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6 seperate meteor strikes on one house


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I took a finance class years ago and the professor was telling a story about a house that was struck twice by meteorites- and how skeptical the insurance company must of been. He was explaining how near impossible the odds of that occurring are

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Any other witnesses I wonder. I think he's full of ****. No way. he's faking the strikes. At least the last five. Either for money or just a attention whore. The first meteor broke up in pieces now he's using them bit by bit.



But.... the aliens are after him ... why would this be so hard to believe? Maybe he refused to submit to the aliens demands.

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Ummm...yeah. That "meteorite" he's holding? Not a meteorite. Meteorites have smooth surfaces (because the stone melts) and are rounder or more oval (because of the aerodynamic forces on a melted stone traveling really, really fast).


I don't know if he's been hit by six meteorites or not. But he's definitely not holding a "space rock of doom" in that picture.

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Any other witnesses I wonder. I think he's full of ****. No way. he's faking the strikes. At least the last five. Either for money or just a attention whore. The first meteor broke up in pieces now he's using them bit by bit.


Bingo, we have a winner!

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