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Do you think Chan will learn from his mistakes?

b stein 22

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Remember the first preseason game we got spanked against the redskins. I think Chan learned from his mistakes and fixed the offense and defense to be more competitive the next week. I think he might be able to do it again next week against Green bay. I think we can give green bay a run for there money if we play to our strengths. I am not saying we will beat Green bay but if Chan is the real deal he will learn from his mistakes. Hopefully Chan will turn the offense around and make it respectable. Im going to say 24-17 green bay. Thoughts.


that is joke. GB by 20+. no brainer.

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I knew we had upgraded (at least a little) from Dick Jauron at the end of the first half when we were still trying to score. NFW Jauron tries to push the ball up the field for a long FG try. It didn't work - it won't always - but it will never work until you try, Dick.


Your entitled to your viewpoint. I was extremely disappointed with Gailey's game plan and play calling. It was anything but impressive and innovative. Offensively, I diddn't see any major changes from last year. That is saying a mouthful.

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The Bills are terrible and they appear to be continuing that trend to start the season. I've been a fan for a long time but I'm done with the Bills (and the NFL too after the Detroit non-touchdown call) as an organization and actually am hoping there is no season next year. This has been a long time coming and not a knee jerk reaction. Good luck to all of you other gluttons for punishment (or fans) and I'm sure there will be a few "good riddance" comments or replies but I won't be on here to read them anyway. The glass finally appears to be half empty for me. I'll be watching ball on Saturdays only now.


Go Bills (away that is)!

Your are quitting football after week one? My guess is you are probably divorced as well? Just a guess

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Your entitled to your viewpoint. I was extremely disappointed with Gailey's game plan and play calling. It was anything but impressive and innovative. Offensively, I diddn't see any major changes from last year. That is saying a mouthful.

I saw some differences. But I agree about the play calling. Before this game, many experts thought Miami was very susceptible to plays run to the outside. They were last year. Buffalo repeatedly ran to the outside, screens to the outside,quick dump offs to the outside but Miami was able to stop us nearly every time. The thing that surprised me is that Chan kept trying the same crap in the second half. Miami's D has obviously been working on stringing out outside runs. It wasn't until the final 8 minutes of the game when Buffalo came out with the no huddle and caught Miami's defense with their pants down. By then it was too late. We couldn't get enough points on the board.


There is no doubt in my mind we can beat that team. Even with the crap for an OL we have. If anything we should have been taking it to them right up the middle.

Edited by Rockinon
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I think Chan will learn from his mistakes -- but I doubt that Trent Edwards will.


Well, that is part of Chan's "learning process" - is he mistaken about Edwards or not?


I would guess Chan and the relevant O coaches will spend a lot of time early this week going over the game with Edwards in a constructive way.

I expect they will work with him to see the misreads and missed open receivers, and where he stepped back instead of up

They will put together a big cuts package for TE on this past game and on GB for Edwards to study at home.


If Chan is worth his salt, he will "expect improvement" from Edwards.

If Edwards is truly coachable by a competent coach, he'll study his film and internalize and improve next week.


If he's not, after a couple games (3 or 4) Chan will "get the Flick" and Edwards will be holding a clipboard for Fitzy.

That was the point of the "QB competition". There are two guys who know the system waiting behind him.

Edwards was better in camp and preseason - but not that much better. He gets it done or he sits down.


JMO and what I expect to see if Chan is who some of us think he is.

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What mistakes did Chan Gailey make?

Off the top of my head:

- 3rd and 30 timeout wasted (assuming it was him who called it)

- TD to Roscoe. Yes it worked, but I believe the smart play was to take the sure 3 points and make it a 1 possession game. The D had been doing well in the second half. If the fish safety hadn't made the mistake the game would have been over right then. It worked, but I think it was a tactical error.

- Intentional safety. Again, not the smart play in my opinion. Not that the alternative had a big chance of success, but at least it had some chance.

- Game plan in general. Floundered like it was a preseason game. At first handing off to Spiller and seeing that didn't work. They tried the dink passes to Spiller to get him in the open and that didn't work. Then switching gears and going to last years offense of Lynch (who did have some success)and Freddy J. Yes he reacted to his failed plans and tried to correct them. But the plans were weak.


Bottom line, Gailey just looked lost out there. Granted it was his first real game as a NFL HC in a very long time. But he certainly needs to improve if this team is not going to be a laughing stock again this entire season.

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