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We Should let the Bush Tax cuts Expire

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We didn't have this Health Care Bill that we have now, we didn't have the significant permanent loss of tax revenues that this crisis has brought us, the Bush Tax cuts added to our debt problems, The Bush Medicare prescription drug giveaway that has added hundreds of billions to our debt, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that has cost the taxpayers $1 Trillion. These are all developments that occured over the last 10 years.


People often bring up the wars as the leading cause of our debt(not necessarily in this post), but whether you're for or against them, from a budget standpoint the wars are hardly the main cause of the deficit. We're looking at the grand total for two wars over almost 10 years coming to around $1 trillion. We spent almost that much on the 1st tarp bill. The budget deficit for this year alone is looking to be at least $1.4 trillion.


You can argue the virtues of the war either way and I can see validity to both sides of the argument and not to say that $1 trillion is chump change either, but let's be intellectually honest enough not to pretend that without the cost of war we'd be whistling Dixie right now.


Per liberal economic philosophy we're actually doing better due to the increased government spending.

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