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Tyrone Willingham will not be retained


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does that mean hes the coach till the end of his contract, but it wont be extended?? or hes out after this year?? i dont think ND has EVER fired a coach befor the end of his first contract...


It means they will fire him after the bowl game. This will be only the second time ND has fired a coach mid-contract. The first was Bob Davie. Not a great string of coaches we have goin here after Lou...kinda like Buffalo QBs after Kelly. :lol:

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Guest Guest_eyedog_*

I agree it looks like they are after Meyer and had to cut bait with Ty now. That will then send Davis to the Gators. Good move by ND imo.

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I was really rooting for Ty to bring Notre Dame back into the spot light. A true class act... I wish him nothing but the best. Although Notre Dame hasn't produced a number 1 pick in years, I think they are a talented team. One of Ty's biggest mistakes was sticking with Holiday too long. That guy has the ability but not the brains to be QB. I blame a lot of this season on poor coaching. Some games they played great, others they came out flat. How long until the Notre Dame alumni start screaming about wanting Holtz back.

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Guest Guest_eyedog_*

If ND wasn't so damn greedy they could join the Big -10, which actually has eleven teams and needs one more, but it's about the $$$$$$$$$ for them.

And I thought those Catholic schools were against greed.

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Sadly, Notre Dame's time as a college grid power has come and gone, a la Penn State (and now, Nebraska). They can't get the blue-chippers anymore. And not belonging to a football conference does not help, not in this day and age.


It's too bad because for one day this fall--against Michigan--they put it together. But they stumbled badly against the likes of BYU and Purdue, and Fredo and company at SC have whipped the Irish like rented mules the last three years and Saturday night's debacle was the straw that broke Ty Willingham's back. That sorry effort showed the difference between a one-quarter team (like ND) and a four-quarter club (like SC).

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If ND wasn't so damn greedy they could join the Big -10, which actually has eleven teams and needs one more, but it's about the $$$$$$$$$ for them.

And I thought those Catholic schools were against greed.



I guess you don't know your history. They WANTED to join the Big-10, but were turned down. Wounded pride lasts a long time in South Bend.

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!@#$ Notre Dame until they join a conference. When they are in a conference it may finally wake the NCAA, dickless wonders that they are, to institute a playoff system.




Personally I wish more teams were independent...so we didnt have this stupid BC$ garbage where certian conferences get automatic bids....conferences are "dickless wonders" IMO

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The sad part of this is he inherited crap. He has worked his backside off to bring in his type football player and will never see the fruits of his labor. First time in ND history that thet the school has not let a coaches contract paly out.


My bet is Butch Davis is named Wednesday, timing is everything.

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Guest Guest_eyedog_*

They were turned down ? I don't recall that. Please provide a link or info please. I know the Big East wanted ND, and the ACC was talking to them. ND has their own tv deal with NBC { read: independent, no need to share money with conference schools}.

I highly doubt Big-10 will turn ND away if they wanted to join next year.

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I guess you don't know your history.  They WANTED to join the Big-10, but were turned down.  Wounded pride lasts a long time in South Bend.




They wanted to join the Big 10 EXCEPT for football.


Big 10 told them f-you (and rightfully so).

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