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Posts posted by KOKBILLS

  1. I know neither guy (Schobel or Kelsay) is a "superstar" on their own, but both are WELL above average. (well, Schobel has proven it, and Kelsay - from preseason and week one seems to be as well). I dont know of any team where BOTH DE's have the potential of more than 10 sacks each. I would love to see that, & I think Schobel can rack up 15 this year!  I think with Denny fading away, this DE corp is one to be fearful of.  (doesn't hurt when you have an awesome LB group right behind them!)



    I don't know, maybe after the Year is over...And I think if Kelsay really does step up and become a solid Starter, the rotation is actually quite decent with Denny backing up both spots...But I think we'll know WAY more on the subject by Mid Season... B)

  2. It's only week 2 and they have moved Gallery all over the OL already in backup roles.  I hope he doesn't turn out to be the next Tony Mandarich??




    I would not worry about that too much Labatt...They have more stringent Steriods testing now.. :)


    Seriously though, I think that Kid is going to be the next great LT in the league. His attitude seems SO good...I think he's a real hard worker, so he'll be just fine...Sure he needs a haircut, but heck I was young once too... B)


    Rookie OT's always make their share of mistakes, so let's all hope he makes the majority of his for the entire year this coming Sunday...

  3. I'm watching it right now- and it's almost like a movie plot. I believe Rather is truly melting down- a guy who is placed in a position to report the news, not make it, has been involved at the very least with presenting fabricated evidence and it's looking more and more as if he may have been involved with the fabrication itself. His inability to report the truth in this case should result in a landslide of emails to CBS demanding his removal. Their address is evening@cbsnews.com



    Well...I hope (but doubt) this will be lesson to the Left Media that when going after the President Of The United States, it's a good idea to get the facts straight, authenticated, checked, double checked, and then some.


    And if I may put on a non partisan hat for just a moment (damn this thing is uncomfortable :) ), I do truly believe that should go for ANY American President Republican or Dem. I really think when you're going after the Pres, and you get it wrong, you deserve to be fried... B)


    villarrial's holding call was not holding and should not have been called at that point in the game.




    I was asking about that after the Game. Never saw a replay on the Hold and I figured it had to be pretty blatant because it was a quick play...


    Does not surprise me at all though, not at all... :)

  5. Easy there - you're going to hurt yourself with all your ranting.


    I don't think there's a Bills fan out there who routes against this team. Everyone wants to see this team win and be successful. We'd all be happier than anyone if we dominated all our opponents and took home the Lombardi trophy.


    We do, however, have the right to fail to praise the team for their shortcomings and to question how good a team this really is. I for one will not sit there fat dumb and happy telling myself how great this team is and how we are going to the playoffs out of some twisted sense of loyalty to the team.


    I was at the game on Sunday and I cheered so loud I went hoarse. I bought pletny of Bills merchandise in addition to the ticket - I support my team.


    The fact of the matter is that we do have some issues on this team. Yes it's only game one, but I didn't see anything that showed me this is a dominant team. We didn't move the ball that well, we didn't put up points at home and in the red zone, all our points were setup by turnovers, we failed to hit a reasonable field goal, and the defense failed their biggest challenge - stopping an 80-yard TD drive with 2:00 on the clock.


    To make it abundantly clear - WE LOST. They don't award you a win or even half a win because the fans felt we played a good game and that we are a playoff team. You have to earn wins by scoring more points than the other guys and we didn't do that on Sunday.


    Keep calling me the devil if you will, and I'll call you a pollyanna. This team has a real shot at going 0-3 through the first four weeks of the season. I'll be the happiest guy if we go on a winning streak and go to the playoffs - I'm routing for it - but you have no right to question my support for this team simply because I don't blindly follow them and see everything through rose-colored glasses.


    It's our duty as fans to support the team, even if that support means questioning the team and advocating changes to make them a stronger club.



    Well said...I'll give that post an Amen! B)

  6. Because it isn't fixable.  Every facet of society that the government puts its fingers in becomes more bureaucratic and less affordable.  There are a litany of examples that prove that point, and none that I can find to the contrary.


    The government doesn't fix problems.  It creates different and usually larger ones.  No vision.





    And how about a little personal responsibility every now and again. This just in, if you are waiting for the Government to solve your economic problems, pull up a chair, cause it's gonna be a LONG wait...

  7. NFL injury report is out tonight:


    BUFFALO BILLS (0-1) AT OAKLAND RAIDERS (0-1) _ Bills: OUT: QB J.P. Losman (lower leg); S Lawyer Milloy (forearm). Raiders: DOUBTFUL: LB Sam Williams (shoulder). QUESTIONABLE: RB Justin Fargas (toe); LB Napoleon Harris (knee). PROBABLE: LB DeLawrence Grant (knee).



    That sucks! :) Wire will get a work out this week...The Raiders will test him for certain. Hopefully he's pumped up to get back to the Bay Area and prove something!

  8. Oh there you go.  Rush is such a refreshing dose of moral and ethical media reporting. 


    He is so far wacked and loves himself so much, that all I hear is wahwahwah  (my best Peanuts teacher impression).  He and Moore petty much lok and sound the same to me.



    I admit Rush is out there on an island quite a bit like Moore, and this Lewis guy in Charlotte is FAR superior to Rush (probably because he's Conservative 1st, Repulican 2nd).


    But I love the way you guys get all riled up when Rush's name is mentioned.


    McNabb Fans are ya??? :)

  9. Bills 17

    Raiders 16


    on a Lindell last second FG (ABOUT TIME)  :)



    Now THAT is going out on a limb! If you had said Lindell wins it with a 45 yd. FG, I would have fallen off my chair... :)


    As for the prediction

    Buffalo - 20

    Oakland - 17


    I have never in my entire life predicted the Bills to lose a Game (O.K. so I've been wrong a couple times B) ), and no matter what, I'm not starting now...

  10. Then how much faith can you put into Buffalo News or AP reporters stories about RB controversies or statements?  What comes to mind right away is McGahee's statement to AP about being a back up, was it totally taken out of context?


    ps. The democrats and the liberal media really !@#$ed this one up!  What were they thinking?:)



    No big surprise...The Charlotte Disturber is yet another unapologetic Liberal Rag that I refuse to read (except the Sports Page of coarse). Thank God for Radio! I get Rush (when I can listen), but even better I get a Local Charlotte Show from 3-6 with an awesome Conservative Host named Jason Lewis. He's originally from Minnesota I believe and the Man is fantastic, especially when it comes to calling out the Local Lefty Rag they call a "News" paper...


    Sometimes I really can't believe how outwardly biased most News media is, but I'm almost numb to it now....which is exactly what they want!! :)



  11. Here's a scary thought:  Who will be getting induced 20 to 25 years from now?


    The White Stripes maybe?  I honestly can't think of anybody else worthy.  There are lots of bands I like, but they're all kind of small-time.



    Well...I know when 2015 comes around and passes, and AIC gets snubbed, I'll likely be old enough that my high blood pressure will ignite a heart attack and kill me... :lol:

  12. It's a little known fact that the R&R Hall of Fame selection committee is dominated by executives and former executives of certain record labels like Atlantic.  The result is the favoring of certain artists and the exclusion of others that are deserving.


    One such group is Three Dog Night.  Love them or not, there is no denying their impact on music.  They sold over 50 million albums and had a  dozen top 10 hits between 1969 and 1974 alone.  Yet they are never even considered for the hall.  One rumour I have heard from someone inside the record business is that Someone on the committee has a grudge against the people who ran ABC/Dunhill reords, Three Dog Night's old label, and is blocking their induction.





    What a joke! Politics in Rock & Roll...go figure... :huh:

  13. The Pistols & the Stooges are more worthy than anyone else mentioned in this thread IMO... not even close.



    I LOVE The Sex Pistols, and again, the R&R HOF really has nothing to do with classic influences after the obvious (Beatles, Stones, Elvis, Hendrix, etc...). It's a joke, nothing more than that...And though I love some inducted Bands, it will never be a true R&R HOF until I see the majority of Bands mentioned in this thread inducted.


    Of coarse I imagine Mr. Lydon would never go to the induction. I'd LOVE to hear what he says about it though... :huh:

  14. randy newman is awesome, don't let his short people and toy story works cloud your judgement(not that there is anything wrong with them), but his whole collection as a songwriter is awesome, he is not middle of the road type performer but he is up there in the singer/songwriter echelon, every bit if not more deserving than the likes of john prine, john hiatt and that genre of musicians.



    That's cool, but He's so far off my radar screen I guess I should reserve any comment...But to each his own Brother!! :huh:

  15. KISS isn't in either? What a fuggin joke. KISS is legendary just like Aerosmith and Zeppelin. Go to their concerts and you'll see people from 8-50 at those shows.



    A couple years ago I actually had to go and look it up because I just assumed they were in...But no KISS...I was already pretty pissed about no Sabbath, but the KISS thing set me off pretty good!!! :(


    It's a joke...I mean, I'm not saying they are the greatest Band of all time, but they did have a couple absolute classic R&R hits, and of coarse the greatest gimmick in the History of Rock and Roll...


    No KISS, no Sabbath, and no VH...sure it's the R&R HOF...right... :huh:

  16. U2 definitely deserves to get in.



    They (U2) are definitely deserving no doubt...And there is usually one Band every year that seems like a no brainer (whether I like them or not). But I hate that freaking farce...


    BTW, I've been meaning to say nice Avatar to you forever...My favorite Beatles Album!! There's not much by the Beatles that I don't like, but I could never understand how Revolver and Sgt. Pepper's consistantly gets ranked ahead of Abbey Road...Nonetheless...Nice Avatar Brother! B)

  17. Hasn't Ozzy / Black Sabbath said that they will won't show up if inducted?  I don't blame them.  The RnR HOF is a joke.



    Oh it's a joke alright, but it's certainly not funny to me... :huh:


    They (the "HOF") make a mockery out of the words "Rock and Roll." Randy freaking Newman??? You've got to be kidding me...But there are worse examples I guess...


    I did not reaize VH was eligible yet, then I went and looked at my VH 1 CD and it was a 1978 release. How in Gods name does VH not get in almost immediately? What...did Eddie not have enough influence on Rock Guitar? What a joke...And I'm not even going to get into the Sabbath thing because that is simply a travesty. Sabbath should have gone in directly behind Led Zep as far as I'm concerned. Their influence on Hard Rock was SO significant...just ask Chris Cornell...


    Anyway, the other one that has had me despising this farce for years is of coarse KISS. I mean, like them or hate them, how in the hell can you not include KISS in the R&R Hall of Fame if for nothing else the massive following they maintained forever...


    I can go into a LONG list of inducties who should have been embarassed to get in before Sabbath, KISS, and VH for God's sake....Ugh, this just pisses me off so much everytime I talk about it I can barely type....


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: R&R HOF

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