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Jason Taylor signs with the Jets. Bills fall farther behind pack

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Textbook response to a person calling a spade a spade. You hit all of the talking points from the Bills optimists:


1. Say Nix/Gailey are better qualified than us to make decisions. We have to trust them, like we did Levy, Jauron and Smithers.

2. Tell poster they're miserable, and shouldn't be. Besides, optimism is better because reality bites, man.

3. Talk about the future, draft, great free agency despite no "names." This being the second rebuild since 2006, why not?

4. Demonstrate addition by subtraction (DJ) People said the same thing about TD four years ago.


The point is, the people picking the actual football GM and HC are still the same. Wilson, Smithers, Overdorf, et al still control who the face of the franchise is at GM and HC. Except this time when it dawned on them to hire an actual GM (of football I might add) they realized they had irreparably harmed their reputation. It's going to be a long road back, assuming the team remains beyond the lease running out after the 2012 season. Plenty of time to rebuild, even with a likely lockout.

Hey BillsVet, he asked my why I felt the team was different and I answered the question. pure and simple. sorry if my answer wasnt to your liking or had things you have heard before. calling a spade a spade, what the hell is that supposed to mean? I am totally opposite than him. and you. the poster is miserable. he is titled to his opinion but like I said, nothing is going to make him, or you, happy. all those things i stated, are they not positives ?can't you guys find anything you like about the changes? to make a new thread complaining about the jets signing taylor and getting so much better than the bills is just annoying. its the same thing over and over with you negative ones. do we get a new thread for every player signed by the other teams? its a couple days from the draft its supposed to be a happy time. we are just about to get a huge influx of talent, isnt that something to be happy and excited about?


and so what wilson is still in control of who the face of the franchise is. its his frickin team. yes, he's made some bad pics and decisions. but he's made some good ones in the past also. we all liked Donahoe at first. Bill Polian of course. Butler. nix is his choice now. and he picked Gailey. so thats what we got now. you can do 3 things. get behind them and support them and give them a little while to impose their plan. or you can B word and complain all the time that they suck because you know better. or you can just go follow another team. if you guys cant find anything good about our team then really, why stick around? if they upset you so much, why do you put up with it? is all the complaining going to change anything? do you think they are looking on this board for our input? gailey said it best, "don't tell me about the labor pains, just show me the baby." winning is the only thing that'll shut up the nay sayers and I seriously doubt even that will do it.


you know what, i'm just gonna put you on the list of people who just don't get it.

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Yeah. Where are they going?
You don't sound delusional. You sound depressed. If the team is going away in 5 years, why not enjoy them while they're here? Or if you'd like, you can post angry stuff on the message board of the next city they're in.

I am just being logical. You are gonna sit here and tell me that there is NOT the POSSIBILITY that the Buffalo Bills will move away to another city once Ralph Wilson kicks the bucket in a few years???


Is you say there is no way that happens...YOU are the delusional ones.


Do I want the Bills to move? For God's sake, HELL NO I don't! But, I do think there is the possibility.


Do I think it will happen? No, probably not. The Hall of Famers who love this team, the City of Buffalo, the State of New York...billionaires who love this area and who grew up here like Tom Golisano, and to a lesser extent Danny Wegman...will not let this happen to the Buffalo Bills OR like before, the Buffalo Sabres. At least not for a LONG time.


Now, with that being said...I am fully enjoying my time with these teams. BOTH of them, Bills AND Sabres. Yes, I am depressed, for many reasons...some being the Bills and Sabres, NEVER being able to see them "Win the BIG One!" Also, the fact my Pops never got to see the Sabres win the Cup. I am also a Yankees and Celtics fan, always have been...but it is WAY different seeing them win, especially since they are big market teams and are expected to win every year.


Like my Father said..."The Bills and Sabres will always break your heart, they have mine for 30-40 years."



(I did NOT mean to offend or upset either of you. I was just being real and asking an honest question.)

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I am just being logical. You are gonna sit here and tell me that there is NOT the POSSIBILITY that the Buffalo Bills will move away to another city once Ralph Wilson kicks the bucket in a few years???


Is you say there is no way that happens...YOU are the delusional ones.


Do I want the Bills to move? For God's sake, HELL NO I don't! But, I do think there is the possibility.


Do I think it will happen? No, probably not.



So your freaking out about a possibility then? How do you cross the street? Theres the possibility you might get ran over right? Just relax, and worry about it when Ralph finally shuffles off his mortal coil.

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Everyone needs to relax...2010 isnt, nor was it ever inteded to be, a return to glory. Its a year for a new staff to come in and put their stamp on this team and build a foundation with the young players we have and the ones we are about to draft. Its the year to start the development of guys like Nelson, Maybin, Brohm, Hardy, Johnson, our rookies from this draft, etc...


I am not concerned about Taylor who will be done in a year or two, just about the same time our guys will be hitting their stride in development. Let these other guys sign these aging Vets like Taylor, Holt, LT, etc for a run at the SB the next 2 seasons while we build our foundation to be a leader of this division over the next 10 years.


when our young guys "hit their stride", their rookie contacts will be up and they will leave in free agency, as so many before them did. and the rebuilding cycle will begin again.

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So your freaking out about a possibility then? How do you cross the street? Theres the possibility you might get ran over right? Just relax, and worry about it when Ralph finally shuffles off his mortal coil.


Its a no brainer that the Bills will move once Ralph is gone, as the other owners are mainly concerned with the value of their franchises, just like you are with the value of your house. you don't want your neighbor selling below market value, do you? well NFL franchise owners want the Bills to go to the highest bidder, as that price reflects what their teams are worth as well. forget tradition,history, etc. not relevant. $$$ will carry the day... it is not probably possible for the high bid for the bills to come from a bidder locating the team in WNY, unless the state uses tax money to sweeten the deal ,etc. any other area will provide a higher income base supporting a higher bid... simple economics and math dictate the bills are moving once Ralph is gone, unless the new york welfare state comes to the rescue .... again

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when our young guys "hit their stride", their rookie contacts will be up and they will leave in free agency, as so many before them did. and the rebuilding cycle will begin again.

To think what having Pat Williams here would have meant as an anchor for the DL...so many years of bumbling around instead.

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Billsfreak, do you HAVE any OPTIMISM? yes,my first paragraph was totally sarcastic and meant to be. if you think its childish, that really doesn't bother me. what really was childish was the post where you said you were a bigger fan than me.(i'm pretty sure that was you- if not, my sincere apologies).the people who think the opposite of you may find my sarcasm entertaining. but there are a certain few of you on tsw that are just so totally negative and depressing and very infrequently does anything positive come out of your guys mouths. and frankly, it just really gets old. I find it hard to believe that ANYTHING the Bills do will please you. to me its just a sad way to live life. there are many positives to build on here, instead many just dwell on the negatives. do you really think you can build a better team than nix/gailey? these guys have lived their lives around football and i'm pretty sure they know much more than any of us fans on how to build a winning team for the long hall.


i totally disagree its the same team. there have been many changes. i will list what i feel are positives.


1. jauron was fired. he sucked and cost this team dearly. so addition by subtraction.


2. a new coach was hired. not the flashy name we were looking for. but i like this guy so far. he's had a winning team at all levels wherever he has gone. seems like a straight shooter. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a couple years to see what he can do. see if he has good game plans,good game day decisions,makes his players accountable.


3. we have a GM! russ brandon wasnt. marv wasnt too good at it. is it a big name guy, no. but this guy did well with the bills years ago and well with SD and has been around football all his life. I feel he is going to be a positive addition . he knows what he wants to do and is doing it. it may not be what some of you experts want(oh my childish sarcasm again-oops). but again, i am going to put my trust in someone like him and not joe shmo fans on here who think they know what they are doing. he is much more qualified than any of us and I like what he is doing so far.


4.T0 is gone. Did that really make a big difference last year? personally, and i know I have quite a few people that will agree with me here, didnt think he was all that great. dropped some balls, didnt go after others cost us a few ints because of it. dont think he was worth 6.5 million that is for sure. Yes terrel would maybe be an ok option but it would be at the cost of our other players being developed. hardy may be good given a chance. won't know with him riding the pines. I honestly believe S. Johnson will be awesome. The guy can play. and roscoe, i'm pretty sure he wasnt used in the proper fasion and think he'll excell with a compitant coach. nix or gailey said that they look at some of our players differently than some of us fans do and the recievers could be one example of that. now josh reed, i am sorry to see him go. He was one of my favorite playes. an awesome blocker, usually reliable and almost always good for a first down. I'm not sure why they let him go. but no one has picked him up yet. not even new england. they still may, but if he was THAT good i think he would have been signed by now. so is it a big deal? i think not.


5. i realize the bills havent made too many free agent aquisitions, but they said this right from the get go. I think they want to go younger and be able to pick the people they want and mold them the way they want to. we all know the redskins never made it work and i cant really think of any team that HAS bought itself a championship. could we have maybe added a few more playes. yes. but its apparent these guys have a plan. I dont think jason taylor would have put us over the top this year.do you? its fine for the jets to try something like this because thet are much closer than us. but in no way does it guarantee them a damn thing. the problem with finding short term solutions to problems is that they are short term solutions. they need to find long term solutions if we are to stay competitive for awhile.


6. they got rid of the T.V.'s!


7. we still have the draft. and then i gotta listen to all the people who didnt like who they picked. God I hope they have a good draft that everyone likes but realistically that aint going to happen. I can see them picking spiller or someone many feel we dont need and tsw melting down after that. I personally want the best player available with a nod going to the needs. will i be upset if spiller gets picked? no. i think he's a gamer. do i want a left tackle? yes, but if the one available isnt much better than what will be available later in the draft, i'd like to upgrade anywher we can.


8. dwan edwards was more than a role player. he was one of the better free agents available. and andra davis is no slouch. now i will give you this, cornell green may be a role player. but we had a huge hole to fill and he should fill it ok till we get someone else.


9. we have 2, yes two, strength and conditioning guys and got rid of one that obviously wasnt helping.


ok i guess i am done for now. I don't expect to change your mind. its doom and gloom for you. I wouldnt be so sarcastic if there was ever something positive you wrote but its pretty rare.there are a handfull of people that are like you here on tsw. you guys can all hang out and be depressed together. Misery loves company . I like our direction. we havent had a direction in so long. so you can be your usual negative self, and I will remain my postive self and life will go on. I guess we'll know in a year or two who was right.


and to all-sorry for any spelling errors. too tired to go back and check again

Yes I do have optimism, where there is some to be had. My whole question was actually a serious one, which was why do you think they will be better and more exciting when it is basically the same team. Yes T.O. didn't make a huge difference, and I wasn't a fan of the signing from the beginning, but you have to be realistic in that nobody on this roster is as good as him playing opposite of Lee Evans. We don't know how good this FO will be until they prove it. People have been saying the same thing every time they hire new people over the past decade plus. Do you think that when they hired Donohue (who screwed this organization up) people weren't saying, he was great look what he did in Pittsburgh? I have had so much optimism over the past decade and had it thrown back in my face, that now I am a little cautious to throw it around anymore until they prove it is warranted. It isn't doom and gloom for me, it is reality. I will be cheering just as hard as anyone else come sundays, but all I am saying is I am done getting my hopes up and buying the BS that they put out each year to sell tickets, and end up with the same disappointing results. I guess at this stage of the disaster that is this franchise, I would rather be pleasantly surprised if they actually do something right then continue the ongoing disappointment that has been sundays for years.

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The only thing I see being "moved" is half the Bills' home games to Toronto. There are no more NFL markets (after LA gets filled, if it ever does), much less a market willing to pay for a new stadium, and a relocation fee on top of the team price will be a another hindrance

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Yes I do have optimism, where there is some to be had. My whole question was actually a serious one, which was why do you think they will be better and more exciting when it is basically the same team. Yes T.O. didn't make a huge difference, and I wasn't a fan of the signing from the beginning, but you have to be realistic in that nobody on this roster is as good as him playing opposite of Lee Evans. We don't know how good this FO will be until they prove it. People have been saying the same thing every time they hire new people over the past decade plus. Do you think that when they hired Donohue (who screwed this organization up) people weren't saying, he was great look what he did in Pittsburgh? I have had so much optimism over the past decade and had it thrown back in my face, that now I am a little cautious to throw it around anymore until they prove it is warranted. It isn't doom and gloom for me, it is reality. I will be cheering just as hard as anyone else come sundays, but all I am saying is I am done getting my hopes up and buying the BS that they put out each year to sell tickets, and end up with the same disappointing results. I guess at this stage of the disaster that is this franchise, I would rather be pleasantly surprised if they actually do something right then continue the ongoing disappointment that has been sundays for years.

let me just ask you this. Out of all those things i listed as positives and being different than last year, do you agree with any of them?

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when our young guys "hit their stride", their rookie contacts will be up and they will leave in free agency, as so many before them did. and the rebuilding cycle will begin again.


You are holding on to a regime that no longer is here...and in reality, we have been pretty good in retaining our better players for a while now. Ones we let go, like Clements commanded contracts that far exceeded their value and it was the right move letting them move on.

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