understand that teams have to be profitable, and in order to attract more capital they need the ability to make unlimited amounts. Ultimnately thats good for players too ... so they either get a smaller share of a much larger pot, or all the available revenues of a much smaller pot, which nets them a lot less money. these players union are under the impression owners are doing this as some kind of charity.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Typical union BS. Demean and smear the guy that is making it possible for you to have an occupation. Last i checked we passed through the industrial revolution and working conditions are improved. Last i checked the players seemed to do fine. Lets just kill the golden goose take whats inside and start watching hockey. Dammit

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problem with players unions is they dont understand that teams have to be profitable, and in order to attract more capital they need the ability to make unlimited amounts. Ultimnately thats good for players too ... so they either get a smaller share of a much larger pot, or all the available revenues of a much smaller pot, which nets them a lot less money. these players union are under the impression owners are doing this as some kind of charity.


Are you aware that the owners are making more money under the current CBA than they have ever made before? They are making so much money that they are unwilling to reveal what their profit margins are. Not only would the truth of their financial status undercut their claims but making it public would be embarrassing for them.

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