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Wade out in Little "D"

Dr. Trooth

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He hasn't taken the hit yet, but no doubt he's worried. I believe he is genuinely embarrassed, as he feels this team is an extension of him personally. Ralph has no such hangups or concerns. He doesn't even come to Buffalo to calm the peasants. He was too busy counting the Canadian$ and gumming his steak to notice his team losing again on the road---oh, I mean at "home".

What do you think Jerruh's been eating every night for the past 2 months? The dollar menu at Mickey D's? And just what triggers his "personal embarrassment?" Was he this embarrassed from 2000-2002 when his team went 5-11 3-straight years under Campo, including a 2-8 start in 2001?

I'm not sure how else you could interpret it. Hey, maybe a few years from now, when some desperate NFL team picks Wade out of a dumpster, JJ will again be gracious enough to tell us all what mistake it was to fire Wade Philips.

After a 1-7 start? Doubtful.

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What do you think Jerruh's been eating every night for the past 2 months? The dollar menu at Mickey D's? And just what triggers his "personal embarrassment?" Was he this embarrassed from 2000-2002 when his team went 5-11 3-straight years under Campo, including a 2-8 start in 2001?


After a 1-7 start? Doubtful.

Of course he was! Why even ask the question?


As for Wade, you never know---old Jerry obviously tells a few tales...especially about that big fish that he let get away.

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I think this would signal the end of wade's head coaching career. Was his ugly split with the bills enough to keep him from coming back as D coordinater next season?



I knew somebody would ask this! WHY on gods green earth does somebody ALWAYS want back someone who failed with the Bills? WHY? Stop the madness already!

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Someone go back and find my posts. Find where I said that he's done and people jumped on me because Jones said he's staying with him. I still said Wade is done and by halfway. This forces Garrett to step up and he's not ready. His offense is in shambles, he's without his starting QB and their D is going to get destroyed. Wade is one of the better defensive minds in the NFL and it will be hard for someone to step in to achieve the same results. The big D's D will break down and force the offense to take the field every 4 or 5 minutes.


This seals Garrett's future, his is in a poor position to show his genius, the one that we were promised so many years ago. Garrett will not be able to find the success to become the official head coach and Gruden should be the Cowboys head coach next year as Jones does whatever he can to win another championship. Carolina and Dallas will be in the Gruden business - I would love to see Gruden choose Carolina over Dallas.

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Why wouldn't he be?

Maybe because he was making money hand-over-fist with a team he'd already paid-off several times over in a stadium he didn't pay for (and which never had its naming rights sold)? And again, where is the "IT'S EMBARRASSING!" PC from back then?

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What makes this even more special is Jerruh mortgaged the farm on his little taj mahal. If he doesn't hit certain high revenue expectations he is in a world of poop.



yes indeed. $1.4B is a lot of coin unless you can grow... not sure that franchise can grow much beyond where they are today...

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yes indeed. $1.4B is a lot of coin unless you can grow... not sure that franchise can grow much beyond where they are today...

Yeah but you can't blame Jerruh. It was a good idea...until the situation changed. ;)

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