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Jason Giambi Admits to Using Growth Hormone


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New York Yankees star Jason Giambi told a federal grand jury that he had injected himself with human growth hormone during the 2003 baseball season and had started using steroids at least two years earlier, The Chronicle has learned.


Giambi has publicly denied using performance-enhancing drugs, but his Dec. 11, 2003, testimony in the BALCO steroids case contradicts those statements, according to a transcript of the grand jury proceedings reviewed by The Chronicle.


The onetime Oakland A's first baseman and 2000 American League Most Valuable Player testified that in 2003, when he hit 41 home runs for the Yankees, he had used several different steroids obtained from Greg Anderson, weight trainer for San Francisco Giants star Barry Bonds.


In his testimony, Giambi described how he had used syringes to inject human growth hormone into his stomach and testosterone into his buttocks. Giambi also said he had taken "undetectable" steroids known as "the clear" and "the cream" -- one a liquid administered by placing a few drops under the tongue, the other a testosterone-based balm rubbed onto the body.



Giambi Admits using Steroids

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As Gomer Pyle use to say:



"Surprise  Surprise  Surprise"




Authors of story are on the fan right now. Its one thing to suspect , its another to have it confirmed... This story becomes even more huge....

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Aparantely, Victor Conte, founder and owner of BALCO, has agreed to co-operate with Federal Investigators.  He also mentioned that he will be on 20/20, and is going to tell all, name names, etc.




Nedrow asked Jeremy Giambi why he trusted Anderson.


"I don't know, I guess -- I mean, you're right," Jeremy Giambi testified. "I probably shouldn't have trusted the guy. But I just felt like, you know, what he had done for Barry and, you know, I didn't think the guy would send me something that was, you know, Drano or something, you know, I mean, I hope he wouldn't."


Nedrow suggested Jeremy Giambi probably also trusted Anderson's drugs because his brother had taken them, too.


Said Jeremy: "Yeah, and Jason didn't die."


very scary......

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Personally, i hope that this thing drags out long enough for BB to break the hr record, then have it come crashing down. This is going to be a long long issue and court battle. We're just getting to the beginning of the real juicy stuff. I guess for JG, he wins out in the long run because he came clean, and apparently he won't use them again. Maybe this will not hurt him, health wise, in the future as it did for others (lyle alzado sp?? for instance).


I don't want to say that BB is guilty of taking steroids at this moment, but that's sorta like saying OJ didn't kill nicole or ron. All fingers point in the same direction now.


I do want BB to break the record, just so there's more at stake when his time comes on the stand.

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o, he told the truth and will "accept the consiquences" so lets not scold him or suspend him or do anything to hurt a "TEAM"



BULL sh--!!!!


he only said it cus that guy is "naming names" and it looks better if he "confesses" befor the guy names him on TV.


IMO, any player taking illigal steroids during a season should be fined that seasons salary. and suspended for the following season. he can come back after that but must be tested on a VERY REGULAR BASIS. all stats he has over the "season in question" should be removed from the books.


but baseball wont do this. they want to see home runs and fan favorate to do well.

it will be like when SOSA had the "bat thing". he cheated, but they over looked it cus hes SOSA.


using steroids is like faking being retarded to win the special olimpics!!!!!! (south park)

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whats worse??


taking steroids. (cheating in the game)




Gambling on baseball. (even though you dont bet on your teams games)


i say if hes on the "juice" he souldnt get in the hall until after he dies :w00t::P:ph34r:


just like the "unnamed baseball gambler"

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whats worse??


taking steroids. (cheating in the game)




Gambling on baseball. (even though you dont bet on your teams games)


i say if hes on the "juice" he souldnt get in the hall until after he dies  :w00t:  :P  :ph34r:


just like the "unnamed baseball gambler"


Are you telling me you don't think Pete Rose bet on the Reds?

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at the time he was allegedly taking "juice" (which i have no doubt he was) the stuff wasn't a banned substance by MLB was it?


the "cream" and the "clear" were both illegal, though undetectable.


Are you telling me you don't think Pete Rose bet on the Reds?


of course not, that would be wrong. :P:ph34r:

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