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Get rid of the "Pro Bowl"

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The better and best players who could play the pro bowl are either still playing (New Orleans and Indie) or hurt from the season and playoffs.


What would be better is to have a "blow bowl" comprised of the better players from the teams that sucked so bad we neve got much chance to see them. Ok...the teams probably sucked BECAUSE of the players on them, but what the heck...we're starting to get to suck players even in the pro bowl. Let's embrace the challenge. Fitz at qb...the bills offensive line. The defensive backfield of the rams, the lackluster passing game of...well..you pick'em. Have these guys in the same city and same week as the superbowl. They have been resting since the season ended and would be fresh. Also after actually seeing them play bad football (Coached by Jauron and Cable) we could really appreciate the teams and players in the superbowl....


Blow bowl. Instead of getting performance bonuses for the pro bowl, there could be disoincentives in their contracts for being selected for the blow bowl.

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i could care less if they play Pro-Bowl All Star game....i never watch it. the players like the accolades and the trip to Hawaii, but HATE actually playing the game. half of them bail out anyways. why would any player , especially one about to enter free angency want to risk injury. there is no good time to play this game. just cancel the actual game....




this is all about PR public relations and media exposure for the NFL and its players. .......turn it into a big award ceremony with presentation on stage and brief film highlights shown....kinda like the ESPY's/ Oscar's..... have it the week before the super bowl where all the world media is assembled......actually get to see what some of these guys look like without a helmet, that helps their endorsement dealings and no more 7th alternates, even the injured players and those playing in the Super Bowl can participate.

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Here is an idea that came to me suddenly when I saw the topic! I don't like the current format of the hall of fame game nor the probowl! I think the timing of the probowl is lousy with the superbowl being the focus of football fans. I think that the hall of fame game is lame also. I would like to see the Pro Bowl Players from each conference play each other at the hall of fame game! Much more than I would want to see our Bills, Det, Cleve, Balt, Oak, Sea, or several other teams play against each other. I think many of the ProBowl selectees would play in that game and what better way to honor hall of fame players is with players like Manning and Breeze playing...that should one day also be voted in the hall of fame! Also during that time of the year fans are anxiuous to see some of the stars play...and the pre-season pace of the probowl game would fit nicely with the pre-season mode. Maybe there is a reason not to have the probowl then but I can't think of any...and the fans would watch and be hungry for football..any football after a long off-season!!

Please vote on this idea!! Take the idea and run with it if you wish...submit it to whomever...as I think it would be a popular idea??? The hall of fame game would have even more presence and substance...the more I think of it it's a no-brainer. :doh:

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I think that if we keep the probowl this would be the way to go, as far as possible fan and viewer support. Coupling it with the hall of fame awards kind of enhances the viewerships as there will be players from almost every team playing. I don't know how it would impact pre-season, but the consensus seems to be that early preseason is to evaluate the rookies and fringe players more than the vets. Might work and might justify keeping the pro-bowl. Great idea.

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Get rid of the Pro Bowl and bring back The AMF SuperStars. Linemen in sea kayaks, linebackers on tandem bikes, kickers on obstacle courses, QBs/RBs playing tennis. That is what I want to see after the Super Bowl. And make sure that Vegas puts a line on it so we can all place bets!

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Get rid of the Pro Bowl and bring back The AMF SuperStars. Linemen in sea kayaks, linebackers on tandem bikes, kickers on obstacle courses, QBs/RBs playing tennis. That is what I want to see after the Super Bowl. And make sure that Vegas puts a line on it so we can all place bets!

Remember Brian Morman running the obstacle course. He got DQ'd for skipping the sled push. He did have a pretty quick time if i remember.


I believe he said he wanted to make a statement that punters were athletes too.

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-Tommy Maddox

-Charles Nelson Reilly

-Alexander Haig

-Pep Streebeck

-Ellen DeGeneres

-Christopher Mintz-Plasse

-Gaines Adams

-Undetermined Haitian Refugee

-Archie Manning

-Cooper Manning

-JaMarcus Russell (”I’m playing? But I was taking a nap.”)

-Footsteps Falco

-Ringo Starr

-Coy and Vance Duke

-Timothy Dalton

-Paul Westerberg

-Mick Shrimpton

-Jim Caldwell

-Package of Folger’s Crystals (No one will know they replaced Bryant McKinnie)

-Tom Berenger

-Deborah Norville

-Jake Gyllenhaal (tentative depending upon Tobey Maguire’s participation)

-Pack of Splenda

-Tub of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

-Unnamed Castro brother

-Jay Leno (replacing Conan O’Brien, who replaced Jay Leno after Jay Leno initially dropped out)

-New turtle your father bought in a hurry when you were out

-Connie Chung

-Sean Payton (SCAB!!!!!)

-Tim Teufel

-President John Tyler

-Goran Visnjic

-Can of New Coke

-Kirstie Alley (interior linewoman)

-Scott Brown

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