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Christmas eve or.............


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All on Christmas morning... as as possible, after coffee is in the cup.


I never quite understood the "one on Christmas Eve" idea. Christmas Eve is not the holiday. Do you let your kids open birthday presents the day before their birthday? It just doesn't make sense, unless you have family or friends over that won't be there for Christmas to see you open the presents... maybe.


Children by definition are grubby, greedy, scheming, unsophisticated little beasts with no concept of patience whatsoever.


Unfortunately, some grow up and maintain those traits. :( A source of the world's ills, IMO.


Toss 'em that Xmas Eve bone and save yourself grief... :D

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Children by definition are grubby, greedy, scheming, unsophisticated little beasts with no concept of patience whatsoever.


Unfortunately, some grow up and maintain those traits. :D A source of the world's ills, IMO.


Toss 'em that Xmas Eve bone and save yourself grief... :wallbash:

Or.... you could teach them how to have a little patience and to be less greedy, grubby beasts that world does not revolve aound. :( just sayin...

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I remeber being a kid and not being able to sleep, then finally (my parents made me wait till 730 AM) they would go down stairs make coffee and mess around while me and my sisters "patiently" waited upstairs adn i was alwas the first of the 3 kids down the stairs christmas morn.



Now its christmas eve for dad's side of the family christmas morn for the immidiate, then christmas night for the rest of ma's side

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