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Bills are Pathetic

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Look I know everybody thinks I am stupid and whining but I'm simply not buying what they are selling. I really don't know if any ufa's or rfa's would improve the team and quite frankly I'm sick of this team needing so much to compete. Until this year I had season tickets since 1998 and this team has not stopped the run since Pat Williams left, has not had a serviceable LT since Fina, QB since Kelly (maybe Flutie or Bledsoe count for a year)...and every year I buy in and support the team so they don't move but I've heard the same Sh*& for too long I just want to see something different. IMO this is not different. I hope all of the rookies turn it around but now this is past pathetic.

Oh my god....there are sooo many things I find wrong with this statement. Fina was horrible. Maybe he verged on serviceable. Mike Gandy was serviceable. Jason Peters was serviceable.


We need to draft better and not get swayed by the Flozell Adams' and the Marcus Spears' of the world.

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Oh my god....there are sooo many things I find wrong with this statement. Fina was horrible. Maybe he verged on serviceable. Mike Gandy was serviceable. Jason Peters was serviceable.


We need to draft better and not get swayed by the Flozell Adams' and the Marcus Spears' of the world.


My point exactly the last real LT this team had was Wilford, where is the talent at key positions?? where is the talent from the last 10 drafts? RW could have scrapped the scouting dept and just looked a kiper's best available on espn and done about the same. Pathetic.

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Sorry Bills nation but I can't stomach what OBD has been selliing for the last decade. Now I realize that the owners are going to take a hard line with the players and there are business decisions being made here; since all of the RFA's are virtually unsigned and there have been no big money contracts given out to RFA's this year. So I expect a toough labor fight after this season. That being said some of the Buddy Nix Rethoric is pissing me off.


Quotes like "we like Kyle (Williams) a lot at NT"..Come on he could not anchor the nose in our 4-3 defense last year and quite frankly he is NOT a 3-4 nose at all.


At QB or LT "we've got a couple guys we think can play, but we're going to find out"...More BS The Bills don't have a QB or LT on the roster ready to make an impact.


Just once I would like them to turn this place into a bus terminal a la Parcells until we get guys that can play. I know we get get all of these guys but some of the guys on the street or "rumored" to be available include:


Gaither - YES! this trade could actually give the Bills a chance this year

Vick NO

Marcus Spears NO

Adailus Thomas NO

Matt Roth NO

D'Qwell Jackson NO

John Henderson NO

JaMarcus Russell HELL NO ... why would you even contemplate this for a second?

Look we need to take a few chances and cut some dead weight to get better. Thomas would be a better OLB than Schobel assuming he plays or Henderson at NT, make some trades.. something better than another 7-9 campaign.


Ok feeling better.

Better then 7-9 ain't gonna happen this year, unless the red happens



The Bills should improve on offense for the simple upgrade of an offensive minded head coach that knows what he is doing. The only area on the team that really concerns me is the O line in that the QB's can't really improve if they are constantly under duress.

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My point exactly the last real LT this team had was Wilford, where is the talent at key positions?? where is the talent from the last 10 drafts? RW could have scrapped the scouting dept and just looked a kiper's best available on espn and done about the same. Pathetic.



The fact that you keep changing the players you name shows you lack intelligence .... John Fina errr umm Will Wolford.... purely pathetic.. just go away, if this team isn't meeting your needs I'm sure the *pats* or jets would welcome you aboard.......


Buddy Nix and company are trying to correct years of poor drafts and free agent moves. It won't happen overnight so get over it

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I have to come to Bills74 defense. I don't totally agree with everything he has said. I won't go into detail about what I didn't agree with because it was pretty much said in the previous post. However, I do strongly agree with the theme of his statement. I am tired of all the Bills fans who believe the same old rhetoric from this oganization for the last ten years. I will not allow myself to believe there lies or unfounded optimism. You can if you want... We have been saying the same things for ten years straight with little or no results. Wake up people! We can't win; better yet compete with no QB, no LT, no RT, and a D line and linebacker crew that is adequate at best. How the hell can you believe we can win 9 or 10 games? I say we win 3 to 5 games and follow that up with several under 500 records for the following seasons. Bills74 sounds like a very frustrated fan (like myself) who will not be fooled again. To think that Chan Gailey is going to lead this team anywhere is another joke. No big name big time coach wanted the daunting task of coaching and living in Buffalo. Hell, the guy (Gailey) couldnt even win in college. The numbers don't lie. Instead you guys want to focus on how he is this offensive guru. He will be fired in three years too just like the previous coaches. Remember all the high hopes we had when they were hired? The sad thing is I will be watching every Bills game and every play defending my team to the non Bills fans. (I live in San Diego) I am just tired of always refering to the 90's Bills. What else can I say? Now, let the hate mail begin.........

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To think that Chan Gailey is going to lead this team anywhere is another joke. No big name big time coach wanted the daunting task of coaching and living in Buffalo. Hell, the guy (Gailey) couldnt even win in college. The numbers don't lie.






Have you actually looked at his college record? he was a winning coach, just like he was when in the pros... another moronic poster who can't provide actual facts..... I now fully understand why DC Tom calls people dumb and the like, it is well deserved


Just because Gailey wasn't the biggest name out there doesn't make him a loser


Here, read this


so yea numbers don't lie....

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I have to come to Bills74 defense. I don't totally agree with everything he has said. I won't go into detail about what I didn't agree with because it was pretty much said in the previous post. However, I do strongly agree with the theme of his statement. I am tired of all the Bills fans who believe the same old rhetoric from this oganization for the last ten years. I will not allow myself to believe there lies or unfounded optimism. You can if you want... We have been saying the same things for ten years straight with little or no results. Wake up people! We can't win; better yet compete with no QB, no LT, no RT, and a D line and linebacker crew that is adequate at best. How the hell can you believe we can win 9 or 10 games? I say we win 3 to 5 games and follow that up with several under 500 records for the following seasons. Bills74 sounds like a very frustrated fan (like myself) who will not be fooled again. To think that Chan Gailey is going to lead this team anywhere is another joke. No big name big time coach wanted the daunting task of coaching and living in Buffalo. Hell, the guy (Gailey) couldnt even win in college. The numbers don't lie. Instead you guys want to focus on how he is this offensive guru. He will be fired in three years too just like the previous coaches. Remember all the high hopes we had when they were hired? The sad thing is I will be watching every Bills game and every play defending my team to the non Bills fans. (I live in San Diego) I am just tired of always refering to the 90's Bills. What else can I say? Now, like the hate mail begin.........



You probably said the same thing and wrung your hands in angst and defeat when they hired that "loser" coach Marv Levy. Get a grip man and don't let Schopp, Sullivan and Peter King do your thinking for you.

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You probably said the same thing and wrung your hands in angst and defeat when they hired that "loser" coach Marv Levy. Get a grip man and don't let Schopp, Sullivan and Peter King do your thinking for you.


What have you been saying for the last 10 years....

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Have you actually looked at his college record? he was a winning coach, just like he was when in the pros... another moronic poster who can't provide actual facts..... I now fully understand why DC Tom calls people dumb and the like, it is well deserved


Just because Gailey wasn't the biggest name out there doesn't make him a loser


Here, read this


so yea numbers don't lie....


I fully expected several dissenting remarks and I had done my homework prior to my posting. You haven't done your homework!!! Instead you want to sling mud and call names. How sad is that. I don't agree with your assessment of coach Gailey. I wouldn't call 7 win seasons at a major college like Georgia Tech a success. You don't even know your college football. Just ask Tech fans what they thought of him? In Dallas he was adequate or slighty better than that. He lasted a whole two seasons there. I won't even go back to the Samford days...

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I was fully expected several dissenting remarks and I had done my homework prior to my posting. You haven't done your homework!!! Instead you want to sslight mud and call names. How sad is that. I don't agree with your assessment of coach Gailey. I wouldn't call 7 win seasons at a major college like Georgia Tech a success. You don't even know your college football. Just ask Tech fans what they thought of him? In Dallas he was adequate or slighty better than that. He lasted a whole two seasons there. I won't even go back to the Samford days...



you stated he couldn't win in college... I proved to you he had a winning record..... and he made the playoffs when he was with Dallas, plus Jerry Jones said getting rid of him was one of the biggest mistakes he made, its obvious you haven't done enough research

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Sorry Bills nation but I can't stomach what OBD has been selliing for the last decade. Now I realize that the owners are going to take a hard line with the players and there are business decisions being made here; since all of the RFA's are virtually unsigned and there have been no big money contracts given out to RFA's this year. So I expect a toough labor fight after this season. That being said some of the Buddy Nix Rethoric is pissing me off.


Quotes like "we like Kyle (Williams) a lot at NT"..Come on he could not anchor the nose in our 4-3 defense last year and quite frankly he is NOT a 3-4 nose at all.


At QB or LT "we've got a couple guys we think can play, but we're going to find out"...More BS The Bills don't have a QB or LT on the roster ready to make an impact.


Just once I would like them to turn this place into a bus terminal a la Parcells until we get guys that can play. I know we get get all of these guys but some of the guys on the street or "rumored" to be available include:




Marcus Spears

Adailus Thomas

Matt Roth

D'Qwell Jackson

John Henderson

JaMarcus Russell


Look we need to take a few chances and cut some dead weight to get better. Thomas would be a better OLB than Schobel assuming he plays or Henderson at NT, make some trades.. something better than another 7-9 campaign.


Ok feeling better.

The only thing you posted are guys with big names. Give Nix a chance. He knows alot more than any of us. You would really want Russel or Vick? Come on man.

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you stated he couldn't win in college... I proved to you he had a winning record..... and he made the playoffs when he was with Dallas, plus Jerry Jones said getting rid of him was one of the biggest mistakes he made, its obvious you haven't done enough research


Mark you are taking my words out of context. To me a winning season doesn't equate to a successful season. 7 win seasons at GT wasn't good enough. End result he didn't produce. No big time bowl win either. Job didn't get done and he was fired. In Dallas, he went to the playoffs and lost. For Jerry Jones and the Cowboy fans getting to the playoffs and losing in the first round didn't cut it. End result he got fired. My intepretation of the facts are he couldn't win... Only time will tell who is right. I would love to eat crow and be wrong... Just don't think I am. Enough of this childess banter.

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Gaither -- Wouldn't mind if he came to Buffalo.

Vick -- He is terrible.

Marcus Spears -- Two down lineman at best.

Adailus Thomas -- Got a fat payday because of Ray Lewis.

Matt Roth -- Rumored to be unhappy not up for trade.

D'Qwell Jackson -- I like the LB's we have now.

John Henderson -- Old lost a step. Work habit issues.

JaMarcus Russell -- Sorry don't want a 300 pound TE.


Sorry you knowledge of football is terrible. You don't think Kyle Williams can play NT but you think John Henderson can? LOL ok.



Maybe we can convert him to a LT


Kidding of course....... :bag:

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Mark you are taking my words out of context. To me a winning season doesn't equate to a successful season. 7 win seasons at GT wasn't good enough. End result he didn't produce. No big time bowl win either. Job didn't get done and he was fired. In Dallas, he went to the playoffs and lost. For Jerry Jones and the Cowboy fans getting to the playoffs and losing in the first round didn't cut it. End result he got fired. My intepretation of the facts are he couldn't win... Only time will tell who is right. I would love to eat crow and be wrong... Just don't think I am. Enough of this childess banter.



I dont think we have the right to complain about Gailey yet. The season hasnt started yet. And IMO I actually feel more confident with Chan as our coach than I have in a long time

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Mark you are taking my words out of context. To me a winning season doesn't equate to a successful season. 7 win seasons at GT wasn't good enough. End result he didn't produce. No big time bowl win either. Job didn't get done and he was fired. In Dallas, he went to the playoffs and lost. For Jerry Jones and the Cowboy fans getting to the playoffs and losing in the first round didn't cut it. End result he got fired. My intepretation of the facts are he couldn't win... Only time will tell who is right. I would love to eat crow and be wrong... Just don't think I am. Enough of this childess banter.



See as you said, your interpretation.... doesn't state fact... facts are what they are, his numbers proved he had a winning record at both places. You don't seem to equate that to be a winning head coach, so I can't help you with that. Fact is, the guy deserves a chance, and I for one, am excited to see what he can do.

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