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Congrats to Ralph, Russ & Buddy...seriously

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Ralph has always let his guys run the organization. He only gets involved when things are going South. But that's the only time you hear about it, so everyone thinks he micromanages things.


As for Edwards, as was stated, Denver and Seattle failed him. But he played last season with no problem and didn't reinjure himself.

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Buzz-killington stikes again...


yes he did, we won by default


Curses, foiled again. Even when I try to give Ralph credit it turns out bogus. Oh well, I hope Edwards doesn't get seriously hurt by continuing his career after that major surgery. I knew he had it, but I did not know Denver and Seattle thought he was too much of a risk by failing him on their physicals.

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Ralph has always let his guys run the organization. He only gets involved when things are going South. But that's the only time you hear about it, so everyone thinks he micromanages things.




I forgot that RW didn't re-sign DJ and then fire him about one year later. How many owner's are re-signing and firing their HC's? Or RW dictating to Wade Phillips that he start Rob Johnson against Tennessee. Or re-signing OJ on the evening of the 1976 season. The list goes on and on and on.

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I forgot that RW didn't re-sign DJ and then fire him about one year later. How many owner's are re-signing and firing their HC's? Or RW dictating to Wade Phillips that he start Rob Johnson against Tennessee. Or re-signing OJ on the evening of the 1976 season. The list goes on and on and on.

Ralph re-signed DJ? Or Brandon suggested to him that they do it, after the 4-0 start? At least he fired him after a year instead of keeping him around longer.


As for Ralph telling Wade to start RJ, I haven't heard of a credible source on that one. Rather, when I saw an interview of him during the week leading-up to that Titans game, he was jovial and confident that RJ would win the game, not like a man being forced to start someone he didn't want. And if not for a blown ST's assignment, the Bills would have won that game.


I don't know anything about OJ being re-signed on the even of the 1976 season. Or the significance of it.

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Yes he did, so it was a business decision. Either sign with Buffalo or you are out of business!




Or keep looking and waiting. He had that option. There would have been other chances for him. Buffalo was indeed a business decision.

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Donahoe's problem is that he didn't stick with anything. He build a pretty good offense that needed some line help in his second year. Instead of building on what we had, he blew the offense up and brought in defensive players- then wasted a draft pick on Parrish.


He gave up on coaches too soon as well.


That's a pretty good summary.


I think the one true trait of the Bills teams this past decade is that they have always been chasing their own tail when it comes to building a team.


What I mean by that is just what you said- they had pieces of an offense in place and then failed to capitilize. Instead, they then turned their attention to improving the porous defense at the expense of improving the offense.


Top it off with all of the terrible drafts we have had this decade (about 25% of the 1st round picks are still around, drafted 50 players in 2001-2005 and only 5 are still with the team, drafting Whitner instead of Ngata, drafting Maybin instead of Oher or Orakpo), and horrendous free agent decisions (signing Royal, Dockery, Walker, Triplett...letting Pat Williams, London Fletcher, and Antoine Winfield walk) and one begins to get the understanding that the people calling the shots are the ones who have been handicapping the team.

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