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  1. A self described non partisan who is in fact rabidly partisan. And he's never voted. Ever. Not even in local elections. He's a very useful idiot
  2. Not yet at least. When marxists redefine, or outright censor, language then peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard really means do the Insurrection. And it still does to useful idiots to this day. Yuri Bezmenov was right.
  3. The point, which went over 4ths useful idiot head, is Olbermann wants people ARRESTED for stupid ***** like this. Did anyone here or conservative podcasters want Kathy Griffin arrested for her idiotic stunt? That absolutely was a fireable offense seven-ish years ago. Today? NFW. She'd get promoted today.
  4. If grown adults want to engage in this behavior IN PRIVATE, the vast majority of Americans don't GAF. However, the vast majority do GAF when this crap is shoved in their faces IN PUBLIC, not to mention at the friggin White House. This will give useful idiots seizures. Love it.
  5. I knew a useful idiot would post that. Figures it was the biggest one who did. Absolutely roasted in the comments. By Christians and the Gaza "genocide" crew alike. I scrolled through five pages, not a single one in support of this insincere message that KJP wrote anyway. Here's just one.
  6. Course correction? That ship has loooong since sailed. Even without the nonsense commie useful idiots have brought upon us for the past several years, PPP has been and always will be a sewer. If you don't accept that reality coming in, then yes a self ban might be your best "course correction." The "Trump History" memes go right over useful idiot heads. The whole point of that X account is absurdity. Therefore they are ON TOPIC posts in absurd threads created by absurd posters.
  7. The peaceful transition of power occurred on Jan 20, 2021 as required. In fact DC was far more peaceful that day than it was during the previous peaceful transition on January 20. 2017. Fact check: True. Now let's assume that on January 6th 2021, the unarmed "insurrectionists" who ended up turning around and going home all on their own that day, instead decided to occupy the Capitol and declared that Trump was going to remain President after January 20th, 2021. Ummm yeah...the peaceful transition of power would still end up happening on Jan 20th 2021 as required. Commies and useful idiots are absolute clowns.
  8. Useful idiots don't like embedded tweets? Good to know.
  9. ⬆️ Licensed homophobe. Until its useful idiot masters revoke it.
  10. No, you shouldn't worry about it at all. Your idiocy doesn't bother me in the least. It just explains everything about you. Trust me, the less we have of useful idiots like yourself voting, the better. It's been a fun few days and thanks for the entertainment, but now you can join the rest of them.
  11. Yes. Fuk.c.ed regardless. With a Biden win it will be a long painful swirling of the bowl over another four years and beyond. The only satisfaction I'd get out it is the slack jawed looks of disbelief when the useful idiots inevitably start getting purged themselves. Trump wins? Ha. It's gonna be U.G.LY. Fast. Ignoring everything else about these two, the ripping of the band aid that will result from Trump win is better for long term hope for the country. If we're going down the sh.it.ter then I'd prefer to get it over with quickly to get to the other side of what's most certainly coming regardless.
  12. I love how useful idiots think that billionaires have hundreds of millions just sitting around in cash.
  13. Sure Axios is just fine. Critical theory is straight out of the Frankfurt school teachings of cultural Marxism. It's pervasive throughout US institutions. The long march through the institutions.....and here we are with useful idiots like FuQ defending clear marxist efforts.
  14. This story, which was used as the impetus to not only bulk censor the Hunter laptop story everywhere on the internet and social media, but to then LOCK the account of the NY Post on Twitter and elsewhere, is STILL up on the Politico website with no updates or corrections. It should tell all non useful idiots everything they need to know about what sources they should completely dismiss before then considering what ones MIGHT be worthy of placing trust in. Newsflash useful idiots, even the WaPo, NYT and CBS news have acknowledged that Hunter's laptop always was authentic, even if they did so buried in paragraph twenty six. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276
  15. If you support DEI, woke or CRT in any way, then you are probably a marxist, and definitely a useful idiot.
  16. ⬆️ Two supporters of weaponizing the justice system against a political opponent. Aka useful idiots. TDS has broken them.
  17. This has all been gone over dozens of times already, so useful idiots will always parrot their masters narrative no matter what. Yuri Bezmenov, ideological subversion and all that.... But here is Kash Patel's testimony to J6 committee. Lying to Congress, at least for conservatives, is no small matter these days. How come Kash got away with "lying" to Congress Billsfuk.c? https://archive.org/details/january-6th-committee-witness-testimony-20211209-kashyap-pramod-patel/page/38/mode/2up?q=guard Oh, so you remember stuff like that. So, going off just the memory, and we can go back to the article when you bring it up, there was a meeting with the President of the United States, Acting Secretary Miller, and some others -- | can't recall off the top of my head -- where we were discussing, as the article states, something related to Iran. And, in that same meeting, | believe it was on or around January 4th, 3rd, 4th, or 5th, the -- as | stated earlier, in order for the Department of Defense's National Guard to be activated in any way we needed Presidential authorization. And President Trump at that -- [Discussion off the record.] BY Q Sure. Go ahead. A Okay. And so this question appears to implicate core executive privilege concerns. I'm prepared to answer it, but | want the record to reflect my serious concerns about congressional overreaching of this matter. So what | remember is that we knew, in order to get the National Guard even mobilized, we needed the President to at least say yes first. So what -- my recollection of that meeting is the President preemptively authorized 10 to 20 National Guardsmen and -women around the country -- sorry? 10- to 20,000. Mr. Sofer. You said 10 to 20. The Witness. Sorry, 10- to 20,000 National Guardsmen and -women to be utilized around the country. The second part of that, of course, would have to be the Governors, the Federal agencies, and the mayors would have to ask us for that to satisfy the law. But what he, | believe, and the Acting Secretary at the time were working out was we would not need to come back to the President should Mayor Bowser or anyone ask for 100, a thousand, 5,000, up to 20,000. Here's the memo where Mayor Bowser refused NG dated 1/5/21 and the memo outing multiple denials from Capitol police. The Capitol Police official timeline provides the most succinct summary of a series of events around Sund's request, some of which have been disputed and at times misreported in the news media. "COP Sund asks Senate Sergeant at Arms (SSAA) Michael Stenger and House Sergeant at Arms (HSAA) Paul Irving for authority to have National Guard to assist with security for the January 6, 2021 event based on briefing with law enforcement partner and revised intelligence Assessment," the timeline recorded. "COP Sund's request is denied. SSAA and HSAA tell COP Sund to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard's ability to support a request if needed."
  18. Not from the multitude of lying sources documented over the years in the link below. Useful idiots consume, then parrot, all of those very same lying sources with religious zeal. Therefore there's absolutely nothing to discuss with a single one of them. Mocking? Absolutely.
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