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I think TO has met his match in Trent


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And with a questionable o-line, and with Lynch and Jackson at the ready. Wouldn't be a bad time for a Flutie-like bootleg, either. Is there some NFL by-law that says the Bills QB cannot roll out?


WTF is wrong with this coaching staff? I mean, is it even humanly possible to be less imaginative or more stupid?

Trent rarely has time to set his feet after a 3 step drop let alone run around our tackles or lack of tackles. Our line is so awful that there is no play calling that we can execute.

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I like Trent Edwards and I still see potential, but I'm beginning to wish he played for another team just so some of you dimwits would shut the F%@#K UP!!!


Some of you guys wouldn't know a good thing if your life depended on it.


I will laugh my ass off though when a new regime comes in and much to all the Trent haters dismay, the new regime is perfectly happy with Trent Edwards and see the same potential I see and have always seen. Because they know if you put Edwards behind a decent line and give him a coach that knows what the hell he's doing, Trent Edwards will be just fine.


I've backed T.O. since he arrived in Buffalo, but after yesterday I am done. T.O.'s body language was horrible and I'll bet you the same balls T.O. refused to budge off of his pattern for, our safety Jairus Byrd would have caught .


T.O. sucks :(


TO had good reason to be pissed.


was at the game and watched him specifically.


he was open (and by a large margin) on almost every pattern he ran.


it gets awfully tiresome when Trent does not even look in his direction on 90% of the passes.


it seemed every pass to the right, except the 2 long balls, went to RBs in the flat.


it seemed every pass to the left went to a WR that Trent locked onto from the snap.


Trent has a serious problem with reading defenses and finding his targets

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