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Aaron Schobel is back.


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well, if i'm not mistaken, i think the poster was simply suggesting that you stay there.




thanks john but i think that everbody got the intended meaning - well maybe not everybody - one would need more than a room temperature iq to understand it


Is a room temperature IQ needed to post properly?

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I don't agree. I waited for a year to post that, until the administration was long gone and he had announced his plans, so as not to give him bad press. I dont think he said much that everyone didnt already suspect or know. We werent drunk, and I wrote it down to send it to a friend of mine. I am just some anonymous guy on the internet. Its not like I printed it in the paper.


He thought the coaches were idiots, and the rookies spoiled. Big deal. Schobel isnt stupid. Even then he was probably playing up his retirement in order to be traded or at least miss camp. He was probably using me by saying all of that. I wasnt sworn to secrecy.

So let me get this straight. Realizing Schobel might now actually play, you thought posting his comments about players currently on the team wouldn't result in "bad press?" That perhaps Maybin would just laugh off the fact Schobel called him a dumb sonofabitch?


You're a piece of work, man. And I don't give a crap whether or not what you say is true. Your integrity falls at the low end of the scale.

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It's true, not sure why he is backing off of his comments now.

Some repsonses applauded AS for his "honesty". Some got on him because of the harshness of the assessments of his teammates.


Some thought Hossage made the conversation up--or at least thought it was dubious that he could remember verbatum such detail (including the Denney "jerkoff motion"), and still others called him out for betraying the confidence of an athlete speaking frankly.

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Weo, you have dedicated six posts to alleging I said things I did not. I have already corrected you. Please do not talk to me anymore.

No, you haven't. You simply called me a liar.


Maybe you should put your fingers in your ears and say "nah nah nah" until this embarrassing episode blows over.

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No, you haven't. You simply called me a liar.


Maybe you should put your fingers in your ears and say "nah nah nah" until this embarrassing episode blows over.

As I said in a previous post to you:


Weo, you are a liar, and a very unpleasant person. I will be sure not to deal with you in the future. The mods deleted the thread. I will not repost it.


I think it is obvious that I did not say he is stronger, faster, and smarter than all his teammates and coaches. Please do not message me again.


Stop trolling. I have blocked you.

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