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Is W now vindicated?

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Why don't you respond to the posts, instead of card tossing, ducking back behind the SHEET, and diverting to another worthless off topic question....

I'm trying to respond to your post but every time I look down to read it my aluminium foil hat falls off. What do you do to keep your foil hat from falling off?

Edited by whateverdude
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Why don't you respond to the posts, instead of card tossing, ducking back behind the SHEET, and diverting to another worthless off topic question....

Ok pissant.


You refer to FOX as though it's a single uniformly thinking entity. This is not the case. O'Reilly was in direct contradiction to everything you have attributed to "Fox" here, for the entire time. So were many of the news contributors, pundits, etc.


In fact, of the news outlets, FOX was the ONLY one that offered a consistent debate on these issues, and recognized that it was a difficult situation for all involved.


Everybody else was contradicting themselves, sometimes 2 times in the same day, doing their best to report the Obama message. This was exceedingly difficult, hence the contradictions, as Obama's message was never clear or consistent.


This is currently happening, all over again, with Libya. Nobody has any idea WTF Obama is saying, or what he stands for, because at any given time that could change.


This is what happens when you put a deliberator, instead of "decider", or leader, in office.


I can back up everything I am saying. You can't.

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Ok pissant.


You refer to FOX as though it's a single uniformly thinking entity. This is not the case. O'Reilly was in direct contradiction to everything you have attributed to "Fox" here, for the entire time. So were many of the news contributors, pundits, etc.


In fact, of the news outlets, FOX was the ONLY one that offered a consistent debate on these issues, and recognized that it was a difficult situation for all involved.


Everybody else was contradicting themselves, sometimes 2 times in the same day, doing their best to report the Obama message. This was exceedingly difficult, hence the contradictions, as Obama's message was never clear or consistent.


This is currently happening, all over again, with Libya. Nobody has any idea WTF Obama is saying, or what he stands for, because at any given time that could change.


This is what happens when you put a deliberator, instead of "decider", or leader, in office.


I can back up everything I am saying. You can't.

Oh look, a meeting of the minds.

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"O'Reilly was in direct contradiction to everything you have attributed to "Fox" here"






document that...


Bill O'Reilly was 100% for



1. intentional lies used to sell out our troops and national interest in Iraq

2. making Osama " not a priority"

3. sending way too few after the "not a priority"

4. flipping off those at war with the "not a priority"

5. keeping Mubarak because MASTER ISRAEL liked him

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Oh look, a meeting of the minds.

Right, would you say Hillary Clinton is an idiot as well?


That quote that came from her "staff", right here. proves me right, and you silly, again. How's this for yet another example that Obama is The Great Deliberator?


“Obviously, she’s not happy with dealing with a president who can’t decide if today is Tuesday or Wednesday, who can’t make his mind up,” a Clinton insider told The Daily. “She’s exhausted, tired.”


He went on, “If you take a look at what’s on her plate as compared with what’s on the plates of previous Secretaries of State — there’s more going on now at this particular moment, and it’s like playing sports with a bunch of amateurs. And she doesn’t have any power. She’s trying to do what she can to keep things from imploding.”



1. I bet the "He" in that originates from Bill Clinton. This is par for the Clinton course. Do you think that there's a coincidence with the 5 point drop in Obama's poll #s, and this statement coming out? I don't. Hillary may run again, and this makes a fine test balloon.

2. I acknowledge that, due to #1, and the fact that we are talking about a Clinton here, this is probably about "legacy" and repairing the Clinton "brand". But still, it's pretty accurate if we look at the results of Obama's "leadership".


Yes, the world is now being led by the Arab League and France, of all people. The "leader of the free world" title that comes with "President of the United States" has been put in serious doubt by Obama. :wallbash:

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"O'Reilly was in direct contradiction to everything you have attributed to "Fox" here"






document that...


Bill O'Reilly was 100% for



1. intentional lies used to sell out our troops and national interest in Iraq

2. making Osama " not a priority"

3. sending way too few after the "not a priority"

4. flipping off those at war with the "not a priority"

5. keeping Mubarak because MASTER ISRAEL liked him

First of all, pissant, O'Reilly gave Obama credit from jump street for not overreacting and/or contravening the will of the people in Egypt. The fact that Obama is a dead stick, empty suit, and that this approach just happened to work out notwithstanding, O'Reilly still gave him credit.


1. O'Reilly not only admitted he was wrong about Iraq WMDs on air, multiple times, he also went after the people he had gotten the info from = CIA, Bush officials, etc. That's honorable, to say the least.

2. O'Reilly has consistently been indignant about every issue related to 9/11 to the point of annoyance, for me. He has been consistent on getting after OBL as he has been tough on the 9/11 charity money being mishandled. Your criticism here is inaccurate to the point of absurdity.

3-4. O'Reilly has always been a supporter of sending more troops to Afghanistan, and winning that war, whatever it takes, no matter what. He doesn't want that country to turn into another place where terrorists can find training grounds and support, and sees that happening as a huge threat to us. He is right. Again, your charges aren't even close to accurate and are absurd.

5. O'Reilly SPECIFICALLY did not support Mubarak at any point, ever. He specifically argued against Beck, and others, on this point.


What you are saying here is the polar opposite of reality.


Feel free to contradict me, but in the immortal words of Monty Python: "An argument isn't just contradiction". You won't convince anyone that you are right. Instead, you are convincing me that you should be banned as a wingnut. None of what you have posted here can be classified as an "opinion".


These are outright lies, and you are the only outright liar here.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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