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  1. Americans are tired of the bull####. What part of I want Putin destroyed do you not comprehend. He is the root of all our problems here and abroad. You are no conservative or Republican.
  2. Oh, that's cute. I love the Marxist buzzword. You guys like to use it when you got nothing else. Now tell me why you completely DEFLECTED from my questions? You don't want to acknowledge the type of work you do or if your company promotes DEI? You don't want to acknowledge the simple fact that Christopher Rufo is behind all of this? A right wing scum bag? Aren't you tired from fighting these pathetic battles - blaming everyone but yourself for being pathetic simps?
  3. Is Melania still pissed that Conald cheated (again) or is she's just tired of his body odor?
  4. Not violent? Are you fn serious? How many people died that day? Injured? What was Miss American Taliban doing when she was shot dead? Do you freaks get tired of whitewashing history?
  5. Americans are clearly tired of the bullshitt. Bonnie is on the wrong side of the issue but has no choice but to carry Tommy Putinville’s water until this blows up in his face.
  6. Consider this - Trump accumulated 30,573 false statements over the course of his 4-year administration, and that's not even accounting for any since his departure from the White House. If Bolton is indeed fabricating tales, wouldn't Trump have logically pursued a libel suit against him? Do you ever get tired of cleaning up EVERY mess Trump makes?
  7. F that - I'm tired of the trash pissing all over America. They can gtfoh.
  8. Yeah, I read it and responded to his QANON garbage. Literally QANON. Karen Psyop should be embarrassed for posting that as evidence. Exactly. Page 107 - and still no evidence. I can understand your frustration, Deek. It's quite clear that you're tired of your hopes getting dashed over and over and over again. Make better choices, champ.
  9. Its about owning the libs - and that’s it. And that’s why the Republican Party no longer exists. Its dead. And most Republicans are tired of the bullshitte.
  10. @Chris farley- why should red states that are booming continue to be bailed out like South Carolina? A known welfare state? Some of those states don’t have the infrastructure to support this influx. The locals are tired of their roads getting clogged up.
  11. Thanks for the advice, Leo. Fortunately, my parents will follow through and pay off their loans now that the decision is final. Also, fortunately, after 60 straight years of voting Republican, my conservative parents will no longer vote for the GOP because of their hyper focus on woke, guns, and anti-everything. They are tired of the division, mass shootings, outright mean spirted hate, and bullshiit. The party no longer represents THEM. Congrats, Trump voters. Up NEXT: Interracial Marriage Gay Marriage Contraception So much winning.
  12. Because Jimmy here told him so. Look how @BillsFanNC praises and promotes these sick people. Why would anyone even associate with someone like this? @BillsFanNChas LGTBQ family members (everyone does) and attends pride parades with @SCBillsand then starts anti LGTBQ hate threads and posts all day. This is not normal. 1) This guy is a Nazi 2) Filled with enormous self hate 3) A closet case, like James Lindsay, Charlie Kirk, Chris Rufo and Ron DeSaster - given their intense passion of trashing LGTBQ - it is beyond obvious that these freaks are hiding something. 4) Hates America and everything about it - distracts his “buddies” with pathetic culture wars because their party and leaders are so fn corrupt - they TRASH liberals because they can’t win in our republic and desire autocracy. This sick behavior is taking over the GOP and conservatives and traditional Republicans are tired of the bullshitte and will reject these degenerates. And that scares @BillsFanNCthe most so wait and see - Karen will start ten new hate threads this weekend defending his Moms for Fascism hate group.
  13. The only one deranged is you Chris - don't you get tired of cleaning up the mess on aisle 45?
  14. Fn idiots These commies desire to erase GLBTQ will backfire in their faces. Americans are tired of the BS.
  15. Um, keep up - that response was to Reddog; not you. Fair enough. Like you said, I'm entitled to my opinion, and you're entitled to yours. Unfortunately, MAGA and the GOP have a long track record of trying to erase LGTBQ and I can't help but see these trans bills as nothing more of the same. If the GOP wanted to be taken seriously on this issue - why wouldn't they take the opportunity to try and have a bi-partisan discussion about how best to handle fairness for all in sports? Unfortunately, it would go against their brand, but it is what the American people WANT. People are tired of the games. Tired of the partisanship. Instead, we see bills across red states - coming together - with little to no input - and if there is counter input; the representatives are expelled or banned from the floor. At the end of the day, I refuse to sit idly by, and watch people try to normalize hate.
  16. Um - money? This has NOTHING to do with money. These kids are tired of worrying about getting slaughtered at school. This has nothing to do with money. jfc
  17. So difficult to swallow pride. How embarrassing - their “leaders” and “mouthpieces” embarrass these freaks every single day. Are you tired of winning?
  18. He can't... lolz. Demographics are not on the cults side, and they know it. Young people showed in record numbers and will continue to do so... Americans and young people specially, are tired of the MAGA fringe. It's a dying party and they know it - just look at their desperation.
  19. This pig will never grow the F up. Americans are tired of the BS
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