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Are Bills games really that family unfriendly?


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With the Bills starting their tailgating crackdown I wanted to see what others thought


I've been going to Bills games since I was 5 years old... so I've been going for almost 30 years, my dad took me to games and we had some of the best times going and tailgating and rooting for the team, good or bad. And it is a shame with what is going on... when I was a little kid my dad didn't take me to the rowdy places like the pinto (which I don't actually think is that bad compared to some others). Just like you wouldn't take a little kid into a bar.


He taught me right from wrong and the proper ways to do things. If anything, seeing those things every once and a while and my dad explaining to me what I should or shouldn't do probably helped me in life instead of living a sanitized sterile childhood.


I think there is plenty of room at a Bills game for families and the people who want to party, if anything the crowd is far less rowdy than it used to be. The rowdiness of the tailgaters is what gives the Ralph its party atmosphere and what makes the games worth going to. It makes it an event. If I want to watch the game in a quieter environment I can watch on my couch and save over $100 a game. If you want to see rowdy and crazy go see a European soccer game, that makes our football crowds look quiet.


So basically I think the Ralph is a fine place to bring your family for a game... should you bring them everywhere? Or course not, but nor should you bring your kids everywhere you go in your normal life either. If you kill the "event experience" at a Bills game, you kill most of the reason to go to the game


EDIT: I just wanted to add that when I was little we sat in the endzone and upper deck, so I saw my share of crazy... now I sit in sec 134 so I am definitely not one of the wild partiers, I just love the atmosphere of going to the games


You obviously don't have kids. I believe that Bills fans have the right to be as rowdy as they want. I also have the right (some would say obligation) to keep my kids at home. Some tailgates are child friendly, some are not. I would never let my kids sit anywhere but the family section. Teachable moments are wonderful, but some 45 year old guy puking in the aisle or pissing in the sink isn't what I would call a teachable moment.

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I don't think the NFL is primarily concerned with fans "drinking a little and swearing", as much as they are the people who are so drunk that they are passing out at their seats, throwing up at their seats/in the aisles, pissing at their seats/on those in front of them, starting fights with fellow fans, etc.


I started going to games in 1985, when I was 6. I've seen some craaaazy stuff in my day. Normally drunken, stupid people having a good time was always fine. If not entertaining, they were good "dont act that way" lessons that I could see for myself.


But the crowds at Bills games lately are not "happy drunk" themed. They are "I"M DRUNK AND A PISSED OFF BILLS FAN AND MY TICKET GIVES ME THE RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING I WANT SO EFF YOU BUDDY!" themed. Every drunk ahole thinks they are the "real fans" and super important to the Gameday Experience, when in actuality, they are ruining it for everyone around them.


Have a couple drinks, if a couple curse words come out when cheering, so be it. But dont be like a large number of people at Bills games and make an ass out of yourself while ruining it for everyone else in your section. No one thinks youre cool for throwing up on that poor couple in front of you (dude at the opener VS the Seahawks 2 years ago).


To me it's not even about making the games "family friendly", its about getting them back t a level where most people can enjoy the game the whole way through without having to deal with some drunk, obnoxious punk.


Yes. This.


The fact that people would try to hide behind "political incorrectness" or threats not to buy tickets so that they can behave like sub-evolutionary neanderthals not only is some form of emotional disorder, its also an upfront display of cowardice.



Edited by wardigital
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I don't think the NFL is primarily concerned with fans "drinking a little and swearing", as much as they are the people who are so drunk that they are passing out at their seats, throwing up at their seats/in the aisles, pissing at their seats/on those in front of them, starting fights with fellow fans, etc.


I started going to games in 1985, when I was 6. I've seen some craaaazy stuff in my day. Normally drunken, stupid people having a good time was always fine. If not entertaining, they were good "dont act that way" lessons that I could see for myself.


But the crowds at Bills games lately are not "happy drunk" themed. They are "I"M DRUNK AND A PISSED OFF BILLS FAN AND MY TICKET GIVES ME THE RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING I WANT SO EFF YOU BUDDY!" themed. Every drunk ahole thinks they are the "real fans" and super important to the Gameday Experience, when in actuality, they are ruining it for everyone around them.


Have a couple drinks, if a couple curse words come out when cheering, so be it. But dont be like a large number of people at Bills games and make an ass out of yourself while ruining it for everyone else in your section. No one thinks youre cool for throwing up on that poor couple in front of you (dude at the opener VS the Seahawks 2 years ago).


To me it's not even about making the games "family friendly", its about getting them back t a level where most people can enjoy the game the whole way through without having to deal with some drunk, obnoxious punk.



Drunk, wasted, etc is fine.


When the line is crossed as stated in your post yes its a problem and needs to be dealt with.


I still think a lot of this is over blowing the actions a few poorly behaved fans.

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Be advised that due to eyewitness accounts by community member 'wardigital', Buffalo Bills fans are STRONGLY URGED to avoid the vicinity of Ralph Wilson Stadium on NFL game days due to the follow common occurrences:


People urinating on each other for enjoyment

Fans consuming their young

Constant vomiting

Harassment of children


In short, the entire area is to be classified as a Lawless Hell Zone (LHZ).


Avoid the area at all costs, or you may feel uncomfortable.



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I am bringing my 7 and 8 year old sons to the Jax game. I am 39 years old. If anyone is drunk and rude to my kids or won't sit down when they are supposed to I am reporting them to security. Go ahead call me names but I am flying across the country and paying a lot of money to go to the game. If someone wants to get drunk stay at home or at least be a happy drunk. Why should my fun be ruined by someone acting like an ass? You all know there are many fans that act that way. We are no better and no worse than any other fans.

No one goes to Jax games, you will be fine. If people bother you take the tarp off one of the multiple sections of seats they can't sell.

Edited by Eric Flowers
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Drunk, wasted, etc is fine.


When the line is crossed as stated in your post yes its a problem and needs to be dealt with.


I still think a lot of this is over blowing the actions a few poorly behaved fans.


No. Drunk and wasted is not fine. There are actual laws against this, you know.

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Be advised that due to eyewitness accounts by community member 'wardigital', Buffalo Bills fans are STRONGLY URGED to avoid the vicinity of Ralph Wilson Stadium on NFL game days due to the follow common occurrences:


People urinating on each other for enjoyment

Fans consuming their young

Constant vomiting

Harassment of children


In short, the entire area is to be classified as a Lawless Hell Zone (LHZ).


Avoid the area at all costs, or you may feel uncomfortable.




A security alert doesn't do particularly much, but thanks for giving it your best.


What I need is you to fall back asleep in your bowl of pork rinds at the Extended Stay and give decent human beings an opportunity to watch a football game without being bothered by the "Does Not Play Well With Others" collective from Mrs. Jones 4th grade class.


What laws would those be? Especially considering RWS is private property? I'd love to hear this.


Do you magically become undrunk and not wasted when before and after the game?


Edit: I also would refer you to the updated Buffalo Bills Fan Code of Conduct, available to all literate football fans.

Edited by wardigital
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LOL. Sorry bro, you are being over-sensitive on this one, and are really just making up things to suit your weak point. I'm sorry that you are uncomfortable around adults consuming alcoholic beverages and assume that anyone does is "wasted" and "unruly" and "Does Not Play Well With Others". I do agree though, that the stadium is not really a good place for you.

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A security alert doesn't do particularly much, but thanks for giving it your best.


What I need is you to fall back asleep in your bowl of pork rinds at the Extended Stay and give decent human beings an opportunity to watch a football game without being bothered by the "Does Not Play Well With Others" collective from Mrs. Jones 4th grade class.




Do you magically become undrunk and not wasted when before and after the game?


Did you answer my question ? you didnt of course because youre wrong.

As for after the game, if i drink someone else is obviously driving me home.


What laws again would have i violated?

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Do you magically become undrunk and not wasted when before and after the game?


And yes! You do indeed become "undrunk" after a long period without additional consumption of alcohol. The body truly is a magical thing!


And, it gets even better! People who drink can also choose to allow others to drive them home. People who haven't consumed any alcoholic beverages at all! Amazing!

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Just a couple points and I'll go back to to the place from where I came.


RWS is a rowdy stadium, for better or worse. I grew up about a mile from it and went to games all the time from about age 12 through 19, when I moved out of WNY. That said, it *does* feel different now than it did back in the day. That could be one of two things. It's either fallen further into the realm of drunken cesspool or I view that type of thing differently than I did when I was 18. There was certainly a time where it wasn't a party if I could remember it. I don't so much find that enjoyable anymore. So that said, my guess is that it's a mix of the two. The thing is, I remember how fun that was, so who the hell am I to tell someone they can't have their turn?


I think someone else said it already, but 95% of people are probably great. The problem is if that crappy 5% piss off three people each, then you've got a metric assload that just had a crappy time at a football game. Hell, everyone is there for the same reason (for the most part).


As a dad, I'm generally not going to care what anyone does unless it feels as though they're threatening. Have fun! Party! Drink! Let's have a beer together! Enjoy yourself! I want you to! It only gets uncomfortable if you're bumping into my kids, dropping beer on them, shouting exceptionally bad crap, or in their way so bad that I've wasted money on the seat. Sure, it's a football game, they're gonna hear some new words. That's fine. It's nothing worse than they'll hear on a school bus. I'd take my 9 year old girl to a Bills game I think, but I wouldn't want to go younger. That's old enough to explain why people are idiots sometimes.


Now, all of this "NFL is alienating long time fans" talk doesn't seem to hold water to me. I think the perceived environment does drive away the "family segment." A family of four is probably more likely to sink money into merchandise in addition to the tickets as well. It's a win-win for them. You tailgate elsewhere and still go to games (after maybe a 3 week boycott) and they create the impression of a more family friendly atmosphere. In dollar terms, it seems to be the right decision. In "I have no kids and just want to get drunk with my buddies" terms, yeah, it kind of sucks. The reality is that a little mutual respect would go a long way, but since it hasn't happened, they're stepping in.


Now, to quote what I said in the other thread... don't get me wrong... if you happen to be seated behind Patriots fans, the proper thing to do in that situation is pour beer on them. If you're in front of Patriots fans, you should stand the whole time regardless of age or medical condition. If you happen to be next to one, it's your choice. Pick something good.

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Unfortunately, I think most pro football games are far from family/kid friendly environments. Even if 90% of the people are normal and courteous, that still leaves a lot of drunk a-holes screaming profanities at people over what hat they are wearing.


College football by contrast has almost none of that. That is where to take your kid if you want a family environment.


College football actually has a lot of that, but its all confined into one place: the student section. If you stay out of the student section, it is a very family friendly atmosphere. Thats the advantage to college ball, you have a choice if you want to participate in all the mess or avoid it.

Edited by Ramius
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Let's put it this way - my dad took me to a lot more baseball games before I was allowed to go to a Bills game. - and we had season tickets. - and we were 11 rows back at the 40 yard line. There is a big difference between going to a Bills game and a lot of other sporting events. Now that I live down here in Atlanta I can tell you that a Falcons crowd is much more docile than a Bills crowd. The same goes for seeing a game in Charlotte.


Bottom line - there is nothing more fun than going to a Bills game at The Ralph - just wait until your kids are middle-school age.

Edited by A tisker a Tasker
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I have two kids,9 and 11, and they have been to two games. One last year and one about 4 years ago, and they absolutely loved it. Did they hear some cussing(outside of mine lol) and see some drunks, absolutely. But they are "teachable" moments so to speak. Kids are pretty smart, they see how foolish these folks look, and think that will stay with them a while. Now, we have not seena brawl yet, and that may scare them a bit, but we shall see.





i dont agree with the parents that feel they have to shelter their kids from everything. my sister doesnt even allow us to say words like 'stupid' or 'hate' around her kids, which i think is just incredibly silly. kids arent stupid. they need to see that some other people act like jerks, and youre right its a teachable moment - youre there with them so reinforce that as the behavior that makes them look and sound and be bad


you cant live in a plastic bubble and expect to come out well adjusted

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A security alert doesn't do particularly much, but thanks for giving it your best.


What I need is you to fall back asleep in your bowl of pork rinds at the Extended Stay and give decent human beings an opportunity to watch a football game without being bothered by the "Does Not Play Well With Others" collective from Mrs. Jones 4th grade class.




Do you magically become undrunk and not wasted when before and after the game?


Edit: I also would refer you to the updated Buffalo Bills Fan Code of Conduct, available to all literate football fans.


Again, you dodge the question.


I can assure you I'm literate. However, i fail to see where it says being drunk is against the law? I fail to see where it says being drunk is against the fan conduct policy.

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You obviously don't have kids. I believe that Bills fans have the right to be as rowdy as they want. I also have the right (some would say obligation) to keep my kids at home. Some tailgates are child friendly, some are not. I would never let my kids sit anywhere but the family section. Teachable moments are wonderful, but some 45 year old guy puking in the aisle or pissing in the sink isn't what I would call a teachable moment.


Nope don't have kids... and I think bringing your kids to the family section is a great idea. I wouldn't bring my kids to endzone seats to a Raiders-Bills game, some places aren't good for kids... but there a lot more good places than bad at the ralph. If you took 75,000 people and put them in 1 area you are bound to have some d-bags no matter what they are doing.

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College football actually has a lot of that, but its all confined into one place: the student section. If you stay out of the student section, it is a very family friendly atmosphere. Thats the advantage to college ball, you have a choice if you want to participate in all the mess or avoid it.


That's been my experience -- students are going to be a little rowdy and a little liquored up, but they are all in one section of the stadium. Plus their first priority is usually the game, not getting drunk.


I thought the NCAA banned alcohol at all college games, but if not (as someone mentioned above) that makes a big difference. Regardless, I've never seen a grown man staggering around drunk at any of the several college venues that I've been to for games.

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Getting a bit heated here. Folks, it's okay to disagree, but do it w/ respect. Leave out the "clown", "jerk", and other colorful terms, please.


As to the topic, I've seen bad behavior and good behavior while attending Bills games. There have been instances of kids being harASSed way beyond the point of "friendly give and take" (I can recall one pre-season game where a mother and her two children, who wore the opposing team's jerseys, were bullied to the point where they left early). It's one thing to say the team stinks or suck, but when you start to curse @ a young child or throw things (beer, trash, etc.) @ 'em, then you've crossed the line. That is not nor should it be acceptable behavior.


Drunks @ RICH? Yeah, I've seen plenty. People throwing up? Seen that, too. No, it isn't 3 out of 5, but I've seen it. More than once. Those who think they can drink, get inebriated, and "don't bother anyone" probably aren't aware of what they see as harmless (staggering to and from their seat to use the bathroom 8000 times, spilling their watered down beer on people sitting 'round 'em), but in actuality, it is quite irritating and harmful to some. It's quite possible to drink and get a nice buzz, then go in and watch the game. I love a good craft beer, so I usually drink quality brews w/ anywhere from 8 to 9% alcohol each and those add up. Yet, I try not to slam 'em one right after the other. By doing that, I am able to enjoy the alcohol and still enjoy the game. I don't drink the swill they serve @ the games, so I just wait 'til I get back to the tailgate spot to have a few more good brews afterward. When I go to the game, I cheer as loud as anyone and have a great time, but I also do my best to respect the fans 'round me. It can be done. You do not have to sacrifice drinking to have a great time @ the games.

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