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  1. Well Glenn, they aren't called useful idiots for nothing.
  2. Joe Biden spry for his age? Ole Daz trying to wrestle JFRs position from him in the PPP useful idiot rankings. Tell us daz, what do you know about nazi churches? spry/sprΔ«/ adjective Lively, active, and brisk; vigorous.
  3. So to recap: Trump calls Zelensky and asks what the heck the Biden family was up to in Ukraine, sounds pretty shady. A "whistleblower" comes forward claiming Trump asked for oppo research in exchange for arms. A massive effort was made to conceal the identity of the whistleblower. Trump then releases transcript of the call showing no such thing happened. The uniparty impeached Trump anyway. Now we know for certain that the "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella FRIGGIN WORKED FOR VP BIDEN, when the very shady dealings in question occurred. The regime absolutely LOVES useful idiots. For now.
  4. A typical useful idiot in roundyfuk.c Which books???!! Was it algorithms??!! Cherry picked??!! But nobody should expect anything but this from useful idiots. The issue here is THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT encouraging a company to censor books it does not approve of. That's it. That's the issue. It doesn't matter what books. In fact it could be the very same anal/oral porn books that are inappropriate in ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, and it would still be wrong. it doesn't matter if Amazon ended up altering their algorithm to make certain books less visible. It's that it was done at the behest of the friggin White House. Meanwhile the same useful idiots will scream book burning about anal/oral porn books taken off the shelves at elementary schools while they are still readily available at book stores and Amazon.
  5. There is no link to an article. There is no statement about a "unified reich" by Trump. It's another hoax just like always The video in question that contained the word "reich" is baked into a video template that ANYONE can purchase. So here's your link: https://elements.envato.com/newspaper-vintage-history-headlines-promo-6UD9B8E Pause the video at 4 seconds and you will see the headline in question that exists among a slew of other historical headlines and refers to a unified reich in.....wait for it....1914. I don't expect useful idiots to know history or how time works sequentially, but as you know the Nazi party didn't exist in 1914. So please stop giving these ass hol.ez any legitimacy around yet another massive hoax.
  6. Useful idiots live under a green sky. Facts and reality mean nothing to them. Therefore facts that exist in reality for those of us still living under a blue sky simply do not compute with useful idiots Nothing any of us, or those in their real lives, say or present to them will ever allow them to come back to reality and live under a blue sky. They are forever lost to reality, and have undergone complete Ideological subversion. Engaging with useful idiots? Waste. Of. Time.
  7. All. Debts. Are. Paid. Always. Only useful idiots think that they can go poof and disappear.
  8. Let's ask again... Can anyone among the leftist useful idiots tell us what the Biden family business is yet? What products or services did they sell to foreign oligarchs who then funneled millions of dollars to the Biden family through a web of 20ish shell companies? Should be simple to answer.
  9. Pretty simple. People other than useful idiots will absolutely not buy the latest round of dem/commie BS when it comes to the border.
  10. It's like asking a heroin addict to quit. Unless the addict truly wants to help himself/herself then there is zero hope. Does anyone here actually think that Billsfuk.c wants to expose itself to anything not illuminated by his green sky worldview? It doesn't. It and the rest are completely lost. Waste of time engaging useful idiots.
  11. I'd bet my life that AT LEAST 10k out of the tens of MILLIONS of illegals who have illegally entered our country in recent years will find a way to ILLEGALLY vote in the 2024 election. You have to have Joe Biden level dementia and/or be a useful idiot to believe otherwise. It's also so strange that after the most secure election in US history in 2020, that most people think that our elections are not, in fact, secure. Really strange.
  12. The friggin King... Do commies on juries act and behave like commies? Do you honestly believe that? This is how useful, useful idiots are. Completely lost to reality.
  13. I'm actually going to defend Billsfuk.c here. It's not that it refuses or closes its eyes to reality. It's that it and others like it truly CAN'T deal in reality. It is a demoralized useful idiot. The process of ideological subversion was completed long ago. Once complete, it's irreversible. It's next door neighbors could be slaughtered by illegal immigrants tomorrow and it still would be convinced its the fault of Republicans. The only reason to engage with it is if you enjoy wasting your time.
  14. ⬆️ The King and other useful idiots? Epic morons.
  15. Ok, what we've determined: These pornographic books are appropriate for kids in schools. These pornographic books are not appropriate for parents to read to other adults at school board meetings. Next, have a useful idiot, let's say Finding Qanon, go to a local park wave over the nearest seven year old when his parents are looking the other way and begin reading this to him or her. What do you say? Let's find out what happens.
  16. Well no non useful idiot at least. We have Quack MD and The King on the record trying to make the claim that Joe is just fine, maybe lost a bit of the fastball. But Daz refuses to be overshadowed by those titans of useful idiocy and has thrown its hat into the ring tonight.
  17. Trusting anonymous sources reporting about anything the Great Orange Menace says or does, says more about the useful idiots who believe these fairytales than anything else. I have no doubt Trump says a whole bunch of stupid ***** behind the scenes, mainly because he says a lot of stupid ***** in front of the cameras. You know how I know they're lying, via anonymous sources, about what Trump said in France when his visit to an American cemetery was canceled due to weather? Because they lie about things he says ON CAMERA FFS! See "very fine people" and "peacefully and patriotically" Maybe start with not lying about things anyone can look up to watch and listen to all on their own. Might be a good starting point. You're quite simply a useful idiot moron if you believe a shred of what these proven liars "report"
  18. In the testimony below Hunters business partners testify that Joe Biden was the brand and the purpose of his presence at business meetings with foreign oligarchs was to close deals. Remember, none of it is evidence. Also remember that when Trump uses a term commonly used in the political world to characterize economic or political disasters, its rock solid evidence,, through edited video, that Trump is warning of massive real bloodshed across America if he isn't elected. These are the useful idiots we are dealing with. IGNORE THEM.
  19. The final step is the realization that you will never, ever get anywhere with commies/useful idiots. Once you come to that realization then you can cease engaging with them and focus on defeating them.
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