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We Should let the Bush Tax cuts Expire

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No. Find it elsewhere. With all the other waste in Gov. they need to start somewhere else. Conceding that wont work. No.

No offense Bluesky, but it's this attitude that I fear....


It's not a matter of conceding, it's about doing what needs to be done. All hands on deck

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No offense Bluesky, but it's this attitude that I fear....


It's not a matter of conceding, it's about doing what needs to be done. All hands on deck



None taken, man. I enjoy reading your posts, but I think your wrong here.


We're at a cross road, wouldnt you agree? And at that cross road its a 4 way stop. Conceding those tax cuts is like running one of those stop signs, IMO. Some of you in this thread are endorsing tax increases to help pay down the deficit, pass, are you guys !@#$iiiing nuts? Cut spending, cut, cut cut. Taxing or spending our way out of this mess is not the right course IMO.

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Some of you in this thread are endorsing tax increases to help pay down the deficit, pass, are you guys !@#$iiiing nuts? Cut spending, cut, cut cut. Taxing or spending our way out of this mess is not the right course IMO.


It will take both to avoid a debt crisis.


However...in the absence of spending cuts, I'd rather not see a tax increase. I'd rather keep my money if it's just going to be wasted on the government equivalent to hookers and blow.

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None taken, man. I enjoy reading your posts, but I think your wrong here.


We're at a cross road, wouldnt you agree? And at that cross road its a 4 way stop. Conceding those tax cuts is like running one of those stop signs, IMO. Some of you in this thread are endorsing tax increases to help pay down the deficit, pass, are you guys !@#$iiiing nuts? Cut spending, cut, cut cut. Taxing or spending our way out of this mess is not the right course IMO.

I'm not saying that there needs to be an equally proportionate amount of tax increases to spending cuts, just that both of them need to be done. Don't get me wrong, spending is UNDOUBTEDLY at the core of our fiscal problems. We will have to make sacrifices, the age that people start drawing S.S will most likely have to go up, of course we can't start it right away, but maybe for those under age 55 will have to be the one's who get affected. Medicare is another area that will have to be addressed, along with Medicaid. This stupid Health Care Law needs to be repealed, I just can't believe they were so stupid to ignore our fiscal situation.


There needs to be cuts in Defense spending. That means getting out of these wars as quickly as possible. It also means that we should lessen our presence in Germany, what the !@#$ do we need 50,000 trooops over there for? We probably need to lessen our presence In North Korea as well.


We need to cut Discretionary spending. A freeze on it for the 5-10 years would probably do it.


But that won't be enough. Ending the Bush Tax Cuts would reduce our deficit by close to $2 Trillion over the next decade. That's alot of dough, that we need.


It's a matter of compromise. Not only is it something I feel that has to be done, but politically speaking, it's probably the only way that it COULD happen if it were to ever happen. Which would be a compromise between the two parties.

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I'm not saying that there needs to be an equally proportionate amount of tax increases to spending cuts, just that both of them need to be done. Don't get me wrong, spending is UNDOUBTEDLY at the core of our fiscal problems. We will have to make sacrifices, the age that people start drawing S.S will most likely have to go up, of course we can't start it right away, but maybe for those under age 55 will have to be the one's who get affected. Medicare is another area that will have to be addressed, along with Medicaid. This stupid Health Care Law needs to be repealed, I just can't believe they were so stupid to ignore our fiscal situation.


There needs to be cuts in Defense spending. That means getting out of these wars as quickly as possible. It also means that we should lessen our presence in Germany, what the !@#$ do we need 50,000 trooops over there for? We probably need to lessen our presence In North Korea as well.


We need to cut Discretionary spending. A freeze on it for the 5-10 years would probably do it.


But that won't be enough. Ending the Bush Tax Cuts would reduce our deficit by close to $2 Trillion over the next decade. That's alot of dough, that we need.


It's a matter of compromise. Not only is it something I feel that has to be done, but politically speaking, it's probably the only way that it COULD happen if it were to ever happen. Which would be a compromise between the two parties.



I see your points. And while I agree with some, I dont with others.


1. Yes the wars need to end. I wont go into the wherewith alls..

2.The tax cuts need to stay, and then some.

3. The DOD needs needs to have its knees cut off. A little.

4. Our presence in other country's needs to be cut.

5. Our countyr's financeal aid to other country's need to be re-evaluaded. ( There's I'm sure a trillion or so in ten years)

6. The dept of Enrg and the dept of Edu, need to be abolished.

7. The health care bill needs to be scraped.

8. SS and med=care need to be trimed to 50 and younger...NOW.

9. SS need to be ended at some generation.

10. Sorry for the speeeeeling, I could go on...... :bag:

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It will take both to avoid a debt crisis.


However...in the absence of spending cuts, I'd rather not see a tax increase. I'd rather keep my money if it's just going to be wasted on the government equivalent to hookers and blow.



obama in his speach today, If I recall corectly said it was Wall streets fault. Funny that he praised Frank and Dodd. :bag:

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We cannot pay our debt. Government has zero percent chance of reducing its size by say 75% in perpetuity to allow us to do so. Raising taxes a few percent will do nothing. It will likely not even raise revenue. The dollar will crash. It is only at its current level because it is the worlds reserve currency.


Our government is purposely spending our currency to oblivion. They know what they are doing. They will not stop.


Debating the tax level to a few percent here or there means nothing. I am a finance dude.

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Thank God. It's about time we got someone on this board with a knowledge of finance.


I am aware some other people on this board work in finance. Your sarcasm shows that you are too.

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So, let me get this right, you want to put more crack in the hands of a junkie, more booze in the hand of a drunk, more food in the hands of a fatty and more money in the hands of congress? :bag:

Who said that?

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