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Like I told Him, that is not offensive to me or my people, and Im not trying to mock anything, just thought it was a funny picture, but I have changed it.

you can never please everyone...someone always finds something offensive

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If the Bills would like to get really bad, return to the 2-14 seasons of the 80s, then they should just follow the adivce of some on this board, as in this example.


I cannot remember the last time that Culpepper had a good game, let alone looked anything like a starting NFL quarterback. The kind of move the Bills did in the mid 80s, pre-Polian.


NO Vick, Culpepper, McNabb, Garcia...





My post from the "Let's get Culpepper" thread.


Ditto: Just add Campbell to the list. He is inconsistent, throws the ball 5-7 yards a shot in his 'good games' and will, in my estimation, never be a starting quarterback again.


Zorn was another dumb coach in Washington, going down with the ship, as he played one of the league's all time worst long term starting quarterbacks. And all the while the Redskins have had a quarteback on their roster who actually could have lead them to the promised land, with the opposite qualities of a bum player like Campbell--Todd Collins.

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For those who actually watched Jason Campbell, and doesn't just look at his numbers for the sake of fantasy football, he is a decent QB prospect. His main problem is that he has been a square peg in a round hole- he isn't cut out for the west coast type offense that the Redskins have been running.


If he comes at a low cost, I would like to see him here. I am not for investing too much in the position until we have good offensive and defensive lines.

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I have mixed feelings on Campbell. If we sign him and he plays well under Gailey and leads us to some winning seasons, he potentially becomes our quarterback of the future.


On the other hand, if we sign him and he still plays somewhere in the below average - halfway decent range and doesn't do any better than Edwards/Fitz then we are set back another couple of years.


In my opinion it would be a gamble to bring him in. There are too many questions about his performance and I would much rather bring in a serviceable veteran stop-gap quarterback for a year or two to man the offense while we groom a project guy we get in the draft. (Also, I am not discounting Brohm to remain on the roster and be a competitor this year :thumbsup:)

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Hey CarolinaBill, that avatar is in really poor taste, it's actually pretty offensive. I don't see the need to mock religious beliefs on a football forum.



how his avatar can be religious? all i see is a dude wearing a mask on and that about it..i dont see any cross or nothing like that..

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Jason Campbell has the physical tools and he has improved every year- but he doesn't seem to be much of a leader, he seems to lack the spark, still better than anything on our roster and better than any QB we could draft this year at least for the next couple seasons- some of the people on this board crack me up, they are like a bum with a dime in his pocket who refuses to pick up a dollar on the ground cause he's are waiting for a ten to blow by.

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The thing is it is really hard to know what he is as a qb -- dating back to college hasnt he had like 7 coordinators in 8 years or something ridiculous like that? many of them completely changing systems, and making him start over from scratch learning an offense.


Ive seen him play some stellar games and some terrible games. If we picked him up, we would need to go line - line - line in FA, and draft. Weve seen he cant play behind a crappy one. if we got a strong line that kept him upright, I could see him being an 8-10 win kind of QB consistently. I think he can lead a fringe playoff team year in and year out (think garrard, schaub, and a host of others that are always in the wildcard hunt -- not style, but ability to win), and with some lucky bounces, maybe a little better.


is that better then what we have? yes. is it the ultimate goal? no, i dont see him winning a superbowl. but the playoffs would be a big step for this team at this point.

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The thing is it is really hard to know what he is as a qb -- dating back to college hasnt he had like 7 coordinators in 8 years or something ridiculous like that? many of them completely changing systems, and making him start over from scratch learning an offense.


Ive seen him play some stellar games and some terrible games. If we picked him up, we would need to go line - line - line in FA, and draft. Weve seen he cant play behind a crappy one. if we got a strong line that kept him upright, I could see him being an 8-10 win kind of QB consistently. I think he can lead a fringe playoff team year in and year out (think garrard, schaub, and a host of others that are always in the wildcard hunt -- not style, but ability to win), and with some lucky bounces, maybe a little better.


is that better then what we have? yes. is it the ultimate goal? no, i dont see him winning a superbowl. but the playoffs would be a big step for this team at this point.

yeah campbell has been put thru the ringer with all the OC's and playbooks he had to learn, it's gotta suck for him. But he has the skills, if he can stay in the same system for some extended period of time he can be a very good player, unfortunately, we have yet to see that come to fruition, so right now he looks like a glorified backup.

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Hey CarolinaBill, that avatar is in really poor taste, it's actually pretty offensive. I don't see the need to mock religious beliefs on a football forum.

But you did feel the need to call him out, and make it an issue, without no information. That's fitting.


As far as Campbell, I would rather pass. I do think he is better than Edwards, and I would rather not even see him on the roster next year. I trust Nix/Gailey to find a QB they think CG can work with and develop. Maybe Campbell is that guy... I don't think he has ever given up, so that gives him the job over TE.

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But you did feel the need to call him out, and make it an issue, without no information. That's fitting.


As far as Campbell, I would rather pass. I do think he is better than Edwards, and I would rather not even see him on the roster next year. I trust Nix/Gailey to find a QB they think CG can work with and develop. Maybe Campbell is that guy... I don't think he has ever given up, so that gives him the job over TE.


What are you talking about? did you see his avatar before he changed it?


It is really anoying that some how in the world we live in it's socially acceptable to make fun of Christianity with out any backlash what so ever.


If anyone tried to make fun of any other religious sect, the whole community would be up in arms.


Look all I did was post my opinion, that`s it.


Suck it.

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Guest dog14787
absolutely not



I'll 2nd that,


Jason Cambell shows flashes of greatness from time to time, but so does Fitzpatrick and inconsistency at the QB position is something the Bills need to remedy.

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Why do you guys think that different is better...


If he was worth a damn, Campbell or Jackson, their respective teams would hold on to them. We all already know JP stinks so why bring in another QB that can't get it done with a good running game and offense.


At least the Bills QB's had various excuses, bad O line, bad scheme, rookie play caller, bad head coach. Both Jackson and Campbell had their chance to shine on much better teams then Buffalo's, those guys would really stink it up with the Bills.

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Like I told Him, that is not offensive to me or my people, and Im not trying to mock anything, just thought it was a funny picture, but I have changed it.



What was the Avatar that offended someone? --Surely it was not that Spider Man imposter Avatar you have now?


Did it offend Muslims? -- OOh, OOh Now I 'REALLY' have to see it. :doh:

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