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OT: DVD burning software


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Nero's the best burning software out there. Your son doesn't know what he's talking about.


Although I do encourage you to actually purchase the movies; they're very reasonably priced ($8/movie if you're a good shopper) and you'll get better quality than the ones you steal.



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And I thought you knew everything Darin!  I'm not a union employee, my husband is.  So you're wrong there. And tell me what brethren you're talking about that he's screwing over? And in what industry?  Do you even know?  He's a skilled tradesman. A lot of tradesmen belong to unions. We get it Darin, you're anti-union.  We're not.  We reap union benefits, you don't. So what?  Are you jealous or something? 


I guess you're not so smart after all.  Just a miserable prick with nothing to add to a thread as usual. You can't even stay on topic. I feel sorry for you Darin, I think you need therapy to help you deal with your antisocial behavior and this incessant need you have to insult others simply because they don't see things exactly your way.  Pitiful and pathetic as you are, you do need help.  You're a very ugly person, Darin.


Horray for you :P Get the idiot

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And I thought you knew everything Darin!  I'm not a union employee, my husband is.  So you're wrong there. And tell me what brethren you're talking about that he's screwing over? And in what industry?  Do you even know?  He's a skilled tradesman. A lot of tradesmen belong to unions. We get it Darin, you're anti-union.  We're not.  We reap union benefits, you don't. So what?  Are you jealous or something? 


I guess you're not so smart after all.  Just a miserable prick with nothing to add to a thread as usual. You can't even stay on topic. I feel sorry for you Darin, I think you need therapy to help you deal with your antisocial behavior and this incessant need you have to insult others simply because they don't see things exactly your way.  Pitiful and pathetic as you are, you do need help.  You're a very ugly person, Darin.


It has nothing to do with being anti-union and your semantic argument is nothing more than a pathetic deflection for YOUR lack of personal integrity and proper parenting. You're nothing more than a hypocrite.


I am in fact sticking up for the union employees that YOU and your son are screwing over because you're either too cheap, lazy, or stupid to do things the legal way. But hey, you saved a few bucks so who cares about those grips in Hollywood?


You can call me miserable and anti-social all day long. It's meaningless and based on nothing more than you reading posts on a message board. Those who actually know me are the ones who matter. Your insults at me on a subject you are DEAD WRONG about tell the real story.


Go back to "parenting".

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Guest What a Dick!
Nah, he just downloads illegally shared copyrighted material from other scumbags for personal use without compensation to those holding the copyright.  All with the full knowledge of his mother.


Even better, she's an avowed union employee screwing over her brethren who work in the industry.


Now let's blame the Chinese for stealing American jobs.  :P


Man you are one hell of a douchebag. Do you ever move off the computer? You make asinine comments of everyone's posts that's flat out annoying. The guy who compared you to Ice did a huge disservice to Ice as you're more like Spiked! You really chew the root dude.

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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I feel sorry for you Darin, I think you need therapy to help you deal with your antisocial behavior and this incessant need you have to insult others simply because they don't see things exactly your way.  Pitiful and pathetic as you are, you do need help.  You're a very ugly person, Darin.



Just because he is from Alaska doesn't mean he is anti-social, living in a log cabin writing threatning letters to politicians while polishing his guns.


Well, Darin does but it doesn't mean ALL Alaskans do. :P:ph34r:

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:P  Felonious?  He's not downloading porn, Darin. And I do monitor his internet activities.  I pick my battles with my son, and until I hear of a 15 year old going to jail for downloading SlapShot, this isn't an imminent battle.  There are worse things.  I at least have the piece of mind that he's well adjusted enough not to grow up to be a hateful, miserable prick like you.





I'm sorry, I will shut up now.





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I pick my battles with my son, and until I hear of a 15 year old going to jail for downloading SlapShot, this isn't an imminent battle.



Pardon me...but teaching your children to respect others' property and not commit felonies is optional????




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The RIAA is impeding digital progress. 


Please, let the cat fight continue.



But addressing the very real legal issues that need to be addressed before the digital progress can actually be practical.


In part because we live in a litiginous society. Don't like it? Go shoot a lawyer...

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Nero's the best burning software out there.  Your son doesn't know what he's talking about.


Agreed, but only if he's trying to burn files that are already DVD-compliant and ready to be burned (eg. VOB files, iso file, bin file w/cue). If he's getting his stuff from Kazaa, I doubt that it is...probably avi or divx, needs to convert it first.
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The RIAA is impeding digital progress. 


Please, let the cat fight continue.



The RIAA has nothing to do with movies...


I think the RIAA has been ripping people off for decades, so have less of an issue (personally) with people downloading music. $15-$20 for a CD? Give me a break. The downloading of music forced the RIAA to re-examine its business practices and now they offer legal digital downloading. CD prices seem to have fallen as well (although the class action lawsuit may have had something to do with that as well).


The MPAA, on the other hand, sells entire movies (which cost FAR more to produce and distribute than a CD does) for $8 (again, if you shop around and take advantage of deals such as Columbia House). That's very fair IMHO.


To each their own. (I usually just buy used CDs for a buck on eBay; better quality than downloading and you usually get the whole album quicker than searching for it online :ph34r: And the best part? The RIAA doesn't get a penny. :P )


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Agreed, but only if he's trying to burn files that are already DVD-compliant and ready to be burned (eg. VOB files, iso file, bin file w/cue). If he's getting his stuff from Kazaa, I doubt that it is...probably avi or divx, needs to convert it first.



That's not Nero's fault; that's like complaining that Microsoft Word doesn't do your taxes for you.


My opinion is that if he can't figure out how to do it himself (with the help of Google, USENet, IRC, etc), then he doesn't need to know how to do it. Same thing with downloading MP3s from IRC and USENET - can't figure it out? Then you don't deserve to do it. Keeps the "unwashed masses" away and restores the 'net to the way it was back in the good old days (late '80s, early '90s). Now I sound like an old man (but I'm only 29!) :P


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Ooh, you're going to be on the "miserable prick" list now...



Can't be, sorry. It would interfere with my being a pedantic supercilious anal orifice.


Gotta go steal the neighbor's stereo now...yeah, it's his property, and B&E and burglary are probably felonies...but I'm sure it's okay... :P

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Can't be, sorry.  It would interfere with my being a pedantic supercilious anal orifice.


Gotta go steal the neighbor's stereo now...yeah, it's his property, and B&E and burglary are probably felonies...but I'm sure it's okay...    :P


I stopped at the store on the way home so I could teach my kid how to shoplift DVDs. It eliminates the need for a computer and internet service. Huge dollar savings there, plus I'm helping the environment by not having to throw it away when it's obsolete. That says nothing of the energy savings.

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That's not Nero's fault; that's like complaining that Microsoft Word doesn't do your taxes for you.


My opinion is that if he can't figure out how to do it himself (with the help of Google, USENet, IRC, etc), then he doesn't need to know how to do it.  Same thing with downloading MP3s from IRC and USENET - can't figure it out?  Then you don't deserve to do it.  Keeps the "unwashed masses" away and restores the 'net to the way it was back in the good old days (late '80s, early '90s).  Now I sound like an old man (but I'm only 29!) :w00t:



Agree 100%, though I only go back to '96 on the Net & '97 on USENET.

"unwashed masses" :P That's a big reason why I love the NG's; let the fugtards play with P2P & get busted by the Feds. :ph34r:

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