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If the Redskins don't bring back J Campbell

B Rob

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If it is at all possible he is playing behind a worse line than ours.He is a tough verteran QB that fights to stay in games no matter how bad he gets beat up.I have seen him at times control football games when given the chance.The style of offense that the Skins have played under Zorn has not fit what JC is all about.He is a pocket passer with enough mobility to move the chains.The fumbles are a concern but how much of that is to blame on the line he plays behind.The man has a strong arm and is very hard to knock out of games.


Making this move would allow us to adderss the line like we should in the draft .And it also gives this team a veteran QB it has needed.He can win ball games and has the arm to play in Buffalo.Under the right head coach and OC this guy could turn the corner and be the answer at a position Buffalo has not had since Flutie.


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Campbell is the Trent Edwards of the NFC. I don't want him on the team but Tavaris Jackson is interesting. Now I don't view him as the long term solution but with an O-line in flux he could fit in well as a stop gap. He is able to make plays with his feet and if we can design an offense that fits his skill set instead of trying to fit players into our rigid system it might work out.


Tavaris would be a great option but he's been all but guaranteed the Vikes job when Favre retires. That and the scuttlebutt is that he's learned immensely from backing up Favre this year as Brett has taken a real shining to him.


Say what you will about Brett's indecisiveness but both Rodgers and Tavaris speak on how great a QB mentor he is. I could easily see Brett retiring to be a great QB coach. Much like I think Peyton is going to retire to be a great O-coordinator some day.

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Garcia. Absolutley. The guy is smart and tough. He's been around a long time and can teach a young QB something. He's unemployed and will come cheap.


Easy decision.

It would be an easy decision if he wasn't going to be 40 years old going into camp. I'm all for bringing in a group of QBs and taking a look. A 40 year old QB who has made a career out of being moblie is far from a sure thing. Just like anybody else we draft or get in FA. Bring in Garcia and anybody else that has a shot at competing.


Thank you for at least giving another option. I don't think most of these posters realize how bare the cabinet is. This the only reason I'd be on board with Campbell or Garcia. Obviously they stink but I'm not choosing them over filet mignon for christs sake.


Other options have to be explored and if you think we are going to land a proven starting QB somehow, you got your head in your arse.

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Tavaris would be a great option but he's been all but guaranteed the Vikes job when Favre retires. That and the scuttlebutt is that he's learned immensely from backing up Favre this year as Brett has taken a real shining to him.


Say what you will about Brett's indecisiveness but both Rodgers and Tavaris speak on how great a QB mentor he is. I could easily see Brett retiring to be a great QB coach. Much like I think Peyton is going to retire to be a great O-coordinator some day.

Tavaris would be a decent option but he I think you are right, he's not going anywhere. The same can be said for Garrard, he's not going anywhere either.


It's a terrible time to look for QBs. I look foward to hear what everybody wants the team to do. Aside from the unrealistic trade nonsense, I haven't heard any ideas that are soundly better than Campbell. The team is in a bad situation.

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