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For the Married Men

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I'm just wondering for the married men here...when did you know that your wife was the one?


Ive met this girl and the more time i spend with her the more i feel like she could be that one. We share so many of the same values and beliefs and we just get along so well. I cant find a single thing about her that is a red flag....


When did you know?

uhmm now you know! :wallbash:

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For me it was about 6 months before I knew


I was in the Air Force at the time......and an absolute whore......I used to get ribbed by both the men and women in my unit about what a whore I was.......for my birthday the Sgt that was my supervisor bought me 6 months worth of condoms......I was with a different women sometimes a different one every other night....I remember a Valentines day I was with THREE women in one day. When I look back on it all I wasnt a complete @sshole because I never told anyone they were the one but I was sill an insenstive basturd because I knew a lot of them did like genuinely like me.


Anyway......I met my wife while I was shooting a pool tournament next to the Air Force Base I was stationed at.....she came in with a girl I knew (not in that way) and stayed for about 20 minutes......she barely looked at my coming and going and I remember being so damn fine that the other military guys (shoot some of the girls to) were just falling all over themselves to her.....but drinks kept coming her way and she kept refusing them one after another after another. So anyways they left and I think I walked by and said hi and that was about as far as I got. At the time I dont think I interested her one bit.......


Anyways.....one thing I noticed that night and all the next day.....I could not get her off my mind. She was wearing a red outfit that blended beutifually with her raven black hair and wonderful dark hispanic skin. I remembered thinking this girl could wake up in the morning roll out of bed and she would look this good. Finally I worked my way around to calling the friend whos number I had....and I just kinda arranged it that I would bump into her at the fair the following weekend......anyways it was a really tough sell because she looked right at me and knew I was a womanizer.....but the thing is something wierd had happened. I didnt want anything to do with anymore woman they just didnt interest me....I remember a couple of nights later one of my regulars invited herself up to my dorm room....and was waiting for me to get in. I politely asked her to leave. I knew right then and there that my life was about to change.


Anyways....it wasn't easy. She wasn't interested in flowers or candy or any of those other types of things (even though I gave them) she wasn't impressed by my sports car......she didn't like the clothes I would wear half the time......but one thing that happened a lot was we had a good time together and would make each other laugh.....It got to the point where I couldnt stand to be apart from her......her mom and dad were even tougher sells because I am stone cold white and they are hard core hispanic family.......the mom took one look at me and said she didn't like me and thought I was going to break my daugthers heart. It took a while to win HER over.....


The one person that took a liking to me out of the family (and my wife Priscilla had a great deal of respect for) was Priscillas grandmother. I think that is actualy what ended up getting the final seal of approval.


Been married for 16 years. I have never been unfaithful or realy even given serious consideration to being with someone else.

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