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Special K

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Posts posted by Special K

  1. Fug that!!!


    I saw those photos yesterday and just looking at 'em gave me a creepy vertigo-like feeling.


    Heights used to not bother me when I was a kid, now I can't even do the Space Needle in Seattle. :unsure:



    I've done the rides on top of the Statosphere Tower in Las Vegas:




    Basically, the ride in the picture goes straight off the edge of the tower at about 1100 feet. Wild stuff.


    I would do the skywalk at the Grand Canyon, and these Sears Tower balconies, but I can't say it wouldn't make me uneasy.

  2. A good number of them have come under scrutiny in the past. Supposedly their security systems are un breakable. I plaed on BODOG and will never play again. I used the sports book they and when you cash out and then try and play poker you get the absolute worst beats imaginable. Its a joke.



    What's funny is that I cashed out $300 of profit less than a week earlier.....then this happens......I don't believe in conspiracy theories, so I'm sure its just a coincidence.


    P.S.: I just found $20 on the street today....maybe a little Karmic justice for those bad beats :cry:

  3. I play online on Pokerstars, and am a pretty consistent winner....I play somewhat small stakes, however (.50/$1 blind cash games).


    Haven't had a losing week in about 6 months, but what happened Friday night will end that streak. Six consecutive bad beats which cost me $290 in about an hour and a half.....always had the best hand when the money went in....not used to losing like that six times in a row :thumbsup::thumbsup:


    I guess I'll need a week off to recover from that......just wanted to vent, but it made me wonder if anyone else has a bad beat story they would like to share

  4. I've seen that a few times, but IMO it's a worse trade if Hedo leaves. It's okay to bring in Carter to "put them over the top" and make an all out run at the championship, but Carter isn't going to replace Turk. Turk just fit too perfectly into his role. Losing Turk AND Lee and getting Carter doesn't make sense to me.


    Reports down here are that the Magic made an offer to Turk, and he turned it down(not enough money), so the Magic pulled the trigger on this trade. I personally don't like it because Lee had to be included in the deal. The other two were expiring contracts that the Magic were looking to move to make room for signing Turk.


    IMO, this trade kind of gives the Magic some leverage in negotiations with Turk. He absolutely wants to stay in Orlando, but he had all the leverage before this trade....maybe his asking price will go down to come back to such a stacked team.


    The trade only looks good if Turk is signed, or at the worst, sign-and-traded.


    Funny thing is the Magic only have 8 players under contract and they are over the luxury tax already. The owner says he is willing to go over the tax to win a championship in the next few years(aging owner going all-out to win....insert Ralph Wilson comment here)....plus, they are expecting huge revenues from the new Arena that opens in 2010.

  5. Buftex (and the magic) have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of......they had a great season and the final win/loss column does not reflect just how close this series was


    Kobe simply would not be denied......


    God I wish I could have this same feeling when it comes to my Bills.





    Congrats John......at least I can feel good that a Bills fan is feeling that Championship feeling! :oops:


    And Buftex, thanks for throwing your support behind the Magic after we beat your Celtics....much appreciated!


    Unfortunately, I have to move my Championship record to 0-6 :nana:


    0-4 with the Bills, 0-2 with the Magic.........I hope one day one of my teams let me see what its like to be a Champion.

  6. Let me be the first (here) to congratulate the Lakers, Kobe and John From Hemet on their 15th ring...the Magic just weren't up to the task tonight, and the Lakers smelled blood. Great season, great playoffs. While I mourned my own team falling short, I have gained some new respect for the Magic, and, have to tip my hat, begrudgingly albeit to the Lakers. Its' fun to have a team to root for, and it is almost as fun to have a team to hate...thanks Lakers! :nana:


    Congrats to the Lakers....you played a great series, and deserve the Championship.


    I'd also like to say thank you to the Magic for a wonderful playoff run. My team grew up throughout these playoffs, and became a stronger team before my eyes. The experience gained this year can only be beneficial to this young team, and hopefully, they will have the opportunity to hold that Championship trophy in the future!!


    Here's to the Magic!!!!! :oops::thumbsup::thumbsup:

  7. I still think the Magic need another, big physical player, to compliment Howard. They have big, skilled guys now, but they don't have much physical prescence.



    I agree with you on this, but I don't think they should change the starting lineup to do so.


    Adding a physical big man that can come off the bench when the situation calls for it is the way to go, IMO.


    However, one of the rumors down here is that if a deal cannot be reached with Turk, a sign-and-trade deal will be the way in which Turk leaves the Magic.

  8. I don't think that's true at all. They have, very aggravatingly, given away two games by missing last second shots (Lee's layup and Howards free throws). Other than that they have played right with the best team in the league. There's two things Orlando is missing: Experience and a healthy Nelson. Injuries suck and are a part of the game, but the Magic don't have to do anything but keep their young team together and they will be a shoe in for the conference finals for the next few years.


    All through the playoffs I keep thinking how exciting this team is going to be next year, with Nelson back and Lee in his second season! The only bump in the road is getting Turk signed, but I have (blind) faith he'll be back.


    I agree that the Magic have been excruiatingly close to winning the last two games that they have lost, but when you are in the Finals and considered the underdog in the series, you absolutely have to make those end of game plays. You just can't give a team who believes they are the better team and deserves to win the series a chance to take those games away from you, because they will take it.


    As for Turk, I think he will be able to get more money going elsewhere, but I don't think he could be in a better situation as far as the offensive system matching his skill-set then he is right here in Orlando. He is due to get $7.3 million next year if he doesn't opt out of the final year of his contract, and I don't know how much higher per-year the Magic are willing(or able) to go in a contract extension, but I hope they can work one out and keep this core group together for Championship runs over the next few years(Howard, Nelson, Lewis, all under contract for 5 more years).

  9. but that second half was just brutal, for anyone rooting for the Magic. They did just about everything wrong, and the Lakers took advantage...I guess that is what experience does for you.



    It sure was, and that really hurt.......it sucks to watch your team work so hard and then just give it away.....I'm too down to comment further right now....... :D:thumbsup::rolleyes:

  10. The all-important Game 4 is almost upon us.....I'm anxious to see if the Magic can get back in this series tonight.



    What gives me confidence is the way the Magic won Game 3...they got balanced scoring, and two players who had a horrible first 2 games(Alston/Pietrus) broke through and were major contributors.


    Lets go Magic, ride the wave of the home crowd(It kills me that I couldn't get any Finals tickets), keep hitting your shots, and even this thing up tonight!!!


    GO MAGIC!!!!!

  11. Yes!! It feels great to finally get a win in this series!


    The Magic hit their shots tonight, and Kobe had a "non-Kobe" second half.


    This team never quits..they have had to regroup time after time in the playoffs, and they just keep coming back.


    I only wish that Courtney Lee made that lay-up in game 2....what could have been.


    I'm not giving up, and if the Magic win Game 4, you never know........I certainly will never count out my Magic!!!!


    Lets turn one win into two, then 3, then..............




    GO MAGIC!!!!!

  12. I dont feel good about the next game though.....there will be a lot of energy for the magic there



    I hope you are right...the Magic have to get back in this series tonight.


    I'm interested to see the rotation Stan Van is going to employ...he threw some lineups out there in game 2 that they never had on the floor together all year long...


    Hopefully, those open shots they are getting will be going in tonight and the Magic will come out on top!!!


    GO MAGIC!!

  13. Courtney Lee had the chance to win it...Not an easy play, but one you've got to make if you expect to win the NBA finals.



    That just killed me.....I was watching the play develop, and it was so perfect.....I was already jumping in the air in celebration....that had to go in. The best part was that it was Kobe that blew the defensive assignment, plus he got blocked the possession before....it would have changed the direction of the series, IMO.


    At least the Magic started to hit their shots in the second half, but toward the end of regulation, a few wide open shots were missed that might have put the game away...tough one to swallow.

  14. That's not even remotely true. All the Magic have to do is win the games in Orlando and steal one from the Lakers in LA. It doesn't matter if that's tonight, game 5, or game 7...the key is that they have to hold serve in Orlando. They're pretty much doomed if they let LA take one on the road.


    The 2-3-2 format means that Game 6 and 7 will be in L.A.....That's a big advantage...If it was a 2-2-1-1-1 series, I would be more inclined to agree with you.


    Plus, the team that wins the first two games in this format win the series 96% of the time...I don't want to go up against those odds.

  15. Time to get ready for Game 2!


    I hope the Magic can hit their shots tonight...they absolutely need this game to have a chance to win this series.


    I'd be very disapppointed if we see a second straight blowout...I'm counting on Stan Van to make the necessary adjustments and have this team ready to go tonight.


    GO MAGIC!!!!

  16. :lol:

    Ugly game. Just take some solace however, in the fact that, like you said sort of, the Magic are not going to shoot 29% most nights. Give the Lakers credit, they played some good defense. However, the Lakers, as Kobe said himself, are team bi-polar. I doubt they can stick with that defensive intensity for a whole series. And, I am very impressed with how well the Magic adjust from game to game. Van Gundy has two days to come up with something new...I have no doubt, game 2 will be a much more competitive affair.


    You are closer to this team than I am, but I was kind of surprised by how much Nelson played tonight. Do you think that could have thrown them out of synch a little? I figured they would ease him in sparingly, or if they were really on the ropes. I know he is a terrific player, but I get nervous about things like that, particularly in basketball.



    First of all, let me say that Jameer Nelson is my favorite player on the Magic.


    I was surprised with how much he played as well. It was obvious that he kept himself in good condition--easier to do with a shoulder injury than a leg injury, I guess. In truth, Jameer is the emotional leader of this team, and I believe that the other players wanted him out there just as much as he wanted to be out there--this is a tight-knit group. He blossomed into a top-tier player this year, and having someone like him on the court, with his talent plus the intangibles he brings, it could never hurt.


    Like Mark Jackson said--With a player of his talent, he has to be out there all the way, or not at all.

  17. The lakers played Orlando the only way they can win.....


    Well, that was a tough one. I looked to me that the shots were there, but the Magic just couldn't buy a basket.


    As everyone keeps saying....live by the 3, die by the 3.....you can figure out which one applies to this game.


    It's a long series, and the Magic are better than they played tonight.


    It was nice to see Jameer out there...I was impressed with his performance after 4 months off. It was a lone bright spot.


    Hopefully, this game got the jitters out for the young Magic, and they can have a more consistent prformance in Game 2.

  18. :wallbash::lol:






    I don't know why, but I have a really good feeling about this game tonight.


    Here's to hoping the Magic can make this the third series in a row in which they win Game 1 on the road!!!! :beer:


    BTW, one of the local stations down here just reported that Jameer Nelson will not play tonight. :(

  19. It was a bad move on LeBron's part. But given his rep, he won't be raked over the coals too much.


    On a side note, I bet that Cavs fans are getting sick and tired of seeing that Yankee cap on his head.


    The not shaking hands thing was one thing, but not talking to the media after the game was a bad move...then his "apology" the next day made it even worse.


    "Not shaking hands with the people who just beat you is not bad sportsmanship."......actually thats kind of exactly what it is.







    DISCLAIMER: I am a Magic fan, so maybe I'm a little biased.

  20. Dont you just wish our football team was hated like this....... ;)



    I can't wait for tomorrow...its gonna be a great series..........GO MAGIC!!



    Good luck to you John, and look at it this way: If either the Magic or the Lakers win, at least one Bills fan will be happy and able to celebrate a Championship!! :beer::rolleyes::(

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