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Jimmy Carter's Pupil


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look Tom I know you are well informed but you are truly a pompous ass. Anyone who disagrees with you is "a brain dead idiot" or a @* moron. Lighten up a bit. Incredibly you are not always right.



You enjoy watching me beat on retards. Don't deny it. You love it.



(And point of note: there is a difference between disagreeing with me and being a brain dead idiot. Plenty here have agreed with me and been brain dead idiots. Conversely, plenty have disagreed with me and NOT been brain dead idiots. It's the quality - or lack thereof, of which the first post in this thread is a GREAT example - of the argument that determines a poster's stupidity, not the position they take.)


I don't blame Obama for the economy he inherited. He hasn't done anything to improve it though.


Hey, remember way back when, when you asked me to show you where you said the economy was Obama's fault?

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It's kind of scary that people actually buy into partisan talking points as much as you seem to.

Gene. I never said I am buying into it. But Obama and his friends sure are not doing anything based on fiscal logic. I realize you view things from a left perspective so I'm not sure you would agree with that. So does that mean he's dumb? I don't think he's dumb. At least not dumb enough to do what he is doing. That leaves me wondering what his motivation is.

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You enjoy watching me beat on retards. Don't deny it. You love it.



(And point of note: there is a difference between disagreeing with me and being a brain dead idiot. Plenty here have agreed with me and been brain dead idiots. Conversely, plenty have disagreed with me and NOT been brain dead idiots. It's the quality - or lack thereof, of which the first post in this thread is a GREAT example - of the argument that determines a poster's stupidity, not the position they take.)




Hey, remember way back when, when you asked me to show you where you said the economy was Obama's fault?


I said it wasn't all his fault. Arguing with you is tantamount to arguing with one of those old fashioned toys with the pull string that prompts it to say the same thing, over and over and over.............................

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I said it wasn't all his fault.


Yes, limiting your data to ONLY his administration's term is in no way saying it's all his fault.


Arguing with you is tantamount to arguing with one of those old fashioned toys with the pull string that prompts it to say the same thing, over and over and over.............................


Then stop being the same sort of dumbas over and over and over......................

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Yes, limiting your data to ONLY his administration's term is in no way saying it's all his fault.




Then stop being the same sort of dumbas over and over and over......................


How many effin times do I have tell you that I never said it was all his fault? It's data based on his first two years in office. Based on that data he has failed miserably to turn the economy around. Would you agree with that?

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Who cares about blame?


How about: is Obama getting the results you expected from him, if and when you voted for him?

Or, for those of you who didn't vote for him: have the results Obama has gotten good enough to garner your vote in 2012?

Then: if your answer is no to either of these questions, do you expect Obama to learn/improve and start getting good results going forward?


The answers to those questions are: Yes or No.


I don't want to hear excuses. This is about Obama, and nobody else, because he's the one with the job right now.


Keeping things specific to Obama, is he doing the job, or not?


The above are the only questions that matter. Both sides can babble for hours. When they get done talking, these questions will remain the only questions that matter.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Face it Conners gone. The free ride is over.


There are not many liberals left on PPP really. My guess is Tom has decided to turn his attentions to idiotic (at least in his perception) Conservatives as prey is scarce. You see it all the time in nature; when a particular food source is scarce, the predator turns his attention to the more abundant prey. Could just be he is a dick though. I say the last with full confidence it will not offend Tom. He knows it!

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There are not many liberals left on PPP really. My guess is Tom has decided to turn his attentions to idiotic (at least in his perception) Conservatives as prey is scarce. You see it all the time in nature; when a particular food source is scarce, the predator turns his attention to the more abundant prey. Could just be he is a dick though. I say the last with full confidence it will not offend Tom. He knows it!


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Face it Conners gone. The free ride is over.

Perhaps Tom is just pissed that he's going to have to work a lot harder to get his lulz?


Conner/Molson_Golden made things too easy.


Although, in terms of being easily defeated, Frenkle is not too far off conner, lately.

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I am fully aware that Obama inherited an economy going downhill. The causes of that have been debated here enough. I don't blame him for the economy he inherited. I blame him for making it worse. The question is "Are we better off now than two years ago?" The numbers would indicate that we are not better off. It is my opinion that even if Obama had inherited a good economy we would have been heading for deep trouble anyway with Obama's policies. You can't spend your way out of debt. You don't pass bills that you haven't read, and you certainly don't give away companies to your union buddies. Simply put, Obama's policies suck.

My guess is the answer depends upon whom you're asking. Wall Street brokers, Bankers, AIG execs, high level execs in the the big three automakers... they all seem to be doing quite a bit better than 2 years ago.


I think the issue is... expecting anyone to come in and turn around the worst economic collapse since the great depression and make it all better in 2 years or less is just simply having expectations out of line with reality.

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My guess is the answer depends upon whom you're asking. Wall Street brokers, Bankers, AIG execs, high level execs in the the big three automakers... they all seem to be doing quite a bit better than 2 years ago.


I think the issue is... expecting anyone to come in and turn around the worst economic collapse since the great depression and make it all better in 2 years or less is just simply having expectations out of line with reality.


If I saw some progress or felt he was doing the right things to turn this economy around I'd cut him some slack. Since he doesn't have a clue, I'll flame away all I want.

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If I saw some progress or felt he was doing the right things to turn this economy around I'd cut him some slack. Since he doesn't have a clue, I'll flame away all I want.

So Wall Street returning to form is not progress? GM being back from the brink of bankruptcy is not progress? The problem is Obama, like Bush, used the backs of taxpayers to give these corporations billions upon billions of dollars in an effort to save them. Give the businesses the money and they'll re-invest their profits by making more jobs and we'll all be happy. We'll, these businesses were saved. But, they're not re-investing they're money by hiring more workers and building factories and such here in the US. But, that's always been the problem with "trickle down" economics; yet no one ever seems to call them on it. Now, you want to blame Obama for not magically creating jobs and lowering the cost of everything you might buy as though he's the only one that has a hand in any of this. In fact, the only jobs he can create are government jobs, but if he does that then you blast him for building the size of the government. So, what exactly would you like to see this, or any President, do to actually create jobs?


I know, I know he's created an "atmosphere" that's unfavorable for business growth with the health care law and such. I call BS. Corporate taxes are as low as ever. Unemployment taxes are as low as ever. Regulations, across the board, have been loosened over the past decade or more. Yet, corporations still aren't hiring. They're doing what business do.. pocketing the profit and making their shareholders happy. Yet, we all cry that they need even more breaks because we're all certain that that's what it'll take to get them hiring again. All the while neglecting all the breaks they've gotten for the last decade that did nothing but lead to the economic mess that we're currently in.

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So Wall Street returning to form is not progress? GM being back from the brink of bankruptcy is not progress? The problem is Obama, like Bush, used the backs of taxpayers to give these corporations billions upon billions of dollars in an effort to save them. Give the businesses the money and they'll re-invest their profits by making more jobs and we'll all be happy. We'll, these businesses were saved. But, they're not re-investing they're money by hiring more workers and building factories and such here in the US. But, that's always been the problem with "trickle down" economics; yet no one ever seems to call them on it. Now, you want to blame Obama for not magically creating jobs and lowering the cost of everything you might buy as though he's the only one that has a hand in any of this. In fact, the only jobs he can create are government jobs, but if he does that then you blast him for building the size of the government. So, what exactly would you like to see this, or any President, do to actually create jobs?


I know, I know he's created an "atmosphere" that's unfavorable for business growth with the health care law and such. I call BS. Corporate taxes are as low as ever. Unemployment taxes are as low as ever. Regulations, across the board, have been loosened over the past decade or more. Yet, corporations still aren't hiring. They're doing what business do.. pocketing the profit and making their shareholders happy. Yet, we all cry that they need even more breaks because we're all certain that that's what it'll take to get them hiring again. All the while neglecting all the breaks they've gotten for the last decade that did nothing but lead to the economic mess that we're currently in.


You answered your own question about what he can do to help create jobs in the first bolded statement above.


Maybe the drillers in the Gulf could get some of their permits approved that they are legally allowed to have.


The health bill is scaring the hell out of businesses. If they can somehow find a way to avoid hiring they will.


The tax rates that we had were only extended for two years causing an uncertainty.


The crazy spending and giving away companies to his union buddies/donors scares business.


The runaway deficit.


I could go on and on but the business atmosphere just plain sucks.


Tax breaks caused this economic mess? Try CRA and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for starters.

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