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  1. Chris Browns blog was right on in my opinion about the great job Rusty Jones's protege Allaire did. I was worried about it all week as I thought about last year in TB. Thank God we got rid of MM's pick for strength and conditioning coach. Marv and DJ could see in last years film that we wilted in many of those games, especially in hot climates. They also realize when you're not lugging around an extra 30-40 pounds it will help in the 4th quarter, so big is not always better in football. You could also say a good game plan, as conservative as it was, did just what it was supposed to do --- wear down their defense by keeping our offense on the field. There are many other reasons, what do you think was the biggest reason?
  2. Mine would be going to four more Super Bowls in a row and losing them all, again. Or sleeping with Britney Spears and getting Herpes.
  3. I really wish that I could see the good in JP but I just can't blindly hope for it anymore. The two things that I look forward to most regarding the Bills are the offseason (with a lot of $$ to spend) and getting a look at Craig Nall before the season is over. I think it is an absolute MUST to give Nall at least the last 4 weeks of the season so management knows what to do for the 07 season. The chances of Nall being better than JP might be slim but don't you want to know? I just don't have the same connection with this team as I have in the past and I truly believe it is the aura that surrounds Losman. That might sound weird but it is true. Doesn't it make it a lot easier to get behind the team when you connect with it (and no, it does not always have to do with winning.) There is no personality with this group and the absence of leadership just makes this team look like a bunch of guys with zero passion.
  4. ....are the Devils workshop...Win or lose Fin players have 4 "free" days in Miami....Vice, Vice, baby......Keep abreast of police blotter in Dade County
  5. Those from two of my posts last week, and now TDs quote in the D&C this morning They just aren't getting it, and that pisses me off more than making the mistake, is the refusal to admit it.
  6. I haven't flown in seven years but have to fly to NJ in two weeks for a conference. My palms are sweating just typing this, it's not so much the flying, it's the cramped space. I get it in elevators and when I'm around a ton of people in cramped quarters too. I'm curious if anyone else here gets these irrational fears and if so what do you do about it if you are forced to fly? Will the doctor prescribe anything?
  7. I know they won't lose today, but if for some reason we do, I think we are going to have to make a special "The Bills are the worst team in history" subforum so the doom and gloomers have a place to plan out their suicides. 2-2 doesn't sound so bad. Go BILLS!!!!!!
  8. I can't argue with any move that TD has made- all seemed logical when he made them- how excited was Buffalo when Bledsoe came for the press conference. TD will make some moves- probably some during the season, and plenty in the offseason. Next season when we start 8-0, everyone will be singing his praises
  9. http://www.scbandits.com/news_detail.cfm?id=179 Hey Tom! Not to tell you how to do your job, but how about bringing in some O-lineman or D-lineman for tryouts? You know, positions we need to improve? I never even heard of the United Indoor Football League! How far down the ladder from the NFL is that league? PTR
  10. THere is an article on sporsline.com, and it's about the running backs talking about who has hit them hardest. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8772365 Steven Jackson, RB, St. Louis: "Lawyer Milloy. It was blitz pickup and I was a rookie last year, so he was going to test me. He came wide open and just gave me a nice one down the middle. He got me good." T.J. Duckett, RB, Atlanta: "Takeo Spikes. We played them when he was in Cincy and he just brought the wood. He gets the rest of his team behind him with every big hit. That says a lot."
  11. Could the Bills be moved? This brings me back to the days when the talk about the Sabres leaving wheeled around the newspapers. I don't know what I'd do if the Bills moved, I'd probly tie myself up outside ol' Ralph's house and see what happens there. Your thoughts? and could it even happen?
  12. Oh wait, Democrats use such tactics too? Two murdered Chicago girls would be alive today if Illinois had a ban on assault weapons like the one now stalled in the Legislature, Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Thursday in an effort to get it moving. One Version of the Story Another Version (Where the Suspected Murderer used a "9MM gun") Another Version, Where an "Automated" weapon was used. It's a good thing "banning" drugs has kept the inner cities free from them.
  13. I was looking at some past draft picks and if the Bills draft smartly this year, we should be a Super Bowl contender in another year or two no problem Of course this assumes we have a new coach and GM in place with no connections to Pittsburgh whatsoever!! All we need to do is replicate our success in previous drafts like this: Round 1: Bruce Smith, DE (should be no problem finding another DE like this at the top of the 2006 draft) Round 2: Thurman Thomas RB (we can trade McGahee for all I care and pick up a couple of extra late round picks) Other attractive options would be another Phil Hanson, DE, Will Wolford, G, Daryl Talley, LB or Nate Odomes, CB Round 3a: Don Beebe, WR Round 3b (from Tennessee): Jamie Mueller, FB (God, I loved the way that guy played) Round 4: Andre Reed, WR (or even Chris Burkett would be better than our current backups) Round 5: John Holecek, LB (Bills draft history in rounds 5 and 6 is pretty scary over the past 15 years or so) Round 6: Corbin Lacina, G Round 7a: Mark Pike, DE (we'll get all these extra 7th round picks when we dump McGahee) Round 7b: Butch "Shake, Rattle and" Rolle, TE Round 7c: Keith McKellar, TE (was actually a 9th round pick) Round 7d: House Ballard, T (was actually an 11th round pick) Then we can grab another Pat Williams and Jason Peters as UFAs and we should be able to easily claw our way back above .500 next year assuming our new coach does not suspend too many of our top players each week !!
  14. "Last week we got 18 inches of snow," Vincent said. "I'm outside cleaning off my mini-van and there is this truck that pulls up right beside me to pick up Roscoe Parrish. I'm looking over, and this truck has been sitting there for about 15-20 minutes. I'm wondering if Roscoe is coming out, if everything is okay, so I go over and I look at the blinds and I see some eyes looking through the blinds. I'm wondering what's wrong and they say that he won't come outside. I'm like, 'What do you mean he won't come outside?' and they say that he's scared of the snow. "Then it dawned on me that he's from Miami and it was the first time he'd ever seen snow. So his first sight of snow was 18 inches on the ground. He never came outside. If he has to play in it, he may not show up to the game. You wouldn't think that a person would respond that way, but he wouldn't come outside." http://www.buzzfans.com/sports/spcol2/stor...p-4847347c.html Do you think he could get his union rep (Vincent) to call for arbitration whether he needs to play in snow or has to be traded to a warm weather team due to his phobia?
  15. Have you guys checked this out? http://www.bengals.com/fans/feardatiger.asp hilarious..Its great to see things turned around for Cincinnati, I hope they go far, they should have no problem with us this week.
  16. First of all, props to the good doctor for marrying two of man's most primitive and unappealing responses, into one of the most recognizable literary catch-phrases of the last thirty years. That's been long overdue. This is about LJ Shelton and Travis Henry. How these two men's fortunes have risen and fallen within the last two years are compelling enough stories, but how they now find their fates tied to each other, well that's a tale that needs telling. LJ Shelton had toiled at the left tackle position on the Cardinal's offensive line since being drafted in the 1st round of the '99 draft. He was Arizona's 2nd pick of the 1st round, and the 3rd OT taken. He was immediately teamed up with Anthony Clement, drafted in '98, and the two anchored the Cardinal line at the OT spots. A "talented bookend tackle combo" is how the two are described in the Cardinals website. In 2001 a very large, dominant LT from Texas, Leonard Davis, was available, and with the 2nd overall pick of the draft, the Cardinals took him. Why would a team that already had a young, talented OT tandem choose to spend such a valued pick on another LT? Well, by 2001, LJ Shelton was entering into his third year of a four year contract. He wasn't making much money, considering he was a 1st round pick, and in two more years he'd be an unrestricted free-agent. Unfortunately, Davis was never able to take the starting job from Shelton. In his first year, '01, he played RG next to Clement. Shelton played 16 games at LT. In his second year, '02, he filled in for the injured Clement at RT. Shelton played 16 games at LT. It was at the end of this season that Shelton accepted his award for 'The Last Man Standing'. It was a tribute given for finishing the season on an ankle injured badly enough to require post-season surgery. LJ also received a hefty contract for several million dollars a year. In his third year, '03, Davis was back to RG, that is, when he was healthy enough to play. Shelton played 15 games at LT, missing the final game due to severe ankle sprain. Now it's 2004. The Cardinals have three OTs, each making millions in salary alone. According to the Cardinals, LJ Shelton was being benched for reporting to camp overweight. Davis would be handed his job. There is a familiar theme that runs through both Shelton's and Henry's short careers. Both have shown their willingness to sacrifice. Both have been sacrificed. Heck, there's even shadowy figures of OTs from Texas haunting the lives of both. It's almost Shakespearean. The possible atonement that may await these athletes transcends trading uniforms. It's poetic to the point of fiction that each of these two warriors could find redemption in the arms of each other's past. Ladies and gentlemen, this is fate.
  17. Understandably, some fans here and some commentators on ESPN, etc., are urging that the Bills are making a mistake in releasing Bledsoe (folks, it WILL happen in the next seven days, prepare yourselves). They contend that Drew had a solid second half of the season, has some good football left in him, and will be re-united with Parcells in Dallas, resurrecting his Pro Bowl status once again. Uh, wrong. And here's three reasons why: Mularkey, Clements, Wyche. Simply put, I trust those three guys to make the decision. It's not like Donahoe just went and pulled the trigger on his own - I'm sure that the decision to go with the Rook came after long sit-downs with these three, who assured TD (a) that the team couldn't go any farther than it did with Drew at the helm, and (b) that after having watched JP in practice, they are confident that he can lead the team (I know a couple of posters here claim to have an inside "scoop" that there are people in OBD that think JP will bust, but I'm not buying it - they wouldn't be releasing Drew if this was the case). Wyche knows how to coach QBs. Clements and Mularkey got to the playoffs with Tommy Maddox and Kordell. There is just NO WAY that these three would have let Donahoe make a mistake. The circumstantial evidence compels the realization that Bledsoe is washed up (confirming that which we've seen for ourselves on the field). Also, there's just no way Drew goes to the Cowboys and sets the world on fire. Why would he, because of Parcells? Please. Parcells didn't exactly turn miracles with Vinny, Quincy, Chad Hutch, etc... the guy isn't a QB coach, and his formula of asking decent QBs not to lose games hasn't won him anything in Dallas. I seriously doubt he'll be able to do what Wyche, Clements and Mularkey couldn't - which is getting Drew to make the right reads on third down, get rid of the ball before the rush, and not throw to the guys in the other-colored jerseys. No way. Bledsoe's goose is cooked - he should retire, or stay here and back up JP. His time came and went, no two ways about it.
  18. Clements is getting interest from Pitt now in addition to the flirtation with Notre Dame, my guess is that the Golden Dome job was the real worry because it was Clements alma mater and it would simply take a whole bunch o money from Pitt to pry Clements off the same track which brought MM an HC job which Clements is now firmly on. The real worry for the Bills however will likely come post season as my guess is that Gray will likely be an interview candidate for every HC opening there is. Since the NFL by rule is requiring all of its teams to give a serious interview to minority candidates to try to reverse the obvious discrimination which has led to only 8 or so African-American HCs in the entire history of the NFL, Gray is an obvious candidate for a promotion from DC which he would be allowed to consider even though he is under contract: 1. His teams under both GW and KK have ranked in the top 5 statistically for NFL teams. 2. He demonstrated quick tactical mastery of the zone blitz by doing all the play calling last year and when it came down to a choice between its originator and him he won out. 3. He showed a strategic mastery to match his tactical work by designing and swiftky implementing changes in the Bills scheme which have nullified what opponents were doing well in the first half. 4. He now has drawn national notice (in addition to the practical notice he demonstrated as he shut down team after team) by seeing his Bills hold Cleveland to Pop Warner league size numbers for offensive production. 5. He has already been judged by the Bills as meriting HC consideration as we interviewed him for the job last year befire hiring MM. Losing Gray strikes me as a bigger problem than losing Clements as MM is an offensive guy and since LeBeau is gone we would pretty much be at square 1 for hiring a replacement. TD again is looking smarter and smarter for extending Gray early. It may not be enough if Cleveland or one of the teams looking offers him the ranch and the dog of an HC position, but this does worryme.
  19. Tonight one of my high school classmates won fear factor. i didn't even know he was on until i turned it on and he won. way to go!
  20. 2nd Report Down On This Page AFC FIELD FEARING THE BILLS Over the past week or so, we've had multiple AFC sources express concern regarding the re-emergence of the Buffalo Bills, who arguably are the hottest team in the NFL right now, with the exception of the trio of 11-1 franchises. With powerhouses like the Patriots, the Steelers, the Colts, and the Chargers preparing to bang heads in what already is being hyped as potentially the greatest playoff field . . . ever, the reality is that the Bills could disrupt the affair as the six seed, which would give them the opportunity to knock off either the Colts or the Chargers (based on current standings) in a wild-card upset. Then, the Bills could raise a ruckus in the divisional round, potentially derailing a Pittsburgh-New England rematch in the AFC title game. And with the media generally pooping on the NFC playoff wannabes (with the exception of the preanointed conference champs in Philly), no one has seemed to notice that the Bills are only a game out of the race for the final spot on the AFC side. Both the Ravens and the Broncos -- previously 7-3 each -- have lost two in a row, dropping them to 7-5. The Bills, in contrast, are at 6-6 and rising. At one point, we didn't think the Bills would make the playoffs even if they run the table, since 10-6 at the time didn't appear to be good enough to make it into the postseason field. But with Denver and Baltimore sliding back to the pack, it looks like one of them could end up on the outside looking in. The only problem for the Bills is that their in-conference record is only 3-6, which won't serve them well in any tiebreaking analyses. Still, if they keep winning, tiebreakers might not matter. At this point, 10-6 likely will result in a ticket to the January dance party. And with remaining games against the Browns, Bengals, and 49ers, the whole thing might come down to Buffalo's January 2 home date with the Steelers. Unless the Steelers hold a one-game lead over the Pats on January 2, the game with Pittsburgh will be as important to the Steelers as it is to the Bills, since Pittsburgh will need the win to avoid having to make the trek to Foxboro for the AFC title game.
  21. I have not Read anything yet along these lines, but I am sure it will be coming. I remember when the super secret Hillery plan was a current issue,There was was quite a bit of politician talk about the theme of since WE are paying for your HC, it gives us the right to more deeply regulate your lifestyle. No more smoking, drinking, hang gliding, eating food not on the approved list, etc etc. After all WE are paying for your health care and have the right to look after our interests. Oh well, maybe when it Hits's BO's desk he will revert to old habit's and write "present" instead of signing it.
  22. Listening to Danny Blather on the CBS Radio Snooze on the way back from lunch. Sarah Brady is running around whining because the ridiculous "assault weapons" ban is going to sunset on Monday (YEAH! LIBERTY!). She's throwing around terms like Homeland and National Security. Time to outlaw boxcutters, huh Sarah? BTW, her husband was shot with a crappy .22 pistol like the one I used to carry in the woods with my dad. Crusade of fear! Crusade!
  23. 1. Spiders 2. Terrorism 3. Snakes 4. Heights 5. Death 6. The Dentist 7. Needles (Injections) 8. Public Speaking 9. Fear of Debt 10. Flying Funny, all this work Al Qaeda has been doing, and all they had to do was drop some spiders on us. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/10/13...r.ap/index.html Mine would definitely be heights, the dentist, public speaking.
  24. City officials announced late tuesday that they are scheduling the "Victory" parade for Saturday....Sunday if they lose tonight. Way to go Bahstin...Mess with the curse a little more why don't you. This could be a frigging beauty if the Cards can wake up!
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