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Lane Kiffen to interview today for Bills HC?

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A couple of tweets later Schefter said it is a joke. He is still an ass for putting it up there because now thousands of Buffalo fans are going to think it's true.



"""Kiffin would never come here, Ralph is too cheap, our GM blows, and we obviously suck as fans--- THat said, im gonna have to start a Kiffin: get er done Ralph thread"""" :thumbdown::lol:

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These kind of tweets aren't even funny anymore.



I know but come on...who would believe this? They guy is getting DESTROYED by the national media for jumping ship to USC, and poeple actually believe hes going to interview for the bills job less then 12 hours after accepting the USC job? Really?!?!


I am trying to get myself to relax about the whole coaching search. I dont think well have a hire til the middle of next week at the earliest. I dont think any more interview requests/or actual interviews will be done for a while. Once the jets get knocked off and they interview schotty, same for grimm. i will resume wearing out the f5 button for twitter feeds, pft, and tbd.

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I think the idea was "tweeted" by David Lettermen's writer, on Schefters page, and some folks took it seriously, and asked Schefter about it...Schefter didn't really report this....


BTW- Mort on Mike & Mike said, "Bill Cowher is not in play in Buffalo, as far as I know" Now, even Mort doesn't want to say there is no merit to Cowher to Buffalo....

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