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The Wolfman...anyone see it?


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Saw it yesterday. Had some ups and downs for me. Thought it was well produced. Nicely shot. Great sets and fantastic special effects. Scene in the Asylum as the doctor is lecturing is my favorite for effects and makeup. The story was good. It seemed pretty faithful to the Lon Chaney Jr original in atmosphere and even the actual look of the Wolfman. Looked more like the 1940s original than say, American Werewolf In London. Rick Baker did effects and make up for both films I believe. I thought the actual performances of Hopkins and Del Toro were kinda flat. Although Emily Blunt was good and very beautiful. My other minor gripe is that for me, as atmospheric as it was, it failed to build tension. Only a couple times was I really scared. But all in all I think there is enough here to make it worth seeing. Especially if your a fan of the original or American Werewolf In London.


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I liked it, and it's worth seeing, but it won't leave you thinking "Holy Sh%*" like when I first saw Alien. Part of that is because we are already familiar with the general storyline. I liked the makeup similarity to the Lon Cheney Jr. Wolfman. But I did guess the surprise twist fairly early on. And it did leave open the possibility of a sequel. I'd give it 3 out of 4 stars.

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Interested enough to plan to see it, but critic reviews just butchered the movie




A good friend of mine wrote (or co-wrote as it turned out, after re-writes) the screenplay. He wasn't very pleased with it at all, but he tells me that about everything he does. I went to see the film Saturday night. I thought it was pretty good. After reading the reviews, and my friends take, I was expecting a "holy sh**t that was bad" like my reaction to the Tim Burton "Planet Of the Apes" movie. I must admit, big budget, special effects flicks are not normally my thing, but I was pleasantly surprised. I would have loved this movie if I was a kid. I can see some of the complaints, for me, the biggest was, the story just seemed so fast paced, at times I thought I must have missed something... but the action sequences were great, and, I think the ferocity of the the Wolfman was well represented... glad to see others liked it okay too! I don't always trust my opinions of movies...

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saw it on Saturday....it isn't much of anything. Really poorly directed. No tension or excitement, just sort of floats there.

Some nice photography though.



Yeah, I agree...it seemed like there was such a rush to get from point A to point B...

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