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Darren Woodson on Mike and Mike just said why

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No issue with 26 27 28. 25 was either out-coached or Jim Kelly calling his own plays & with his huge ego, he was going to pass the ball even if the Giants were playing the 1-10 defense

No doubt...I completely agree. By "out-coached" I meant whoever was calling the plays and decided Thurman's 9 YPC wasn't working (very likely could have been Jimbo).


Of the 4 games, deep down I believe only 26 wasn't winnable. 25 should have been a 10 pt. win, and despite the complete joke that 27 became, I really think we could have won if we didn't have that horrendous start and Kelly went down.


28 might have hurt the worst because we were probably mere plays away from forcing Dallas to abandon the run and try something new. I remember looking at my dad when the 1st half ended with us up 10-6 and saying "This might just happen."


:lol: (we need a beer smiley with a sad, forlorn, beaten-down face)

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spoke with the Condo- yeah Jerry Crafts and he said the team was getting hammered the Sat before the game - i think it was the wash bowl. he saw biscuit and company getting lit and him and some other player looked at each other and said "we're screwed".



Crafts wasn't on the team yet when they played Washington, so I'm guessing it wasn't that one.

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Great, now Darren Woodson turns into the role of randon fan. Yes it was know that Bills partied in Tampa. Yes we heard stories about Darryl getting into a tussle with Magic's bodyguard in LA. But I don't recall wild shenanigans on the streets of Minneapolis nor partying in Atlanta. Basically, in 3 of 4 games Bills played a better team, and in the first they were too cocky and mismanaged the game which should have been a blow out.


ps - I'm also guessing Woodson is talking from personal experience when Barry Switzer ran them through boot camp.

This. Washington was the best team in the league in '91, and the added bulletin-board material from Chuck Dickerson probably didn't help. '92 Bills (the team Dallas smoked in the Rose Bowl) didn't even win their own division. Can't remember how big the point spread was for that game, but it should have been double digits, especially with Kelly's knee still not right. Might have an argument for the last one, with Thurman's "cramps" knocking him out for the rest of the game after his devastating fumble...

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it was a known fact that many bills players partied their butts off.....back in the day, i would see them out on friday nights before games all the time(mulligans on hertel, pierce arrow in west seneca, kelly's club).....sometimes on saturdays....... my sister worked at Jim Kelly's club, old bar in the main place mall, the private room upstairs....... the stories i could tell.....absolute fall down drunk.......no way they recovered by sunday.



discipline my azz during super bowl week......it was shameful......partying....hiding thurmans helmet....etc.....


no doubt it contributed in a negative way




Too Bad....this team had so much talent..they could have been one of the all time greatest teams but now they are known for being a four time loser..too bad for Buffalo fans

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I heard Thurman Thomas talk about this many years ago on a talk show...I can't remember which one. He said something about them being out every night during the Super Bowl and even being out the night before the Super Bowl.


The host said something like, "...but it's the Super Bowl"....and Thurman said something like, "...we were a party team and we were trying to live up to that reputation..."


Now the reputation is they are the biggest joke to choke in 4 straight.


Heres to being the only team ever to lose 4 in a row :thumbsup:

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I thought this was common knowledge?


Marv himself has said if he could go back and change one thing, he would have enforced a curfew.

There are lots of stories about Jimbo and Chris Berman partying harder than anyone else in the SB cities. Storied told by those guys themselves.


And that isn't even talking about the trouble they used to get into in Buffalo.


If any of those guys (Kelly, Thomas, Smith, Bennet, etc) could have put down the mirror and straw for just a few nights, we probably would have won at least one Super Bowl.


The guys on the "Glory Years" teams were some of the hardest partyers to come through Buffalo. Had the internet been around back then....


Yep. I'm not saying anything else, because its not like I know anything about that. :thumbsup:

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