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Posts posted by KOKBILLS

  1. I said to AiO halfway through the game that I had to force the emotion for this game and that mistique that I once knew as a Bills fan is all but lost.


    All I know is that I have this empty semi-naseaus feeling knowing that we should have won this game and didn't.  I'm not sure I can take another season of his kind of emptiness.



    Well said...and I feel your pain believe me...


    Your comments concerning the forced emotion hit especially close to Home with me. I've said so on this Board for months now that I have no idea why, but something broke in me last year. Most of the time when I write things like that on TSW I have to deal with the usual "Your not a real Fan" comments and so on. Of coarse that does not bother me much, I'd say 38 years, a dozen near strokes, and about a million dollars in paraphernalia qualifies Me as a true Fan no matter what anyone says...But anyway, there is definitely something about this Team, and this Teams Leadership that is lacking and I'm sure most Bills Fans are feeling it now.


    As for me I spent the entire Off Season preparing for exactly this type of disappointment. And while it still hurts, it's no where near as bad as it was last year because although I think this could easily be a 10-6 Playoff Team, I realize it could just as easily be a 6-10 Team once again. I used to block out that type of negative outlook concerning my beloved Bills...but no more...

  2. Thank you Mr. Helmet. But to the question at hand, can we stop Gannon?



    Well...yes we can stop him...But will it be enough to Win? That I just don't know after today. Yesterday I thought it was a very winable Game...


    Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.... :blink:

  3. Bringing in a QB who will need at least 2 years to learn how to read NFL defenses is not even something I would consider thinking about.



    Look...I'm not saying your wrong because the odds are in your favor no doubt...But who knows? Maybe JP is the exception to the rule. Maybe the Bills get him some PT in the 2nd half of this Season, and he's at least as good as he needs to be in 2005.


    Right about now, it's a risk I'm willing to take unless I see this Offense simply take off under DB in the next few Games...I know chances are JP will struggle early on, but if we are still only scoring 10 points at Home with Drew, why the heck not?

  4. i am gonna go out on a limb right now and say that this will be bledsoe's last season in buffalo.



    Well...I'm not sure it's a long limb, but even though Drew was certainly not the reason the Bills lost today, I think after a certain time (and a certain amount of frustrating losses) change for the sake of change is warranted. And if in fact the Bills falter often early this year, I think you'll see JP get some PT rather quickly when healthy...

  5. that's what i thought at first, but then the replay looked to me like the right heel never made it to the ground.  and then ref justified the call by saying he was PUSHED OUT...i really don't think both feet made it down.


    ...but, whatever :blink:




    That's what I thought also....but lets face facts, these are our Buffalo Bills, and we'll see World Peace before we get a call like that in our favor... ;)

  6. The "run the damn ball" people squawked all off season, and you all know who you are.  36 running plays today vs 26 passing plays. 


    And the gutless coaches tried to run the clock out at 7:13 remaining with a 4 point lead.  Nine plays after that, all runs.


    Do you think that after that many running plays a few play action passes might work?  Of course they would. Late in the 4th or not, use your weapons. Grow a damn pair!!!



    Well...point well taken...but...from what I remember most of the people who were screaming for more running plays were also saying Play Action Pass more along with the Running...


    Look, the Running out the clock thing actually almost worked without the Holding penalty. But it's hard for me to swallow an entire Game without trying to go downfield at least once. Especially when you used the #13 Pick overall for a guy who was supposed to do just that...Look at what J-Ville got by throwing one up deep...And they were behind with ZERO threat of running the Ball...


    But anyway, when you score only 10 points at Home, it's pretty much impossible to say the Gameplan worked just fine...

  7. What can I say?. I've been going to the games since the AFL days at the Rockpile. I don't think there is any question that while this organization has enjoyed various degrees of success, they seem to have more heatbreaking losses than any other team in NFL history. Both teams played bad football for long stretches and still, we had every opportunity to put away the Jags. Came down to 1 play about 4 times...and we failed each time.


    The playcalling was absolutely putrid and I correctly guessed most of the plays from the stands. Every time Aiken came in at WR, you were telling the world it was a running play. Certain formations pointed to Moulds as the target. Other screamed of a Henry sweep. Lets hope Mularkey,Clements and Co. learned a hard lesson in defeat.


    The D played well most of the game but couldn't make the plays when it counted in the last 2 minutes.


      The Tailgate was the highlight and seeing literally 100 + people from this board is always a treat. 


    An interesting observation from Buffalo Bart, a wise old sage. Maybe the problem is that we're missing that one individual ( or more )  who has the spirit and fire in his belly that the rest of the team feeds off of. We have many good to very good players...but when these type of games arise, we don't have anyone who fires up this team and doesn't accept these type of bad results.


    Jim Kelly had his faults but his spirit, leadership and guts were never in question. Drew didn't lose us the game today and this is not a shot at him whatsoever.


    But I'm starting to think that Mr. Losman may have what we've been missing all along. The great intangible of fire and swagger that an entire team can get behind.

    It's still a team game and multiple players need to contribute to a winning effort.

    ( Plus good coaching )..But I didn't see the raw emotion that used to be the norm in the late 80's to mid 90's. I do see it in other winning teams, like the Pats.. We've been looking for that swagger ever since.


    The difference maker can be a special player. I'm thinking #7 has that look . We must wait to see if this team can find an identity in the meantime. I hope this organization finally has the brains to give Losman his fair shot next year and energize this team.


    I keep looking up and down the bench for that one magic spark, which Kelly used to provide. It's not there. Lots of followers...


    Losman was drafted with that in mind. In the meantime, our Coaching staff has to realize how to utilize the roster correctly and grasp a sense of urgency. It's only the opener...but the fire is missing..


    I think we're all a little tired of settling for average and more than our share of heartbreaks...



    Fantastic Post...


    I've been trying to say the same thing all day talking about the mix of Offense talent vs. philosopy and so on...But I think you hit the nail on the head. It may very well be a matter of will and internal leadership as much as all the other factors...


    Jim Kelly on Offense, Darryl Talley on D, they certainly willed their teammates to great things. No doubt that is missing right now. And the Post Game Press Conference today from the Players sounded identicle to so many I heard last year. That tells me the hope may be different, but the Leadership is the same...


    And lastly I think it takes serious guts to say what you did about JP. Granted I agree with you 100%, but from what I've read on this board over the past few Months, I can say with confidence we are in the minority. And I'm also not bashing Drew whatsoever. But it is what it is...

  8. Villareals' hold negated Willis' first down - if no penalty, we can run out the clock and are in easy chip shot range.



    I wish they would have shown the Hold on Replay (or maybe I missed it while kicking the wall). It seemed to me to be an awfully quick play to have a hold on...Then again they say you can call it on every play...Did anyone actually see the Hold? Just wondering...

  9. Any defense that holds a team to six points until they are playing 4 down desperation football and 13 overall and still loses is a defense that got screwed by their offense big time.



    Tough to argue that point...


    And again I ask, does this problem (Offensive output, or lack thereof) sound familiar?


    Sorry, but it makes me want to puke... :blink:

  10. I like seeing some balance brought to Bledsoe's game, but I agree that if you're not gonna take your shots downfield, then Bledsoe is underutilized and becomes irrelevent.



    That's all I'm saying, and I don't want to make this into a Bledsoe Bashing deal because Drew has done exactly what has been asked of him. What has to be questioned (I believe) is how exactly do you change an entire Offensive Coaching Staff and philosopy yet still only score 10 points in your Home Opener? Nevermind that the Offensive system you ran out of town scored 38 points vs. the same Team on the Road last Season...


    It's still a bad mix...It was a worse mix last year, but it's still a bad mix today...

  11. Imagine Bledsoe going 22/30 for 225 yds and two TDs for the first 58 mins of the game......then in the remaining two mins, with the Bills ahead in the game, he throws a bad pass that the other team intercepts and runs back for a score. I'm pretty sure in this scenario we'd be blaming Bledsoe.


    The offense had issues.....but the D lost us this game.



    Well...I hear what you're saying, but there is just no excuse for only scoring 10 points at Home. It's never one play or one drive that decides a Game, and the Bills are looking at the same problem that plagued them for the better part of last Season. They can't score enough to win...plain and simple... :blink:


    Still you're right about that last Drive...And I can hear the ESPN guys already screaming...JUST KNOCK THE BALL DOWN!!!! Even Clements said it in the Post Game comments. He said he saw the Ball and went for the INT (on the 4th and Long play), when he should have just knocked the ball away...Oh well Nate, hindsight pretty much sucks at this point...

  12. 1.Drew looked cool.



    great post.


    But, of course, I got to pick out the things i don't agree with.


    And I don't agree with this one.


    He still seems way too jumpy back there.



    Look...I give Drew credit, and I almost never do so. He is doing the best he can while being asked to run an Offense that simply does not match his skill level. I think Drew would be awesome in a Joe Gibbs Offensive system. He would get max protection on almost every Passing Down, and he could take advantage of that huge arm of his...


    If anyone needs proof that Drew is nothing more than a sqare peg being crammed into a round hole in this Offensive system, simply look at the QB the Bills gave up next years #1 Pick for. JP is a QB who can make plays with his legs, and he was hand picked for this Offensive system. In the meantime the Bills will try to get by with Drew, and at times he will play very well. But most of the time I think it will be much like what you saw today. Drew is limited, and I just don't see where this Offense plays to his strengths, and even worse they don't have the O-Line to dominate in the Running Game. So, at least for the 2004 Season, this is what it is. And I don't think it's any coincidence this Starting O-Line scored one Offensive TD in the Pre Season...Like I said, it is what it is...

  13. Heres why


    1) Our D is every bit as good as last year.


    2) We capatalized on turnovers (coundt do it last year)


    3) Drew, at least in this game, is a new QB. The ball was out quick, accurate, only 1 sack. Very effecient and productive.


    4) our O-line opened holes for a productive running game and played VERY well against a STRONG d-line


    5) We ran more than we threw, even against a top run D


    6) We showed good play calling and clock management


    7) Our DB's looked good, Reese and Clements with INTS


    8) Good game management with Mularkey punting rather than going for a long, and probable miss FG.


    9) Mularkey showed what I wanted to see, good playcalling, good game day management.


    10) DB's up on the line jamming receivers


    11) Vincent hits BETTER than Winfield and looks better overall as far as i am concerned


    12) Moulds is back, got open, and I believe will do it all year!



    Now for the bad:


    1) I would have every single receiver spend monday through wednesday at the jug machine. Whats up with all the dropsy's?


    2) Crucial holding penalty on Villarial may have cost us the game!


    3) 4th down twice and we blow our coverage to lose the game.


    4) McGahee is good but he is absolutely NOT as good as Henry at this point


    5) Good teams put games away in our position today.


    All in all, I am pissed at the loss but I cannot point directly at any serious problem in the staff or players. I think this was a game that was played like a playoff game, could have gone either way, and we just plain lost. It EASILY could have been the other way.


    I refuse to say its the same old Bills, thats irresponsible, anyone who looks at the whole picture sees lots and lots of differences from last years team and lots and lost better. If feel Mularkey deserves ZERO blame for this and if anything deserves a pat on the back for being MUCH MUCH better than what we had last year.


    Yes, a win is a win and a loss is a loss. BUT, I now KNOW this team is headed in a great direction and finally has the coaching they need to win it all.

    I saw great things today, which gives me great hope for this year. I just wish we could have had a win, but with THIS team and with THIS staff they will come!!! Go Bills!!!!



    I don't know...Don't get me wrong, I hope you're right...but...


    At the risk of oversimplifying what we all witnessed today, the Bills lost a Home Game because they only scored 10 Points. Sound just a little familiar? Missed FG, turnovers, one big drive let up by the Defense, a key holding penalty, etc., etc. Still, sure looks a lot like the Games that led to a 6-10 Season last year.


    I just don't see how we can take much positive out of what we saw today. Yes the Defense is good, but when it really counted they get beat by 2 jump balls. The D was Ranked #2 Overall in the NFL in 2003, and we still finished 6-10...Yes J-Ville has a good Defense, but this year we scored 10 points at home vs. J-Ville, last year we scored 38 on the Road...What I saw today was proof positive that, for whatever reason, the Bills have a poor mix on Offense and I just don't see how that has changed much. Yes the Coaching philosopy is different, and hopefully much better. But we still turned the Ball over on a Backwards Pass vs. a Defense everyone knows is pretty fast and swarming. Not exactly what I call smash mouth football...Like last year we turn the Ball over too much. Sure it's not Bledsoe getting Sacked, fumbling, or throwing an INT this time, but it's turnovers nonetheless...I don't know, maybe it's just the hangover from a tough loss, but it still looked too much like 2003 to me...


    I mean, look at it this way, if the Bills were determined to play Smash Mouth Football under MM, and you knew they were going to take an Offensive Player in the 1st Round of the Draft, is it possible that OG Shawn Andrews should have been that player instead of WR Lee Evans. Nothing against Evans, I hope he's the next great Bills WR, but he's not exactly going to help push the Ball in the End Zone on 1st and Goal from the 3...Like I said, it still seems like a bad mix of Talent vs. scheme...


    I hope I'm wrong and this was still just rust from implementing a new Offensive system, but I have my doubts. My gut tells me this is an Offensive system that is absolutely screaming for a QB who can make plays with his feet. Nothing against Drew, because he did exactly what was expected of him today, and he did play well enough to win. But remember, Drew himself said if the Bills just wanted him to hand the Ball off and throw short passes, why did they bring him here in the 1st place? There is a reason he stated that, and the reason is, it's just not his Game. And Drew knows it better than anyone. To his credit he's done what has been asked of him, and I commend him for it. But this Offense simply does not have the talent on the O-Line to dominate a Game, and when that is the case a QB who can make Plays with his feet either Running or buying time so a Receiver can get open is seemingly essential. I don't want it to sound like I'm blaming DB, because for once I'm definitely not. I'm just saying I have doubts that the Bills have the mix of talent to play any style of Offense well for an extended period of time. And I believe that makes the Playoffs a pipe dream...


    Like I've said a million times over the last year or so...I hope I'm wrong... :blink:

  14. What is it? Because the guy is from Western NY he thinks he has to go the other way to save face? On that incomplete Pass at the back of the endzone, Criqui calls TD before the Jags WR hits the ground. And I'm not trying to say I'm more observant than the next guy, but it was WAY obvious even during Live action that the receiver was well out of bounds.


    Now the only question at that point was whether or not he was forced out, which he obviously was not based on the replay. Nonetheless, what in the World is Criqui doing calling that a TD Live with no Official indication, and the WR's first foot hitting a yard out of bounds?


    I know some don't care, but these Guys are supposed to be the best in the Nation at calling Games, and it drives me nuts when the Game is called like garbage or one sided. They both (Criqui and Tasker) totally blew the Challenge call on the Ball spot, which seemed pretty obvious to me. Then that TD call which was nothing more than a nice catch out of bounds....Brutal... B)

  15. I don't think he's quite caught McNair yet but the fact that this is a legit question annoys the ever-lovin shlt out of me.



    McNair certainly has better Skills/Physical Tools etc...


    But I'd take Brady over any NFL QB (well...except JP Losman) purely because his greatest attribute, and the least discussed of them all, is his Leadership...The guy wins Team Off Season Conditioning Awards...He's a freaking QB...That is a Leader, and in my opinion why the Pats get more out of every Player on that Team. These Patsies would run through walls for Brady....That's what I want from My QB... B)

  16. My Top 5


    1) Manning

    2) McNair

    3) Brady

    4) Culpepper

    5) Tie - T. Green, and Pennington


    Favre still has the rocket Arm, but he does make a lot of poor decisions (21 INT's in 2003. McNair had 7, Manning 10, Brady and Green 12). Those INT's will kill ya, and I think it subtracts from the great Plays only a guy like Favre can make. Favre would certainly be the next QB on the list though. Pennington is just SO solid when healthy. I think He's comparable to Brady in that he runs the Jets system almost flawlessly...


    Interesting thing about this list I did not realize, Manning, McNair, and Green were Sacked a COMBINED 57 times. That's amazing to me. That's a combined 1489 Pass attempts, and a Sack every 26 attempts...Or...it's 7 more Sacks than Bledsoe suffered in 1018 more attempts...Simply amazing! And definitely an indication of what a quality O-Line, with quality Coaching is capable of... B)

  17. I hear you!


    I absolutely HATE that punk. He's a piece of garbage...


    That being said, if he does something stupid like that (going after McGahee's knee purposely), I just hope someone like Takeo tries to take him out after the Game. It would be SO sweet to see that punk get his ass whipped. And I'm not a NE hater like some around here, I just absolutely hate that one player...

  18. O.K. Guys, Ya'll are watching this Game...


    How in God's name is is possible for 2 of the top College Football Programs in America have such poor Starting QB's?


    My favorite College Football Team is Michigan (though I have followed the Canes closely for years now because of Jimbo). Michigan has a true Freshman QB that is better than either one of these guys by a mile. They are missing some of the most basic of QB reads. Not that I want to take anything away from the Defenses which have been awesome. But on that last INT by Berlin (the bomb to the right side) he had a WR WIDE open in the middle of the Field and threw into double coverage. Rix has not been much better...that's for sure...


    For the life of Me I just don't understand how these 2 Universities can't Recruit better at the QB position. They should have solid College QB's lined up 5 deep to play for these Schools. And I'm not talking about QB's like the Manning's, Big Ben, or even JP... I'm talking about QB's like Dorsey or even a a Kid like Craig Krenzel. QB's who play smart and don't lose Games for you...


    Just a thought... B)

  19. Yeah, because great players never suck in any game.  Jim Kelly never looked horrible in Pittsburgh or Kansas City - especially on Monday Nights.



    Ugh... :(


    Don't remind me....What was it, 9 Sacks in KC that one Monday Night??


    What a nightmare, it took a ton of Beer to drown my sorrows that night... B)

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