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Posts posted by KOKBILLS

  1. If anyone can still contend, after last night, that Tom Brady is not one of the best QB's in the game, or maybe even one of the all-timers, you really don't know football.  That argument that some of trot out that Brady is a system qb, or that he has all day, don't watch.  All QB's are "system QQB's".  Brady had a ton of pressure on him last night, made some of the tightest passes you will ever see, and made very few errors.  Stop hating the Patriots so much, that you can't enjoy what a great game NFL football is.  Brady has everything, IMO, he is the best QB in the game right now.  Manning and McNair have lots going for them, but they always seem to come up short.  All the bemoaning that there are no great QB's in the game anymore just does not wash. 


    Sorry, had to get it off my chest.  I hate the Patriots too, but I love the game more than I could hate any team (except the fish)! :)



    Agreed...and I've been saying this forever here to no avail...


    The Bills are 1st and formost, and always will be to me...But I love Michigan Football too, so it's tough for me to hate Brady except when he lines up against us.


    There is nothing Brady can do to further his status as one of the best QB's in the Game period. Yes the system helps, but if your certain Brady can't get it done in another system...well then you don't know Tom Brady. This guy will run through walls for his Team, he's one of the hardest working players in the NFL, let alone QB's. He's tireless in his preperation, and he simply would not allow any stone to be unturned regardless of what system he was in. Just so happens he lucked out and got some of the best Offensive Coaching and Game Planning around in NE. But mark my words he would be good anywhere, under any Coach. Maybe not as good as he is in NE, but he would still be one of the better QB's in the League period...End of story...


    I know a few people who definitely know Football, and they are the NE Players...Ask any NE Player on Offense or Defense what they think of TB. Ask Lawyer Milloy, Ty Law, etc... His Teammates, even his ex-Teammates practically worship TB...That says it all to Me... It's not just the system, the guy can flat out Play...

  2. You might be the mightiest RB to ever be drafted by the Bills - I doubt it.  But maybe, just maybe...



    I doubt it too...Mr. McGahee will have to go a LONG, LONG way in the NFL before anyone will ever hear his name mentioned in the company of one Thurman Thomas...


    I think the Bills Drafted another pretty good HB out of USC way back in the day, don't recall his name, but I think he wore #32... :P


    Right now I like Willis' progress, but he's far behind Travis Henry in Buffalo Bills HB lore, and miles behind a few others... B)

  3. He and Pat Tillman show that there are Atheists in Fox Holes even in hyper religious America.



    Wow..."Hyper Religious.."


    I don't know what that means, but even though the main stream America (or at least the America you see on TV) may be a bit too Religious for some, I think in actuality Religion in daily practice is quite scarce in this Country...


    I mean is Porn not the #1 industry in America (or something like that)? Maybe that's a question for LA. :flirt:


    Maybe hyper sensitive Religious, or hyper reactive Religious, I don't know...


    Just commentary, no offense meant whatsoever... B)

  4. Well living here in the depths of Panthermania, I decided last Season I would no longer doubt Carolina until they prove worthy of said doubt. I think it was after they went to Indy and Won that I came to that decision.


    So I'm sticking with the NFC Champs to return. While they lost a lot on the O-Line, I think getting Fields back on the D will strengthen that side of the Ball and it evens out a bit.


    Some how some way The Panthers continue to get it done, though I realize it will be tougher this Season... B)

  5. I find it odd that we filled all eight spots already.



    I think with the extention of Dev. Squad to 8 Players, most Teams were looking to use it as nothing more than an extended Roster. I would not be surprised at all to find out that there is some sort of unofficial agreement between Teams to lay off Signing young Players who have been Cut, unless there is a big need due to injury. I think all Teams wanted to extend the PS due to the injury situation during the Season, and the need to have a couple extra Players to develop for the future. I think the whole system works better this way, especially if most Teams are not crouching in the bushes waiting for certain young Players to get released.


    I wonder if, with the Pre Season Injuries we continue to see, the NFL will move to allow a Player injured in the Pre Season to be put on the PUP List. The current rule, like the old 5 man Dev. Squad, seems too restrictive and unnecessary. Just a thought... B)

  6. The optimist in me says 10-6, and a tie (w/ The Patsies) for the Division Crown...


    The pessimist in me (usually the winner in the battles of my inner mind) says 8-8 because we simply are lacking the O-Line talent to play the desired Run, Run, pound it out, use Play Action, and Play tough D Game that the Bills have promised.


    I think if you assume a 3-3 Divisional record (for the sake of arguement only), and assume Home Wins vs. Arizona, Cleveland, and J-Ville (I just think the Bills come out and play lights out in week #1. Just a gut feeling.), along with Road losses at Seattle and Baltimore (the 2 toughest Non Division Road Games IMHO), that leaves a 6-5 Record. The St. Louis and Pittsburgh Home Games, along with the Oakland, Cincy and San Fran Road Games seem to be the "swing Games" on this schedule. The optimist in Me says the Bills go 4-1 in those "swing Games..." the pessimist in me says...well...nevermind... B)


    Something tells me it will be closer to the 8-8 pessimistic prediction, mostly because of the bad taste in my mouth from last Season. But this Team has talent, and if they could somehow figure out a way to sweep Miami and The Jets, it will go a LONG way towards a successful Season...

  7. I did not read the latest article, but an older article (weeks ago) said that he was also expected to pay back some of his NO Saints bonus money.  Is that because the Dolphins absorbed some of that $$$?



    Can't see how that would be possible. I'm sure he got plenty of Bonus dollars in the restructure, but any Saints Bonus money (paid) cannot be carried over by rule. Maybe there was some Bonus money earned (in his last NO season), but not paid out by the Saints because the Contract called for it to be paid the following year??? Can earned performance Bonuses be carried over in Trade??


    Anyway...this much I do know...It's looking more and more like this was an even more selfish move than previously thought. Ricky was obviously more concerned about his Play, and the Fish Offense than he previously let on. And I think that Ricky smoked a couple and thought this might just get him Traded to the Raiders, and in the mean time he could take a year or two off...


    Must be some REALLY good Ganja! B)

  8. I think it will be alot like last years game.  Bills 35 - Jags 21




    Agreed...but I also believe it will have a little touch of the NE Home Opener last year...


    Meaning I think a few bad things will happen to the Jags because the Crowd will be Jacked up, and lets not forget they have a Young QB.


    I've always subscribed to the Mel Kiper theory on Opening Day which basically says no single week is more unpredictable than Week #1. Weird things happen in Week #1. In this case I think the Bills come out and, like last Season, play a bit over their heads in thumping the Jags...


    But who the heck really knows...


    Bills - 31 Jags - 10

  9. This thing just broke My heart...


    I know we should not be surprised after what this Country has seen 1st hand, but seeing those Kids running out of that School, and hearing the stories of dead and wounded children who were shot in the back while fleeing...Good God, I guess you just have to Pray for those poor Families.


    My Grandpa on My Dad's side was 100% Russian. He used to speak to me in Russian all the time. I thought he was so cool. I definitely feel a connection to those folks, and again they are in My Prayers...


    I think a lively debate on the situation over there is always warranted, but when it comes right down to it ,actions such as this do nothing but invite more War. Putin has already said today that Russia has not been tough enough on Terrorism. So it sounds to me like regardless of what has happened in the past, this standoff, and the violence it is bringing, is far from over...

  10. I'm watching the replay too.......  Willis just might be fine, great 1-2 punch!

    11 to 80 looked OK as well! :wacko:



    I know the Lions had some injuries, but I think most of the Starting Front 7 was in there, and the O-Line looked like it held up well. DB stood in there and delivered the Ball with confidence...I'd like to see a few more Plays where our HB does not have to dodge, or break, the 1st Tackle in the Backfield. But the O-Line also opened up some nice holes especially on the 1st couple Plays...


    The key to me is how the Running Game ends up effecting Play Action, because you have to figure DB will carve up a few Defenses if we are running well on 1st Down...


    I liked the one review I read here yesterday that said they saw progress...I agree... B)

  11. From Bills Daily. You can use google to search sites.



    First entry listed.


    Steve Tasker WILL get on the wall.  They are just give credit to some of the old guard first.



    Richer is certainly deserving... More than 200 Games Played as a Buffalo Bills OG...not bad. The rest will get there sooner or later. I expect Thurman, Bruce and Andre all to go on the Year they get in the Hall (or at least close to that time). I guess that means next Year is when you may see Tasker go up. After that I imagine it will be TT, Andre and Bruce...


    And what about Biscuit?? He's got to go up sometime also... B)

  12. ...vs. Detroit. Did not get to see the Game Thursday, so I'm catching the Replay on the NFL Network. I'm trying to figure where these "McGahee looks slow" opinions came from (I know it was not everyone) on Gameday. Thought Willis looked very good on the 1st Drive. Picked up positive yardage whenever he had even a small hole, and his feet definitely looked lively to me.


    Willis is not Travis to the hole, he's definitely more patient. But I see a major difference in him from the 1st Pre Season Game. He's obviously gaining confidence, and sooner or later he's going to break a tackle and break a long Run.


    Just wanted to comment because on Gameday the numbers did not look great, and I read some negative comments by some who were watching the Game Live. I was expecting Willis to look tentative, and he was anything but on that 1st Drive. Should also mention that #54 (C. Spielman) and the Lions Play by Play man were both pretty impressed with Willis.


    I think we have 2 damn good HB's, and if this O-Line can continue to improve, the Bills will pile up some major Rushing yards in the 2nd half of Games this year as they wear the opposing D down...


    I like that thought... B)

  13. I disagree with "Wire only good for special teams" as he was a very solid SS in his rookie year. He would be a starter on most other teams in the league, and he will prove himself this year.




    Well...I certainly hope you're right about Wire, but...


    I'm not sure you can call Wire's Rookie yr. "very solid." Maybe commendable considering the Position change from College. I doubt very much Wire could Start for a bunch of NFL Teams at either S Position currently. He's still a bit raw, takes bad angles at times, and remains a boarderline liability in Coverage (though Milloy is not exactly Ed Reed back there either).


    In some ways, Wire reminds me a bit of Kurt Schulz. He's shown, like Schulz did early on in his career, that he can be a lights out hitter at S. But it took Schulz a while to figure out what was going on in Coverage, and the fact that he could not simply blow up every Player he tried to Tackle. Schulz had 6 INT's in his 4th NFL Season, and 30 INT's over his last 7 years, mostly as a Starter. Wire may just catch on similarly, but I think the Jury is still way out on him as of now.

  14. ...before we all start jumping off the cliff? Sick of all the worry-warts and sick of preseason football.



    I'll give that an Amen...


    And actually it's likely going to take a few Games to get a real feel for this Team. I have a gut feeling that the Jags opener will be similar to last Years Game at J-Ville. I think the Bills will come out at Home and play lights out for the new Head Coach in his 1st Game. But how much did Game #1, or for that matter Game #2, tell us about the Bills last season?


    It's a LONG season ahead and a lot can happen. Pre Season means nothing, and plenty of Teams win the opener and finish out of the Playoff picture. So I'll just sit back and watch without expectation this Season. I think it's better for my blood pressure anyway... B)

  15. I was listening to the game on Sirius radio and the only feed was a Detroit one. They were saying that the Bills offense looked very sloppy. This was right before the half. What's up with that? Did they look bad? This was said right after Pucillo's false start. Any input???  :(



    AVP was blaming it (at least the penalties) on the O-Line not being used to Matthews cadence. I know the HB Williams got hit for a 7 Yard loss at one point. Not sure what the rest of the sloppiness was... B)

  16. ...that's right.  STUPID PENALTIES!  10 for 69 to only 1 for 5 for Daytwah.


    That's gotta get cleaned up between now and 9/12.



    I'll tell you what...I know it's just PS but the freaking Penalties drive me nuts!! :(


    Nothing makes scream out loud like a bunch of dumb Penalties, it's just mind numbing...Hopefully they are just getting it out of their system. AVP said the False starts were due to not knowing Matthews cadence so I guess there is a small excuse for those...Still drives me crazy! B)

  17. so if he was a democrat it'd be better?


    give me one good argument that demonstrates that the democratic party has better ideals and is better for the country long term.


    i registered as a dem in 1988, and that hasn't changed. what has changed is i realized that theres an abundance of bad ideas and hypocrisy there.


    if the pat robertson types didn't ruin the right with their moralizing, i'd make the switch. Conservatism has common sense on its side.



    Very well said!


    I come from a LONG line of Dems, but I realized a long time ago I was a Conservative. The far right is about the last place You'll find me, but the common sense you speak of is what keeps me hopeful...


    I know this much, a Conservative philosopy in Congress is making a major push to completely overhaul our Tax system in the US. And if they have their way there will be no more IRS. That has me towing the Company line...period...It sounds like a pipe dream, and the Dems will demagouge the idea to death. But it's real, and America should be behind the idea 100% (yes even the Lefties, though that will never happen). To me, this issue (National Sales Tax) is at the heart of Conservative Politics, and it's a flat out winner...


    BTW, I'm not the biggest Bush lover in the world (he's a little too moderate for me, but I understand why). But in this case, more than any other Pres Election I can remember, the Dem alternative is an absolute NO WAY! B)

  18. Bills better have a QB in here tommorrow so he can play on Thursday. Bledsoe wasn't going to play more than a series anyways. They need someone to backup Zolman Thursday at least.



    I think there is a chance the Bills do exactly that, then turn around and Cut that QB the day after the Lions Game. Then I expect the Bills to Pick a QB up who is cut, or through a minor Trade...

  19. watching the game now on NFL network. the 1st half is the Indy broadcast. The play by play guy here called Schobel Campbell (94-84) and called Josh Reed Ryan Neufeld (82-88). He probably thought he was sounding pretty cool calling the players so quickly after glancing at his Bills Roster. Now try looking up the right number on your list, you moron.



    I noticed that too ByTor..I was actually loooking at the Computer at the time and thought, what the heck is our #2 TE doing returning Kicks? Those Dolts announcers were horrible homers...How about the Replay? The Ball is bouncing off the turf and they just ignore it...Funny stuff... :blink:


    Actually, I'd probably be a Bills homer if I was on Play by Play...I'd be the worst homer...Damn objectivity when it comes to Buffalo Bills Football... B)

  20. The league put in the rule after Trent Green was taken out on the exact same type of hit a few years ago. The D-linemen are not allowed to hit the QB's low. The lineman didn't push him. He wasn't falling. He was DIVING  for the knees. Oh BTW- he fuggin got them, the bastard....The ref's didnt even throw a flag. It reminds me of the rule where the QB is not supposed to be touched when he hook slides while scrambling. I see QB's get crushed now all the time and no calls are being made.


    I hope Travis is not hurt too badly.



    I was listening to the Radio feed and AVP said it was a Penalty all the way...I did not hear him detract that thought. He said you can't go low, and that's exactly what the guy did...Of coarse, these are our Bills, and it's par for the coarse that there was no Flag...



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