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Posts posted by KOKBILLS

  1. If Nate isn't contrite about his boneheaded play, I'd cut him... seriously... everyone knows that successful people own up to their mistakes, learn from them, and then move on.  We're going to be failures until we start showing the character of successful people.



    To his credit, Nate did say in his Post Game interview that he should have just knocked the Ball down. He said he had a real good look at the Ball and could have just batted it down, but went for the INT instead...He admitted it was a bad play...

  2. " The Man "  didn't listen to me. I prayed for a win !



    Stopped Praying after the Giants SB...I Prayed so much before and during that Game it made me realize God does not care who Wins Football Games. Further proof of that is the fact that the Fish, Raiders, and Cowboys have won multiple SB's...


    I do still Pray no one gets hurt on the Bills side...I always think that will help a bit... B)

  3. Parcells gave up Steven Jackson to make that trade.  Jackson was the leading rusher in preseason and had 50 yards  backing up Faulk yesterday.


    You think Cowboy fans are all screaming "Great trade Bill, we're looking forward to that pick NEXT YEAR?"


    Hell no.  The Cowboys needed a difference maker at RB and Parcells decided to pack away draft picks instead of grabbing Jackson.


    If the Cowboys continue to rely on 41 year old Vinny to throw for 300 yards to stay in games, the Dallas fans are going to ROAST Parcells for this trade.


    As people on the board like to say, it's a win NOW league.



    And he's taking SERIOUS heat in Dallas about that move...To Cowboys Fans right now, that pick will always be compared to Jackson. So actually the pressure on that pick is magnified now. Not to say they wont get a real good Player, but the Jackson thing puts a different spin on it...

  4. Just a little bit ago on Simoncast, Jeff Morrison said Steve Szabo (DB Coach) got after Nate Clements in the locker room after the game about his play on 4th down on the final drive.  Morrison did not see the conversation first hand, but he heard from many of the other media in that area of the locker room that Nate was not happy after the conversation.  He stated that Takeo Spikes came over to Nate and told him that the whole team lost the game, that it was not one individual player or play.


    A couple of things I think are that shows excellent leadership on Takeo's part and also it is nice to see coaches let the players know when they make bad plays.





    Morrison also said he heard from a few different people that Nate did not know it was 4th Down on that play....


    Just beautiful... :)

  5. The thing about this Offense that scares the crap out of me is when you Run a Ball Control, short Pass, 3-yards and a cloud of dust type Offense, the margin for error in a Game is reduced considerably on Offense and Defense. And if there is one thing about this current bunch of Players I've learned over the last Season and a half is the fact that they are WAY too error prone. Plus they have a Kicker who is completely inconsistant from 40 plus yards out. Penalties, fumbles, dropped Passes, missed assignments, missed blocks, missed FG's, etc., etc., etc....


    I don't know...It's easy to say the Offense will get better because A) everyone knows it will...and B) how can it get much worse than 10 Points at Home, especially when Defensive TO's led to all 10 of the points...


    So what I'm saying is, without cutting down on the mistakes this Team has now become know for, this Offense can get a lot better and the Bills could still lose a lot of Games. I know that's an obvious statement, but it is what it is. And how many times do we have to hear the Stars and Coaches on this Team talk about eliminating the mistakes, bad plays, mental errors, etc...I'll tell you this much, MM, Clements, Gray, and Wyche have their work cut out for them with this bunch. The philosophy on Offense is going to call for precision, and this is a Team with too many players prone to mistakes for whatever reason, and a FG Kicker who is WAY too inconsistant...


    Good luck and God's speed Mike...I'll be Praying your system can turn this trend around... :doh:

  6. And Im sure you felt this way too Mr Moronic Guest poster, about the Eagles last year when they were 0-2 or when the Pats were 0-1 right?  You were probably down on both teams at that time.  Moron.




    Dude, I swear I admire your optimism, I really do...


    But come on, comparing this Bills Team to the Pats and Eagles??


    This Bills Team (and yes I know the Coaching is better, etc., etc...) is 9-16 in their last 27...9-16...


    I too thought the Bills would win 10 Games this year, and I also believe it's still possible. But they are certainly going to have to show a hell of a lot more than a 10 point Offensive performance at Home before I compare them to the SB Champs, or a Team that has been in the NFC Championship for 3 straight years...


    But I hope you're right...I really do... B)

  7. did you also notice that he ripped on the Bills an AWFUL lot? I dont know if he was trying to distance himself to look neutral, but he certainly did alot of Buffalo bashing. Just plain awful.




    I posted twice during the game that Tasker and Criqui were brutal yesterday.


    The two most glaring points were the MM Challenge on the Spot of the Ball, and the incomplete Pass by J-Ville at the back of the Endzone in the 1st Half. The challenge play was described correctly by both announcers, but both were also arguing ad nauseum that the original spot was correct when it was SO obvious Moulds reached the Ball out at least two feet ahead of the original spot. The thing is , it was just so obvious I was like, what in the heck are these two looking at? The incomplete Pass was all Criqui, and he made an ass of himself. He called TD before the Jags WR even hit the ground, and like I said in my post yesterday, I'm not trying to say I'm the most observant Football Fan on the planet, but during live action even it was clear the WR landed WELL out of bounds. From that point the question was whether or not he was forced out, but the premature call by Criqui was a joke. I swear it sounded like he was cheering, or willing the TD...


    I think both Criqui and Tasker were making a conserted effort to avoid the "Homer" lable in this Game. It was weird to hear because it was definitely a bit over the top in my opinion... :doh:

  8. Let's say we knocked the ball down on the final play and won 10-6. That's the only play I'm talking about changing. The game was exactly the same, only we knocked down the ball on the last play.

    For those of you who were at the stadium or watched it on TV, what would have been your impressions? About Drew? About the conservative passing plays? About our defense? About Travis and Willis' 106 yards?

    I know there is a ton of negativity because we lost, but what positive things would you have said, and what negative things would you still have said, had we won?



    Well admittedly I'm a negative MF'er, but had they won obviously the D would get MAJOR props for holding J-Ville to 6 points. Any time you hold a Team to 6 points over 4 quarters of Football it's impressive...


    But like I said, I'm a negative bastard, and I also would have pointed out that we dodged a MAJOR bullet by only scoring 10 points at Home, and that the Offense will have to improve in order for the Bills to be a Playoff contender...


    But it would have been nice to squeek out a close one simply because I think this Offense will improve...And after all, a Win is a Win... B)

  9. I really have to disagree with that. Clements didnt get beat by a better play by a good player, Clements just went for an interception when his SOLE RESPONSIBILITY was to knock the ball down. That is IT. Even if he made an incredible diving one handed stab THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A BAD PLAY. It was 44 yards down the field. He could have made a great catch and we'd still lose 30 yards. That play was made because he is a hot dog. And it flat lost the game. There isn't even an argument about that.



    Agreed...it's 4th freaking Down Nate, and admitting you should have just knocked the ball down in your Post Game comments just proves your not thinking out there when it counts.


    I know this is kind of a long shot, but you would think after years of watching Berman and TJ screaming "KNOCK THE BALL DOWN!!" on ESPN Primetime (and you know the players watch), guys like Nate would know they'll get props for making smart Football Plays, as well as INT's...

  10. There's been a lot of talk of the reasons for the loss.  But one that warrants more discussion is Gray going to the prevent on the last drive.  Come on - we're attacking the whole game, have them bottled up, get turnovers, and then on the last drive just let Leftwich stand back there.  I've never agreed with it and it cost us the game (among other things of course).



    I guess it would have been easier to understand had the Bills not forced Leftwich into a ton of poor Passes with pressure earlier on in the Game...


    When the Jags went to the quicker routes, and BL started to get the Ball out when his back foot hit, they did begin to move the Ball a little better, so it may have been those type of Plays that Gray feared...His thinking could have been if I drop an extra DB or 2, maybe we can jump a Route on a short Pass and end this thing for good...


    Anyway, hate the Prevent, always did, always will...

  11. I love the differences of opinion on this board and the discussion this brings about, but g'damn if I'm not getting annoyed with these posts that say, "blah blah blah and if you don't think so YOU DON'T KNOW FOOTBALL!"


    As if there is one way of doing anything and if you think differently, you're just a f'in moron.  WTF, can't you just state you g'damn opinion without calling others f'in names?  Or are the people who say this crap that insecure about their opinions that you have to try to head off any debate on the issue?  Or have they just gotten so used to the way things are done over on the politics board?



    I too can't stand the personal attacks...They are so primitive...There is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree. And just because someone has a different opinion does not make them an idiot, but quite a few people on this Board have zero couth...


    And does anyone think a guy like Mike Martz and say Bill Parcells agree on Football philosopy? Because they disagree does it mean one of them knows nothing about Football?

  12. Good thoughts and comments in general.  When I go back and look at the game, i will watch the Henry blitz pick-ups because like many people in this thread it is hard for me to buy this argument on a day where Bledsoe was sacked but once and that sack was a good one for him to take in my view rather forcing the ball in there on a play where the lone receiver was covered and we were in kicking range.


    I agree that Henry ran the wrong way a couple of times, but this is  balanced with im giving a workhorse performance and picking up some tough yards so I'm not sure if he is a big target for fault here.



    It's tough to fault Travis much because at this point of his career, he is what he is... He's never going to be Emmitt or Thurman in picking up the Blitz, but he runs as hard as any back in the NFL, and he's a tough little SOB...


    I just don't see how Travis' play yesterday effected the outcome overall...There were too many other defining factors...

  13. Although I'm sickened at this loss, isn't the JAX defense one of the best in the league? These guys have some great stats from last year, and although their secondary and defensive ends are supposedly suspect, I still think that we have to realize that this is possibly one of the toughest defenses we will face this year.


    And yet, we stuck with the plan to run the ball, despite our problems with it. They are obviously a difficult team to run the ball against, but we kept with it. And on that final drive, it really did look like our offensive line was really wearing them down. That first down run by McGahee would have put the game away, afer we had run the ball time after time in a situation where the Jags knew it was coming.


    Yes, we only scored 10 points, and I'm very disappointed in that. We made too many mistakes. But at the same time, this was a very good defense, it was our first game with a new offensive system, and it often does take time to adjust to a new offense. All things considered, perhaps we are all being a bit too rough on the offense. I'll give them another game or two to work things out, but I'm expecting better output against lesser defenses.



    No doubt J-Ville has a stout D...well an especially stout Run D, but we ran the Ball pretty well yesterday....anyway...


    I hate to oversimplify this thing because obviously there were other determining factors to the loss...But if we are going to bottom line the Offense in this Game the fact remains that 10 points at Home vs. any Defense is just not good enough. There are a million reasons, and a million excuses, but to me the net of the situation is we still have the exact same problem we had last year...We can't put the Ball in the Endzone with any frequency, and that is a MAJOR concern... :angry:

  14. If. If If. If.

    I'm so sick of that fu**ing word. If we don't fumble. If we don't hold. If we don't drop the pass. If we knock the ball down. If we blocked. If this and if that, week after week after week after week. Watching this team is like watching Groundhog Day.

    Here's another IF for you...

    IF we are 0-4 after the Jets game on Oct. 10, I will be surprised IF I don't need to go to a mental hospital.



    Could not say it better myself...


    And I think we all need to start looking at the obvious...We've been dealing with the if's on the way to a 9-16 Record in our last 27 Games, and the biggest question to me is whether or not we have grossly overestimated the overall Talent on this Team...


    I wonder if anyone here thinks the other Teams with similar Records over that span have a talent problem? Well...of coarse they do...But it seems no one, or at least not many Bills Fans want to admit it's a possibility we just don't have the Horses overall...


    Look, the lowely Browns figured out a way to thump a Team with a damn good Defense and a suspect Offense in their Home Opener. That was done with Jeff Garcia at QB, their starting HB out with an injury, and a rag tag bunch of Offensive Players besides Kellen Winslow...The Browns got it done, the Bills could not, and I defy anyone to tell me this Game yesterday did not have a striking resemblence to quite a few Games last Season except for the fact we Ran more and Bledsoe was not Sacked every other Down...Otherwise it was still 10 freaking points at Home, and there is no excuse for that...period...

  15. Don't even bring this up.  It's not funny now, nor will it be funny come draft day if we finish with a sub .500 record.  Fug Jerry Jones if he thinks he is going to get a pick any higher than 15th!  Don't let it happen Bills!!!!!




    I hope you're right Labatt...


    But they better figure out a way to Score more than 10 points at Home for your wish to become reality... :angry:

  16. Lee Evans is really, really fast - what more do you need to know :angry:


    unfortunately, the Bills brain trust doesn't trust our Hall of Fame QB to run a play action fake and then throw the ball down the field 20 yards.


    A big problem is that Mike williams can not block anybody not standing still. Paul Spicer spent the whole day in the Bills backfield. On a running play, Spicer went around MW and tackled the ball caarrier about when he got the handoff for a loss.



    obie...I thought it was really, really, really, Fast!! :blush:


    No doubt MW is still a problem on the O-Line, and I don't want to sound like I'm ripping Lee Evans because in time I'm sure he'll be all that...


    But it just seems to me that getting a OG (who may very well be able to move to OT in a year or 2) who is capable of being dominant would have been the smarter move based on the Offensive philosopy MM wants to bring in...Look, we tried to Run the Clock out almost midway through the 4th Quarter, which I thought was great, but that speaks to a philosopy that a 5-11 speedburner is not going to aid much. Especially when you don't try to throw a Single Deep Play Action Pass to him or any other WR all Game long...


    May be splitting hairs, but nonetheless... B)

  17. I was under the impression it was to help the passing game...huh? I was a little disappointed at the non existance of the deep ball. Correct me if Im wrong but isn't that how we hammered Jacksonville last year? I didn't think Jacksonville's coverage was that good....but that's just my .02



    Funny you should mention that...I posted a similar comment after the Game and was met with usual, Rookie impact, hindsight arguements, etc...


    First off, it was the Bills Brass who said Lee Evans would impact the Offense with his deep speed, not the Fans. And I don't think anyone expects him to go for 1200 yds. and 10 TD's. But I sure as heck expected the Bills to try, just try, to get him the Ball deep at least one time....


    Secondly I believe the Draft Pick speaks volumes to the "Offensive Philosopy" issue. Yes we all know the Bills needed to get Moulds help at WR. But if in fact the Bills were bound and determined to pound it out on the Ground and only throw shorter to medium range Passes, than I question the Pick. What I mean is, are we looking at another round peg for a square holed Offense? The Bills snagged Evans at #13 Overall, and 3 picks later the Eagle got OG Shawn Andrews who by all early accounts is a Bulldozer. Now granted I wanted Andrews on Draft day, but again my thought was the Bills planned Offensive philosophy dictated the Need, along with the fact we really did not have a LG at the time. Nothing against Lawrence Smith who obviously did a decent job on Sunday, but I'm sure any NFL GM will tell us there is a MAJOR difference between Smith and Andrews...Plus, it's obvious to me that McNally has helped already with the O-Line, but how much better would it be with a Player of Andrew's calibre at LG?


    Look I know it's all hindsight and such, but damn if I don't worry that this Bills Administration keeps making moves that make you scratch your head. I mean I love Lee Evans, he's one of ours and I hope He's the next great NFL Deep threat. But if your going to Run a Ball Control, pound it out, 3 yards and a cloud of dust Offense, and OG is a Need, do you take the 5-11 speedburner or the 6-4-360 mauler? I think it's a fair question... B)

  18. KOK, I realize my viewpoint is optimistic and it may be that they do struggle all year on offense (although I simply do not believe that is true).


    But to make the statement that this team is made up of a bunch of losers with no heart is just too much for me to ignore.  THey may have struggled on offense, and the defense may have run out of magic by that last drive, but it wasn't for lack of effort or a winning desire.


    I do believe that this offense will improve, and I also beleive that any time you install a new offense, that it is going to take beyond 3.5 quarters over four preseason games to get things wired completely between QB, O-line, skill positions and play-calling from the OC.


    The key will be how quickly this coaching staff can get itself and this team confident and comfortable in the offense.  I mean, crap like Travis setting up on the wrong side for the screen really hurts a team's rhythm.


    The key will be getting this offense to a point that it can overcome the occasional penalty or loss of yardage that will happen and still keep drives going.  Also, an understanding of the scheme to the point of taking advantage of the defense.  I think we started to see that some in the second half.




    I hear you on the heart issue...I think generalizations like that are a little crazy...I do believe like Mark said at the beginning of this post that there may be a Leadership void, not that the Team does not have Leaders, but rather that Leaders are just not as effective as the Bills Captains we have seen in the past...But I don't question their heart, I know they want to win, I know they are busting their asses, it just has yet to come together...


    I'm still hung over from my distain for what happened in 2004. I think MM will prove to be a great Coach, I really do...I'm just REALLY sick of losing, and the Bills are now 9-16 in their last 27 Games...Ugh... <_<

  19. You may be too critical with this post. Remember Trent Dilfer and some lesser QBs own Super Bowl rings.  In my opinion the real perpetrator is Moulds and his two fumbles. The one was a killer. Also, the offensive line, we had 1st down on 3 yard line and once again we couldn't pound it in behind that fat slob, Mike Williams. I real bust at this point. In addition, where is Coy Wire on the 4th and 16 play, and as matter of fact, the rest of the game. Our tight ends are useless as well. Really, there is not much talent on this team to speak of.



    I'm not sure where Coy Wire was, but I think it should be mentioned that on a 4th and Long Play, if there is one WR on the Jags that should be double covered, Smith would be the guy...I'm sure the Bills had at least 6 DB's on the Field for that Play, and I know Nate is our top DB, but I sure would have liked to see a Safety come over the top to knock that damn ball down... <_<


    Oh well...

  20. Thank you!  Give this man a harrrumph!


    I cannot believe all this bullshiet about this team being populated with losers and having no heart.


    The effort was definitely there throughout this game.


    The offense will improve.  For crissake, this is a brand new offense with a brand new OC and a brand new philosophy.  I am as unhappy as anyone over the mistakes by the offense and the seeming inability to recover from them.  But like it or not, this is one of the hazards of a new HC and a new offensive coaching staff.  It is going to take some time for Clements to get comfortable with what this offense can do in what situations.  It is going to take Bledsoe time to know which options are likely going to be there under what circumstances.  It is going to take time for the individuals on the offense to become comfortable with what these plays look like against unpredictable live defenses as opposed to our defense.  It will take some on-field trial and error to work out kinks and adjust blocking when a defense does something unpredictable. etc. etc.


    The problem with any offense is to find a rhythm of plays that are complementary and are particularly effective against defensive alignments.  In the second half, there was a definite opening up of the offense as time went on, but I still felt they lacked confidence when something went wrong from which they had to recover, such as Villarial's holding penalty.


    Drew has clearly bought into this philosophy and offense, even though he is still not totally comfortable in it.  But I find it incredibly encouraging that he is getting that damn ball out of there quickly.  When the plays and their options become more second nature to him and the receivers, look out!



    I think your optimism should be commended, and admittedly it's tough to argue with your logic...After all, it is only Week #1...


    But I also think that even though the panic may be illogical, after last Season it's definitely understandable from a group of Fans who are just waiting around for the next bad thing to happen...


    It's strange because after Lindell missed that FG, I thought "here we go again," and immediately the idea that the Bills may figure out a way to lose this Game entered my mind. Even though at that point they were obviously dominating.


    The Offense did show signs of improvement, but the net result was still only 10 points at Home...So I think for many, it's not easy to see the silver lining just yet...


    The fact of the matter is quite simple. Either the Bills will improve on Offense this year and the optimists will be correct, or they continue to struggle and the pessimists are right. But as of now, most of players from last years debacle on the Offensive side are still on the Field. And even though it seems that almost everyone agrees the Coaching has improved, there is still the possibility that the overall talent on this Offense is just plain lacking. And I think deep down where no one wants to go, that is the real fear here. The fear that the Players are just not good enough (at least a lot of them). And based on Last years performance, added to the Game today (And lets not forget the Starting O scored 1 TD in Pre Season, I know... it's just Pre Season, but that did not exactly build confidence in the masses), it's impossible to drown out the fear of failure with this bunch just yet...


    In summary, this looked too much like last year, and some Bills Fans are just preparing themselves for the worst. Premature...yes. Understandable...I think most certainly...


    But as I always say in Posts like these, I hope you are 100% correct... B)

  21. I keep seeing people point to that Moulds fumble as a reason we lost...truth be told we ended up with a wash there because on the very next series (I think 2 plays later) Reese had the INT he returned inside the 5...Reese doesn't make that INT if Moulds doesn't fumble and we ended up pretty much back in the exact same spot we were, actually a little closer to the end zone.



    Good point...infact we netted a plus 4 yards on the wash (Moulds fumbled on the 7 yards line, Reese returned the INT to the 3)...


    Still hurt to see that fumble, but for some reason I forgot we got the Ball right back...

  22. Yeah...laugh...Shayne Graham is starting for Cinci and he's tearing it up!  Gary Anderson, Jason Elam, you can make a long list of good kickers the Bills have cut over the years.





    Jason Elam was Drafted by the Broncos at #70 Overall in the 93 Draft...I know things are bad today, but at least we did not cut Elam.... B)

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