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Breaking down the 2000-2009 Buffalo Bills


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So let's break down the last decade now that it's over. Warning, anyone who has a weak stomach may not want to continue reading.


In the last 10 years the Bills have compiled a 66-94 record, a winning percentage of .4125. They had only 1 winning season this past decade, a 9-7 season in 2004, where the Bills lost to the Steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers in week 17 with a shot of the playoffs on the line. The Bills failed to make a playoff apperance in the 2000's, and really with the exception of the aformentioned 2004 season they were never even close to making the post season. Bills fans were treated to signal callers by the names of.......Rob Johnson, Alex Van Pelt, Drew Bledsoe (a declining, highly immobile Bledsoe), Kelly Holcomb, JP Losman, Trent Edwards, and Ryan Fitzpatrick. Talk about a great decade to be a season ticket holder! Thanks for the committment to excellence Ralph! Isn't that the motto Russ Brandon implemented a couple of years back? The Bills have been excellent............in fooling the fanbase into believing they are actually competent enough to field a winning product. Let's move on......


In the last decade the Bills offense finished with a mean rank of 22.3/32 teams. In fact the Bills offense finished in the bottom third of the league a whopping 8 out of 10 seasons in the 2000's. The offense was terrible, so perhaps the defense was dominant right? Wrong. The Bills defense finished with a mean rank of 16.9/32. So the defenses of the 2000's fared a bit better, but still defined the word average. If you want to find the last time the Bills won a post season game you're going to have to go back a decade and a half, that's right 15 years, to the 1995 season.


The one constant from this past decade: Ralph Wilson. I know some don't like to hear it, but Ralph is the main problem with this franchise. He is too old, too out of touch, too removed to effectively run such a complex business. His failures in the past decade are not just evident they are blinding. I've heard some refer to the past decade as the "Decade of Dissapointment." I think that title is much too fair. Perhaps the "Decade of Disgust" is more fitting.


I pray the next decade of being a Bills fan will not be as losing/boring/disheartening/embarrassing/futile/unwatchable as the last 10 years has been. A final, special shout out to Ralph Wilson. Thank you for the quality product you have continued to put on the field for the last 10 years. It has truly been a pleasure of mine to spend countless thousands of dollars to watch in person.

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Telling stat announced during the Colts game, didn't research it to make certain its true. You would think those Bledsoe years the Bills should have been better then 25th.


The Bills have been 25th or worse on offense for the last 7 years, that says it all. This team needs an offensive makeover in the worst way. Someone with a decent offensive brain, it might be why the Bills first went after Shanahan after firing Jauron.


Little did the Bills FO know that Dan Snyder had been after Shanahan since week 6 this season, and tried to hire him several times over the course of the season from what I read.



The Bills can interview anyone they want, if they don't hire an offensive mind they will be in the same situation that they have been in for 10 years. You guys can whine all you want about the defense, I'd like Cam Cameron or Brian Billick as HC.

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Telling stat announced during the Colts game, didn't research it to make certain its true. You would think those Bledsoe years the Bills should have been better then 25th.


The Bills have been 25th or worse on offense for the last 7 years, that says it all. This team needs an offensive makeover in the worst way. Someone with a decent offensive brain, it might be why the Bills first went after Shanahan after firing Jauron.


Little did the Bills FO know that Dan Snyder had been after Shanahan since week 6 this season, and tried to hire him several times over the course of the season from what I read.



The Bills can interview anyone they want, if they don't hire an offensive mind they will be in the same situation that they have been in for 10 years. You guys can whine all you want about the defense, I'd like Cam Cameron or Brian Billick as HC.



I saw that stat, too, during the game. I thought I couldn't be surprised anymore by this team...until that stat.


Just horrible.

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