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  1. Why Israel Must Take Rafah It’s the last sanctuary for Hamas’s military battalions in Gaza. By The Editorial Board The battle for Rafah has begun in Gaza, and it’s an essential part of Israel’s war of self-defense against Hamas. The terrorist group’s leaders have dragged out negotiations for a cease-fire for months, with no intention of freeing hostages while President Biden shielded their stronghold from attack. Now the masterminds of Oct. 7 are learning that Mr. Biden can’t protect them. “No amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum, will stop Israel from defending itself,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday. “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. But we know we are not alone, because countless decent people around the world support our cause.” Early Monday morning Israel ordered the evacuation of eastern Rafah, directing civilians to safety. In the afternoon Israeli tanks advanced. The plan is to evacuate and fight in the city piece by piece, swiftly moving civilians north and west without leaving Hamas free to tie down the people as human shields. Objections are pouring in from the usual suspects. France says displacing Rafah’s civilians is a crime. Would it prefer that Israel fight among them, or simply leave Hamas alone? Unrwa says that it will resist evacuation. The United Nations refugee agency again puts its anti-Israel ideology above the safety of Palestinian civilians. The invasion of Rafah was made necessary on Oct. 7, when Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. At that moment it became impossible for Israel to allow Hamas to control territory, remain in power and plan the next massacre, as the terrorists pledge. https://www.wsj.com/articles/rafah-battle-israel-hamas-gaza-cc8ba76b?st=ne751fj7tsyg1vb&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink .
  2. Good God, who is he kidding ? Top House Intel Democrat defends ‘very strong vetting process’ as Biden administration considers admitting Gazan refugees to US. https://nypost.com/2024/05/05/us-news/top-house-intel-dem-defends-very-strong-vetting-process-as-biden-admin-considers-admitting-gazan-refugees-to-us/
  3. Military Experts Warn of Extreme Dangers to American Troops Building Floating Pier off Gaza Coast By Bob Hoge Military experts are sounding the alarm over President Biden’s floating Gaza pier plan, where the administration will construct an offshore pier to be used to get more food and supplies to refugees in the war-torn region. Biden announced the operation during his March 7 State of the Union speech, but it was received with mixed reaction. {snip} Some of the experts brought up past disasters like the deadly terrorist bombings in Beirut in 1983 that killed 241 servicemembers and the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, which left 13 troops dead, as examples of what we face when we post our forces in hard-to-secure locales. “If a bomb went off in that location,” he [Kennedy] said, “the American public will ask, ‘What the hell were they doing there in the first place?’” https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2024/03/31/military-experts-warn-of-extreme-dangers-to-american-troops-building-floating-pier-off-gaza-coast-n2172149 Well, we need those Michigan votes. .
  4. Look at those poor "refugee children" Illegal Alien from Lebanon Caught at Border Admits He is Hezbollah, Hoped to Make a Bomb. An illegal alien from Lebanon was apprehended illegally crossing the southern border near El Paso, Texas by Border Patrol agents on March 9. Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was asked what he was doing in the United States. He said he was going to New York and hoped to make a bomb. "I'm going to make a bomb." He admitted he is a member of Hezbollah. During a sworn interview, Ebbadi said he trained with Hezbollah for seven years. He said he was an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years. https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/03/18/illegal-alien-from-lebanon-caught-at-border-admits-he-is-hezbollah-hoped-to-make-a-bomb-n3784874 Thanks, Joe Biden. .
  5. When I established an exploratory committee for Senate, I understood the challenge ahead. Running for office requires an extraordinary commitment, not just from the candidate but also from family, friends, volunteers, and donors. A campaign puts them through so much. That’s reason enough not to run for office unless there’s a clear path to victory and a high likelihood of success. After thoroughly evaluating all aspects of a potential campaign, I’m convinced that no candidate would be better positioned to win both the Republican primary and the general election. That’s why, today, I’m making it official: I’m joining the race for United States Senate in Michigan. The past few years away from Congress have given me time to reflect on the experiences that have shaped my life, the principles of liberty that inspire me, and what my tenure in Congress meant to the people of my community. My parents arrived in the United States as teenagers in search of a better future—my father, a Palestinian refugee, and my mother, a Syrian immigrant. They instilled in me a love for America and for the values and principles at the heart of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
  6. AS much as I dislike posting in such an op bigoted thread, this goes here with their false narrative. America can mass deport illegal aliens, and we know this because it’s done so before American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg The headlines are full of stories about illegal aliens: They’re raping children, murdering young women, crashing their cars into children, assaulting and murdering police officers…and the list goes on. However, we’re told that we’re stuck with them. Well, we’re not. In the 1950s, when there was political will—and a plea from Mexico to send its citizens home—we did mass deport illegal aliens. Like Pakistan deporting its illegal Afghan aliens, El Salvador jailing its gangs, or Argentina balancing its budget in nine weeks, it just requires political will. I made a lot of assertions about illegal aliens in my opening paragraph. Let me back them up with just a few examples. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/02/america_can_mass_deport_illegal_aliens_and_we_know_this_because_its_done_so_before.html
  7. Brutal new reporting from @axios in article titled “How Biden Botched the Border”. - Biden exploded w/ rage at his team aboard AF1 on the way to border last year. - Susan Rice called HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra a “B word ass”& “idiot”. - VP Harris’ team made it clear her responsibilities “began and ended” w/ root causes in just the 3 Northern Triangle counties & Mexico, w/ a former Biden admin official saying Harris has been “at best, ineffective”. - Mayorkas disagreed with Biden’s 100 day halt on deportations. - Homeland Security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall displayed inexperience, asked for a memo explaining the difference between refugees & asylum seekers. - Biden admin has listened to “vocal immigration advocates outside the administration”. - “The White House generally didn't want to talk publicly about immigration or the border for much of Biden's first three years, feeling it would draw attention to a political vulnerability.” - “Publicly, the White House also initially downplayed jumps in illegal border crossings as normal "ebbs and flows" — even as some internally pushed to acknowledge that the problem was significant.” The article highlights a combination of infighting, incompetence, and indifference regarding the administration’s handling of the border over the last 3 years. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/12/how-biden-botched-border
  8. IDF Uncovers Secret Hamas Data Center Directly Beneath UNRWA's Gaza HQ We’ve known that Hamas operates in hospitals and schools in Gaza, despite their heated denials. We've also known about the extensive terror tunnel network under the Strip, where they store weapons, hide hostages, and plan attacks. But a new find by the Israel Defense Forces is even more troubling – Hamas has been operating a sophisticated data center directly beneath the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), complete with an electrical room, industrial battery power banks, and living quarters for Hamas terrorists overseeing the computer operations. This is far from the first time the UNRWA has come under scrutiny: However, the new discovery is sobering because, among other things, the facility was “built precisely under the location where Israel would not consider looking initially, let alone target in an airstrike.” https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2024/02/10/idf-uncovers-secret-hamas-data-center-directly-beneath-unrwas-gaza-hq-n2169928
  9. REPORT: The Biden Administration Has Spent $20 Billion on ‘Refugee’ Resettlement in Just Two Years by Mike LaChance The situation at the southern border has become a multi-level crisis and it turns out that it has been incredibly expensive, too. The Biden administration has spent $20 billion hard-earned American tax dollars on ‘refugee’ resettlement in just the last two years. Of course, the vast majority of illegal border crossers are not refugees at all. Democrats sure do seem to enjoy spending other people’s money. (Snip) The Biden administration has poured billions of taxpayer dollars into the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) since October 2022, according to a new report from Open the Books. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/report-biden-administration-has-spent-20-billion-refugee/
  10. Report: Jill Biden Hampered Afghanistan Evacuation With Special Requests The disaster that took place in Afghanistan in 2021 no longer dominates the headlines, but the after-effects are still being felt. After the evacuation, which resulted in the murder of 13 American service members and countless Afghans, the Biden administration is still trying to clean up the mess it created. With women and children set to starve in incredible numbers because of the haphazard pull-out, the president is now moving to issue an executive order that will use frozen funds from the Afghan central bank for humanitarian relief. The problem with such an order is obvious. The Taliban is a terrorist organization masquerading as a legitimate government. Any money sent into the country is going to be misused and appropriated for nefarious activities. As to giving compensation to the 9/11 victims’ families, that feels like a rather convenient throw-in as Democrats face electoral doom in November. Regardless, the question of how things got to this point remains important, and a recent report by the U.S. Army puts much of the blame on the decisions that emanated from the Biden administration during that fateful time. As expected, Joe Biden himself has already rejected its findings, but it includes a very interesting mention of Jill Biden. Per the testimony of Navy Admiral Peter Vasely, who was running the operations center at Kabul’s airport during the evacuation, the First Lady and others were making special requests that ultimately ate up “bandwidth” and hampered the mission. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/11/report-jill-biden-hampered-afghanistan-evacuation-with-special-requests-n520677 Well, I know from reading this posts here, I'm not supposed to dispute any military testimony. Right?
  11. House Investigation Into Afghanistan Withdrawal Already Exposing Biden Administration's Incompetence By Jeff Charles FTA: During a hearing earlier this year, the committee heard testimonies describing the withdrawal effort. “This whole thing has been a gutting experience. I never imagined I would witness the kind of gross abandonment, followed by career-preserving silence of senior leaders, military and civilian,” Lt. Col. David Scott Mann (Ret.) said. There are approximately 775,000 Afghan war veterans. According to a survey, 73% of them feel betrayed by the withdrawal and 67% feel humiliated. Those who were there say they still suffer from what they experienced — including mothers carrying dead babies, the Taliban beating people, and people running for their lives. “I think we’re on the front end of a mental health tsunami,” Lt. Col. Mann said. “Calls to the VA hotline have spiked 81% in the first year since the Afghan withdrawal and they keep coming.” House Democrats have attempted to shift blame to the Trump administration for the botched withdrawal. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2023/12/18/house-investigation-into-afghanistan-withdrawal-already-exposing-biden-administrations-incompetence-n2167703
  12. What Arab Nations Are Reportedly Saying to Israel in Private Is Quite Interesting by Matt Vespa It feeds into everything that’s been reported about Israel’s Arab neighbors and why they don’t want Palestinian refugees roaming wild in their country: they bring trouble. The late King Hussein had to declare war on them and successfully drove them out. The problem is the Palestinian Liberation Organization set up shop in Lebanon, where they caused problems for the government while also attacking Israel from the southern part of the country. Israel had to invade in 1982 and remained in Southern Lebanon until 2000. Egypt has closed its border with the Gaza Strip in Rafah due to terrorism concerns. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2023/12/02/what-arab-nations-are-telling-israel-privately-is-quite-interesting-n2631920
  13. The Unhinged Among Us Victor Davis Hanson | Dec 01, 2023 October 7 should have been an open-and-shut case of moral condemnation. During peace and holiday, invading Hamas, gunmen murdered, tortured, mass raped, decapitated, and mutilated some 1,200 Israelis. The vast majority were unarmed women, children, infants, and the elderly. The cowardly murderers proudly filmed their atrocities and then fled back to Gaza -- to cheers from the Gaza street. Before Israel even retaliated, the mass murder of Jews earned praise from the Middle East, the international hard left, and especially the faculty and students of elite Western campuses. When the Israeli Defense Forces struck back, the killers dispersed to the safety of their multibillion-dollar subterranean cities. The cowardly elite architects of the mass murder fled to Arab sanctuaries in Lebanon and Qatar. From its headquarters burrowed below hospitals, mosques, and schools, Hamas bartered hostages for a reprieve from the IDF and the release of its own convicted terrorists in Israeli jails. Hamas shot any of its own supporters who refused to shield Hamas gunmen. It continued launching rockets at Israeli civilian centers. It serially lied about its casualties, expropriating intended relief food and fuel for its underground tunnel city of killers. Abroad, Hamas supporters also emulated the methods of the pro-Nazi demonstrators in Western cities of the 1930s. Unlike their pro-Israel critics, the pro-Hamas demonstrators in the U.S. and Europe turned violent. They took over and defaced private and public property. They chanted genocidal antisemitic slogans calling for erasure of the nation of Israel. They interrupted shoppers, blocked highways, attacked businesses, and swarmed bridges. They assaulted the police. The majority wore masks to hide their identities in the fashion of antisemitic Klansmen. Why did the doctrinaire left, the youth of the Democratic Party, and the campuses outdo each other in their antisemitic venom toward Israel? For the first time in their lives, many of the ignorant protestors suddenly professed concern about refugees, colonialism, disproportionality, innocent civilians, and the rules of war. But none could explain why the Palestinians who fled Israel in 1947-48 still self-identify as victimized "refugees" when 900,000 Jews ethnically cleansed from Middle-East Arab cities about the same time do not. https://townhall.com/columnists/victordavishanson/2023/12/01/the-unhinged-among-us-n2631857#google_vignette .
  14. Why is that ? Jordanian King's "Red Line": No Gaza Refugees Here or in Egypt https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2023/10/17/jordanian-kings-red-line-no-gaza-refugees-here-or-in-egypt-n585404
  15. The plight of innocent civilians in Gaza, suffering in this war caused by their leaders, is genuinely terrible. Pictures of babies killed in airstrikes are heartbreaking. So why aren't Arab nations offering to evacuate refugees? During Syria's civil war, millions of people fled the country and were admitted by Turkey, Germany, and other countries. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion have found haven in Poland, Hungary, and elsewhere. Israel is not preventing any other country from providing safe passage to Gaza civilians. But Hamas — whose top leaders don't even live in Gaza — 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 the images of Palestinian children suffering and dying in the rubble. They don't 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 other countries to rescue the civilians. They warn Palestinians not to leave their homes because they 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 the number of casualties to rise. Just as Hamas is responsible for the innocent bleed spilled in Israel, it is responsible for the innocent blood spilled in Gaza. And any Arab or Muslim nation that decries the siege and airstrikes in Gaza while refusing to open its borders to Palestinians is aiding and abetting Hamas in its war crimes.
  16. WELL, YES: It’s No Accident The Southern Border Is Collapsing, It’s Intentional. Customs and Border Protection shut down two international bridges to deal with the crisis. The mayor of Eagle Pass, Rolando Salinas, declared an emergency on Wednesday, it seems with good reason. He told The New York Post that the surge of illegal immigrants, most of them single adult men from Venezuela, has swamped the city’s only migrant shelter. Many of them, says Salinas, “don’t want to listen to instructions.” He added, “Not all of them come in peace.” Bill Melugin of Fox News has been in Eagle Pass this week posting jaw-dropping videos and images of the influx, which sure enough consists of mostly single adult men. The lines stretch over the river and along both banks as far as the eye can see. Whatever you think of the border and U.S. immigration policy, this is shocking. All of it recalls the mass encampment of some 15,000 Haitians under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, two years ago. At the time, images of what looked like a refugee camp you might see in a war-torn country dominated several news cycles, goading the Biden administration to disband the encampment and deport a small number of Haitians as a warning to others. Most of them fled back across the Rio Grande rather than face being deported to Haiti, a country they had left years ago for better jobs in South America (which countries they in turn left for better jobs in the United States). But notice how the illegal immigrants in Melugin’s footage are walking calmly, not running, not trying to evade Border Patrol. They show every indication they believe they will not be detained long. https://thefederalist.com/2023/09/21/its-no-accident-the-southern-border-is-collapsing-its-intentional/ You might call it a crisis by design, to coin an Insta-phrase.
  17. LOL ! Biden administration officials shift blame for NYC migrant crisis on to Mayor Eric Adams because there is 'no exit strategy' to house them after they're released from shelters by Laura Parnaby Biden administration officials have blamed Mayor Eric Adams for New York's out-of-control migrant crisis as tensions heat up between the Democrat factions. Department of Homeland Security employees have blasted the mayor's office for having 'no exit strategy' for the 10,000 refugees the city takes in each month. Their comments are the latest example of the president's inner circle passing the humanitarian issue like a hot potato to local officials who in turn shunt responsibility back to the White House. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12513847/Biden-Eric-Adams-migrant-crisis-blame.html .
  18. TRUTH BLAST OF THE DAY Wall Street Journal editorial writer Barton Swaim contrasts the “fealty” of leading party members and media organs to President Trump, on the one hand, and President Biden, on the other. When it comes to Biden, Swaim observes: The deficiencies of Mr. Trump are different from those of Mr. Biden, but the latter’s personal culpabilities and political liabilities are what any normal, uninvested person would call grave. Mr. Biden’s cringe-making decline is on display nearly every time he appears in public; examples are too many, and too painful, to describe. His diminished state might be funny in a novel or a movie, but in the real world it’s a continuing invitation to bad actors to engage in devilry and expect no consequence. And yet with a tiny number of unremarkable exceptions, Democratic politicos say nothing. The stupendously incompetent pullout from Afghanistan occurred early in Mr. Biden’s term, and the horrors it produced have destroyed any other presidency—a bomb killing 13 Marines; a retaliatory drone strike killing zero terrorists and 10 civilians, including seven children; a White House affecting unconcern for hundreds of Americans trapped inside the country; Afghan citizens pitifully clinging to a departing U.S. military plane, some of them falling to their deaths; former Afghan allies left at the mercies of the Taliban; billions of dollars worth of military equipment abandoned in the field; women and girls forced to drop out of school. Forgive the indecorousness, but it is undeniable that this calamity was a consequence of some combination of senility and incompetence. Yet the number of high-level Democrats who expressed more than vague “worry” and “concern” is somewhere between small and nonexistent. You might have expected a credible Democrat, maybe a retired military officer, to challenge Mr. Biden in a primary. But no; the party rearranged its traditional primary schedule to begin with South Carolina and so make any primary challenge nearly impossible. I await the stream of articles in the New York Times and Washington Post about Mr. Biden’s “iron grip” on his party. The Hunter Biden revelations would have generated calls for resignation in a time of more sanity and less rancor. Text messages indicating the young Mr. Biden was selling access to his father, a maze of shell companies seemingly meant to hide transactions, strong evidence that the Justice Department monkey-wrenched an investigation into that activity—none of it provokes curiosity on the left. That one of the associates Hunter badgered for payment works for a company with ties to the Chinese government is also, for Democrats and the left’s pundit class, a matter of no interest. https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-iron-grip-on-his-party-trump-evangelicals-hunter-investigations-62c1cb3
  19. ANNIVERSARY OF A DISASTER We are observing the second anniversary of one of America’s worst foreign policy fiascos, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was on August 26, 2021, when 13 American Marines and at least 170 Afghan civilians were murdered by a Taliban bomber at the Kabul airport. To say that the anniversary has passed quietly is an understatement. A writer for the Atlantic, Franklin Foer, has an upcoming book on the withdrawal called The Last Politician. An excerpt was made public today, and several media outlets covered it. (snip) Foer’s book includes this Biden quote: According to Foer, “everything [Biden had] witnessed from his seat in the Situation Room confirmed his belief that exiting a war without hope was the best and only course.” As for the angry reaction, Biden considered it “overheated,” reportedly telling an aide that “either the press is losing its mind, or I am.” Biden is so far gone that, not only does he not care about 13 dead American Marines, along with hundreds of Afghans, he can’t understand why anyone else would care, either. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/08/anniversary-of-a-disaster.php .
  20. Biden Could Lose Reelection Due to His Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal: Analyst Jon Dougherty FTA: “People aren’t voting on Afghanistan in 2024, but they’re voting a referendum on Joe Biden. If you look at the poll numbers before the Afghan withdrawal, he was above 50 percent approval, and after that withdrawal, he’s sunk below 50 percent and has never recovered and not only did he sink below 50 percent on foreign policy and fighting terrorism, [but] on every single issue,” Theissen continued. “Why is that? Because Americans looked at this and they said, ‘One, he’s lying to us and two, he’s incompetent,’ and when people decide that you’re an incompetent liar, you don’t recover from that,” he went on. “That is a permanent, indelible mark on his presidency, and so all the polls we’re seeing in the two years since this happened are a reflection that it all started in Afghanistan,” he claimed. “It all started in Kabul when his polls went cratered, and they have never gone up above 50 percent again because the American people know he is a liar and he is incompetent. That’s why he’s going to lose the White House,” he added. https://conservativebrief.com/biden-could-2-75721/
  21. With all that’s happened, much of it negative, during the Biden administration, it’s easy to forget just how bad the withdrawal from Afghanistan was. With time, things fade, but the disaster that unfolded remains one of the lowest points in American history. That it was completely preventable, caused by one arrogant, egotistical man only makes the situation more tragic. As American troops oversaw the emergency evacuation of remaining US personnel, which was only necessary because of the total collapse of the Afghan military, suicide bombers targeted one of the entry gates to Kabul’s main airport. The results were horrific, with hundreds dying, including 13 American service members. According to a new report, sourced by US Army veteran and current Rep. Cory Mills, Gee’s family was forced to pay $60,000 to transport her body to Arlington National Cemetery after ceremonies were held in her hometown of Roseville, CA. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/07/25/outrage-ensues-after-family-of-marine-killed-in-afghanistan-withdrawal-forced-to-pay-to-transport-her-body-n782063 https://www.foxnews.com/us/family-forced-pay-ship-body-marine-killed-after-pentagon-policy-change-egregious-injustice https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-admin-forces-family-of-soldier-killed-in-afghanistan-withdrawal-to-pay-60000-to-transport-fallen-soldiers-body-to-arlington-national-cemetary?utm_campaign=64483 .
  22. GASLIGHTING 101: How Biden and the Left Create Their Own Villains Tyler O'Neil Hate is on the rise! Not only are hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan in every state in America, but antigovernment groups lurk in plain sight, spreading baseless conspiracy theories and plotting to stage another Jan. 6. These radicals may claim they are advocating “parental rights,” “religious freedom,” or “border security,” but they’re motivated by hatred, exclusion, and racism, this narrative goes. Whatever they say can and should be dismissed as “misinformation” or “disinformation,” because it contradicts the Left’s official narrative. Don’t you dare express your own doubts about the Left’s narrative, or you, too, will qualify as an “extremist.” You may be a card-carrying Democrat who checks all the right boxes, but if you think porn doesn’t belong in school libraries, none of that matters. You may fully support gay marriage, but don’t you dare wonder out loud if kids on experimental “gender” drugs may grow to regret altering their own bodies. You may serve refugees, but you’d better watch yourself if you think the mass of humanity crossing the southern border may be just a bit problematic. Welcome to Gaslighting 101. You see, some on the Left are hard at work manufacturing their own villains. The strategy goes something like this: Take over America’s institutions and weaponize them against the very values that helped establish them in the first place. When people complain, brand them as the extremists to shame them into silence. MUCH more at the link: https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/07/17/gaslighting-101-how-biden-left-create-villains/?
  23. Damning New Report on Afghanistan Withdrawal Rips Biden Admin; Biden Still Claims 'I Was Right' There’s a new report out Friday from the State Department’s after-action review of the horrible withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. The report excoriates the way the withdrawal was handled, noting that the Biden team did not sufficiently plan or prepare for “worst case scenarios.” Incredibly, it said it was “unclear” who was in charge at the State Department. They also made the bad mistake of giving up the Bagram airfield to the Afghans, which would have been much easier to defend to get people out, so they were forced to use the Hamid Karzai Airport. Naturally, because the report was bad, it was dropped on a Friday right before a holiday weekend—so that they can try to avoid more press on the issue. Only about half of it was released, with the other part staying classified. While it called out the administration, it was careful not to blame any particular individual despite Sec. of State Antony Blinken being in charge of that leader-challenged State Department. After the report was released, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby tried to defend the administration with the same poor response that they’ve used for two years: that the “decision to end the war was the right one.” No one was talking about the decision to end the war, but about the horrible way in which Joe Biden and his officials tried to carry it out. Joe Biden’s response was even worse than Kirby’s. Washington Bureau Chief for GloboNews, Raquel Krähenbühl asked Biden about the damning report: “Do you admit failure in Afghanistan? There was a report…saying there was failure, mistakes. Do you admit there was mistakes during the withdrawal and before?” His response was one for the books — even with all the evidence, even with how much he failed, and the release of the new report, he’s still trying to insist he was right in how he did things and refusing all criticism. The level of arrogance was astonishing. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/06/30/damning-new-report-on-afghanistan-withdrawal-rips-biden-admin-his-response-is-one-for-the-books-n769878
  24. Biden caused the Afghanistan tragedy -- now he's shifting the blame A.J. KAUFMAN Biden ruined much of what our military accomplished during two decades of sacrifice in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s enormous strategic victory — with more than $7 billion worth of U.S. weapons, ammunition, aircraft, materiel, and vehicles — was given to them on a silver platter. Millions of civilians have plunged into destitution thanks to Biden’s rogue move. Many Afghans, who risked their lives to assist us, were left behind to face the wrath of the Taliban. The tumult that accompanied the haphazard retreat, with visions similar to Saigon’s fall, conveyed a message of American weakness that Vladimir Putin undoubtedly used as a red carpet to invade Ukraine a few months later. … As the current administration inexplicably touts the pullout as a success, it attempts to pass the buck for what went awry to others, including intelligence and military leaders, Congress, the Afghan people, and especially former President Donald Trump. The only person absolved from culpability is Biden, depicted as some figure of great resolve, failed by his national security apparatus. https://lidblog.com/afghanistan-surrender-was-a-tragedy-biden-caused-now-hes-blaming-others/
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