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McGee replacing winfield??


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ok, this might have already been said but...


why do the announcers always say... "they like this guy McGee. they liked him so much they let winfield go. cus they have McGee to play #2 CB."


no mention of the selveral time pro-bowler vincent. and how McGee was to be the 3rd reciever.


i like McGee too, his coverage skills are good enouph, but hes no vincent, and definatly was not our #2 CB at the start of the season.


they said the same thing last week. are the announcers just reading this off a piece of paper?? i figure since they always do the bills games, they would atleast keep up with the team.

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Tasker has to struggle to say anything good about Buffalo. he's just like MacGuire used to be before he "earned" the right to be a Bills Homer.


Criqui was awful again for the 2nd week in a row. At least he didn't mix up McGahee and Henry this time.


It didn't help that the stats guys in the booth kept getting the down and distance wrong PLUS at one point they had David Boston as a RB on the Bills.


I wish I were kidding........What a guy! he got a 1st down for us yesterday. Didn't you all know that? ;)

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Tasker has to struggle to say anything good about Buffalo. he's just like MacGuire used to be before he "earned" the right to be a Bills Homer.


Criqui was awful again for the 2nd week in a row. At least he didn't mix up McGahee and Henry this time.


It didn't help that the stats guys in the booth kept getting the down and distance wrong PLUS at one point they had David Boston as a RB on the Bills.


I wish I were kidding........What a guy! he got a 1st down for us yesterday. Didn't you all know that? :(



I liked when they said, after forcing the Dolphins to punt (or maybe it was a FG?), that this was the best the defense had played today. Apparantly the INT they had a couple series before that wasn't a very good play ;)


Criqi and Tasker are terrible... I hope they get better (because I like Tasker), but still...



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Tasker has to struggle to say anything good about Buffalo. he's just like MacGuire used to be before he "earned" the right to be a Bills Homer.


Criqui was awful again for the 2nd week in a row. At least he didn't mix up McGahee and Henry this time.


It didn't help that the stats guys in the booth kept getting the down and distance wrong PLUS at one point they had David Boston as a RB on the Bills.


I wish I were kidding........What a guy! he got a 1st down for us yesterday. Didn't you all know that? ;)


First friggin quarter yesterday. "The Dolphins have taken momentum from the Bills."


In the first friggin quarter! Give the game time to develop before you make a statement like that. Really bad game by Criqui.

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Any news  on the contract negotiations with McGee...Weren't the bills trying

to sign him to a long term contract and use some of the available cap money

from this year ?



We passed the deadline for being able to do that a couple of weeks ago.

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Somewhere near the half it dawned on me that Criqui either (a) was pushing to report the game as a big upset of a 2-9 team beating a mistakenly resurgent 5-6 team that only won their last two games against crappy NFC West teams...or (B) he had a crapload of money on the Fish.

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McGee's no Vincent? Correct. He's better. He's younger, faster and Vincent is older and getting slower every minute. There's a reason that the Bills are not that anxious to get Vincent into the lineup. And there's a reason that Vincent is now saying that he is willing to play any position just to get back on the field. Those reasons are McGee at corner and Rashas Baker at free safety. I would not be surprised if Vincent was released during the off season. His production v. cost does not warrant keeping him. The future of this team is with McGee and Baker.

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McGee's no Vincent? Correct. He's better. He's younger, faster and Vincent is older and getting slower every minute. There's a reason that the Bills are not that anxious to get Vincent into the lineup. And there's a reason that Vincent is now saying that he is willing to play any position just to get back on the field. Those reasons are McGee at corner and Rashas Baker at free safety. I would not be surprised if Vincent was released during the off season. His production v. cost does not warrant keeping him. The future of this team is with McGee and Baker.


The Bills need Vincent back AT LEAST as the nickel CB. I asked last week whether he should play FS or starting CB, and most of the reponses were FS, but I think that nickel CB is the best move at this time. Baker is doing well, McGee is improving every game, but Thomas and Greer still aren't there IMHO. At least in Greer's case, he is an UDFA rookie. Thomas is close to finishing his 3rd year.

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