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  1. I actually see McDermott getting fired after his decisions to keep Peterman. It didn’t do him a solid to run the presser. Beane may have been brought in by him; to save his own neck though, his process is to find a better Coach. As well as his choice in Coaches and whose been someone he’s worked with that’s achieved a level of success not being fired in all of his stops so far.
  2. Already has cost us several but not finding a replacement for Nate Peterman. You will find fans completely saying it was indefensible starting him but, same fans make a “concession” for the “process” and just how much better the team will be in the mantra phrasing of “wait until next season”. The stinging part is that some of these fans are more interested in public relations then in actual being fans and saving face for McDermott.
  3. There is no reason to show pride or enthusiasm really it’s misplaced. Ownership threw in the towel, Coaching threw in the towel, and next season will take time to gel all the units into a cohesive mix. On the plus side we are always one year away from greatness and can say continually “there’s always next year.” It’s a magic salve of a word which is a dagger in the heart to fans. I feel for the dad who took his daughter to see Peterman in the Bills veruses Bears game. Part of the process getting blown out at home and having zero pride and making the younger generation cry. Always next year is the mantra for quitters.
  4. I think Brandon Beane views him as expendable to such an extent he let Sean McDermott hang himself publicly on insisting that Sean had all the confidence in the world in Peterman. Yet, logically McDermott supporters and fans of the process don’t know its a business decision and Beane doesn’t want to lose his job. So, he’ll curry favor with ownership and the public; while trying to bring in his own guy; not just because McDermott brought him in. Beane wants to build it and he’s realizing how clueless McDermott really is.
  5. Hey I edited it; why are you guys this upset? I mean you must have loved the blow out losses as part of the process.
  6. Most penalties even more than Rex and undisciplined players? That's a process right there; it's a bold strategy Cotton.
  7. Took a playoff team to worse then it was before he got here. The process and team with ownership and fans are better off without him.
  8. It’s official McDermott is not Brandon Beane’s guy sure he brought him in. Though cutting Peterman after McDermott’s presser put it out there publicly. Go ahead guys stand up for him.
  9. Well, getting beat and folks will say McDermott is stillthw greatest thing. Process working getting beat at home. Go ahead defend losing to the Jets at home a team we blew out. You guys run your mouths about Saint Sean run it again I dare you.
  10. Marrone did not quit on the team; Pegula with Whaley wanted him to change his staff and approach. Wow, so many bitter Buffalo Bills fans talking up McDermott who started Peterman; calling it indefensible but always willing to look the other way for the process. Bitter enough to mock a guy who beat us in the playoffs and we are out because McDermott refused to move on from Peterman. Both teams are not going in grow up.
  11. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/opinion/what-was-i-thinking The blowout losses were the hardest things to take. And, Sean was more and more out Coached by guys we had passed on. So, we got blown out by Joe Flacco, Aaron Rodgers, Phillip Rivers, and Andrew Luck. What stings most was the Chargers loss and the Colts loss. As we passed on Lynn for head coach and Reich as an offensive coordinator (before his offensive Super Bowl mastery) when folks said he was lucky to have Rivers. Instead of finding Anderson or Barkley earlier Sean extended his nepotism and stubbornness as unwillingness in parting ways with Nate Peterman and still kept him against Chicago. I see McDermott as a translation Coach and Beane will do what is necessary to save his own neck to that end cutting Peterman; after Sean gave him a vote of confidence. Sean brought in Beane but it means that McDermott is not Beane’s first choice for a Coach. If it means after the season jettisoning Sean to have Frazier as an interim I’m set with that. Given how Leslie was hamstrung in Minnesota with Christian Ponder (who) and having Josh Allen to really develop could see it working. The defense was tired and the Coach refused to move on from KB or elevate guys like Foster which he was forced too; anyone else thinking that Beane is looking for “his guy” to take over as Coach?
  12. Carolina was happy for someone else to inherit Kelvin. Along with the cap hit and despite being overweight. So, many guys were picked up for the process with Trent Murphy being moved around as Love gets promoted. It was the wrong direction to go and speaking from a public relations perspective all of the morale victories are not painting a winning record. Next season Murphy who has bounced around on IR and had blown his own gap calls and assignments may not come back. It’s the little cap hits which lead to the bigger hits coming.
  13. Seeing as how we are not in the playoffs and are pretty much seeing McBeane do nothing with Crossman or KB they are trying to save cap space for next season. To much nepotism with Peterman, Murphy, and Crossman and KB. And, Murphy was where we needed an offensive linemen or receiver option. That’s what is sticking to this team now. We cannot rebuild when half the team is veterans on IR or underperforming defensive lineman flops like Star. We don’t wind up with any OL help or receiver options and waste salary cap space on “process” morale victory players. If it’s a loss end the process already and bring in a Coach and management with drive.
  14. Would have loved for another playoff trip but the way this process is going and the blowout losses experienced under Sean McKotite against premier teams we really are not growing or moving forward. We are kind of staying in the Dick Jauron 7-9 model at this point in time. Is win now in the process code for morale victories at this point? Hearing there’s always next season and having McKotite keep his terrible Nate Peterman around proved he doesn’t belong in the NFL. To much nepotism and not enough intelligence. An inferior Coach whose not even close to Anthony Lynn or even given a loss Frank Reich.
  15. Drafting an offensive line core would make sense to build around Allen. Sorry, if I don’t place blind trust in the process. Guessing with the Logic of the cover photo anyone who doubts McBeane should be faced with a punishable execution of death by a thousand praises heaped upon McBeane and then having it printed and used to drop on the offender from a very high height.
  16. Rooting for a GM and Coach who should have found a backup like Barkley to translation as starter; before the start of the season cemented in my eyes the nepotism which fans are willing to give and grant a pass too. You guys say it’s indefensible to keep Nate Peterman and yer here you go defending it. You even have McClappy going nuts and demanding DaBoll slow down his rhythm pass practices with Josh Allen during a practice after the Vikes games. They ran out of passes before the Bears game and they proved the low levels of intelligence involved in the process. Hey in a few years though Brad Childress or Mike Vick could come in after the AAF Atlanta Legends bringing Metzlaars back as a line Coach where he also won a Super Bowl Coaching the line with Indy.
  17. The man who signed Trent Murphy who basically got worked over for a lower tier just barely serviceable hybrid that got gashed against Miami? Including on x-calls and stunts; taking the money which could have been used for veteran offensive lineman or on one weapon like Dez and throwing it at an injury liability? Could call it the McWhaley process and do better at giving it a name.
  18. Hey, I’m glad you guys are okay with having a Coach who thinks corporate culture trumps a winning strategy (Chargers), along with respecting the football (Bears), and Coaching more physicality (Colts); as well as checking the tapes yet again with a blow out loss to the Ravens. Process right guys, and who can forget losing 22-0 to the Pack who the Cardinals with a worse record beat; oh yeah of course checking the tapes. And, after Peterman’s pick six against Houston refusing to part ways. I’m glad you guys love McBeane so much.
  19. View this season as over and more fools with rose colored glasses, trusting the methane powered process engine of McBeane, and a cap hit with Trent Murphy for the next GM and HC tandem to deal with. Tying up what limited cap resources we do have in an injury liability finishing up his career on IR... brilliant!
  20. So, in a winnable game what hurts most is knowing we are eliminated and not getting any better. It’s trash to say next season will get better when a year removed from playoffs we completely dropped off the map. Getting blown out by the Ravens and Chargers proves what good Coaching can do. In my mind “the process” is snake oil at this point and time. Adopting (kaizen) and who remembers the cultural shock involving Beam and Japanese ownership or who they tried to storehouse over orders and the fire which broke out? So, that kind of micromanagement is basically hari-Kari according to Bushido. As little cap room as we had; signing Murphy who resides on the IR over offense didn’t help at all. With a $7.5 Million dollar cap hit adding onto it. Had to check that out when someone told me he was on the cheap. Anyone else want to defend the gas bags known as McDermott and Beane or do we get some McBeano for gas relief?
  21. What would have been the best result? As it is Clay is a nominal cast off signed to such a huge contract that finding trade suitors would have been in our best interests and off loading it for draft capital with someone willing to absorb at least half of it. We’ve got guys like Star, Murphy, and others getting beat out by undrafted and rotation guys who are hungrier for starting spots. And, sadly we hitched wagons to them. I have to learn not to be optimistic when the season starts. Now, tied into our own dead money hit (next season) despite draft capital we are going to be hamstrung by this again! Wonder if the process guys speak Tagolog and loved Driv3r.
  22. If it came down to saving his own skin or being tied to McDermott whose been blown out by those like Reich and Lynn of course Beane would work to save his own skin. He’s not going into kaizen for seppuku of his own career with Sean. We had an upgrade in Nick O’Leary but he’s in Miami. You know the process which is basically like seppuku for fans.
  23. McDermott was going to stay loyal to Nate Peterman until he was either fired over it or Peterman got released. The presser about having all confidence in the world as Beane was getting the paperwork ready to cut Nate kind of undermines McDermott in a good way. If anything Beane realizes following Sean down the rabbit hole of letting O’Leary go after he beat out Clay as Nick did not fit his “process” means Beane is tired of Clappy the Repeater.
  24. Although, Ralph opened up his wallet was not going to give Bill and whichever GM that wanted to come more power. Considering what you call TrainWrecks brought in for talent McDermott really has bottomed out and his “talents” of veteran players like Kelvin and or trying to utilize Clay while letting Nick O’ Leary go has proved his lack of competitive genius. If Clay fits the process and O’Leary making tough catches in the clutch didn’t, and beating out Clay as well didn’t; maybe it’s a difference in how Gase finds clutch players and McBeane lets them walk.
  25. McBeane kept around Benjamin and Clay would love to hear how this is part of the process instead of finding trade suitors or an expansions upon draft capital. The same guys who take plays off get a pass from fans heaven forbid if McBeane get disagrees with.
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