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Posts posted by KOKBILLS

  1. Y2K was a boon in 1998-99, but it hasn't been the same since. Companies poured so much money into non-revenue-generating activities that they held off on expenditures and I think they realized during that lull that they didn't have to always have the latest and greatest.



    Yep...The bottom lines caught up. Competition has run rampid too, and I think it's natural for high Tech to become cheaper to run with less people...It's almost the end goal of the Tech industry in a way...I know the Banks here in Charlotte dumped quite a few Tech jobs...It's the economic machine eating it's own, but that is America's economy. Think about all those jobs lost in the typewriter industry... Just the way it is...B)

  2. This'll make you feel better - NOT!!!





    Sad...but I'm not really surprised at all...It just stood to reason in the Tech field, at least it did to me. My best friend went to school a few years back so he could enter the Tech sector. I told him to save his money. He graduated top in his class yet he's still at the same Job he had, and he's coming to work with me within a year when I expand... It's not for a lack of effort or abilty, those great Tech Jobs just dried up in this City, and it looks like the same happened in a lot of Cities...

  3. I've got 2


    1980 Corvette - my boss' car when I worked at Arby's as an 18 year old.  Had to drive to a different Arby's to pick up some ketchup when we ran out.


    1988 BMW M5 - My Pop and I took it for a test drive.  Got it up to about 115 mph in 4th gear on a back road.  The poor salesman was white as a sheet in the back. :D




    My 1st Car was a 65 Mustang...It was SO sweet, and the Chicks dug it! :P

  4. I am going to post this from Fox Sports.  I want you to look at the talent the good teams have. The Bills DO NOT HAVE A PLAYOFF ROSTER! Review the list. Break out the top players from the good team. Count how many each team has. Then you must ask yourself this. Why do I think this is a playoff team? Do I think in addition to all these great players that these teams also have a collection of solid players as well? Why did I buy that this was mearly a coaching problem?


    My point which I make is that a collection of slightly above average players will not make the playoffs without 4-5 great ones.  Not when we have serious questions on the offensive line.  This offense is Horrible. Kid yourself... This team cannot score. This team can dink, dink, punt.  This defense is highly over-rated. It is a bend but dont break defense. This team has no kicker.  Losing to Jacksonville is not what bothers me. Losing to Jacksonville at home does. Keeping a team like Jacksonville alive all game scares me.  Not being able to move the ball on Jacksonville was the nail. 





    I think your Post speaks directly to the core of the frustration after Sunday's loss...Look, I know it's only Week #1, and the Jury is still WAY out on this point...But if it's not the Coaching, it's got to be the Talent...I think deep down inside that is where the ugly fear lies. Because if it's the Players, this thing is a bigger project than ANY of us will willingly accept... :D

  5. I watched the last drive on Tivo again tonight.  Two observations after slowing everything down and watching it over and over and over...


    1) Nate can say what he wants but he was not in position to bat down that 47 yard pass.  His momentum was taking him back to the goaline and Jimmy Smith had stopped and jumped back towards the ball. It was athletic for Nate to even get a hand in there, but no way could he have batted the ball down.


    2) The TD catch in the back of the end zone was amazing on two fronts.  First, the 6'4" Jax receiver did not outleap anyone. That has been misreported how many times now? He caught the ball in his chest falling backwards...plenty low enough for even our shortest player to break it up.  Second,.. Izell Reese quite possibly made the worst play that we'll see all year.  He watched the ball sailing in from the moment it left Leftwichs' hand and instead of breaking on it fast to break up the play...he just started jogging towards the Jax receiver and even had time to stutter step,,,,,,then he awkwardly mis-timed his jump and swatted at the ball like he was playing patty cake or something?!?  It was weird.  All he had to do was break on the ball QUICKLY instead of jogging and get his body between the ball and the wide receiver. I can't believe how badly Izell blew it.  TKO was there but had his back to the play and Wire was coming in at a bad angle and couldn't reach in time. Izell probably puked when he saw the film.



    Interesting...did not get a chance to see both Plays that closely...Thanks for the report...Still sucks though... :D

  6. Has anybody ever seen the last winner?  EVER?  I heard he's in the witness protection program. 


    However, Lavar Arrington is a Hall of Famer in terms of "unintentional comedy" as the Sports Guy would say.

    "Ummm, you could use a little bit more energy.....uhhh, overall it was good but just give me more energy".



    He's been on with Linda Cohen a few times..He's alright... Heck anything is better than Stuart Scott, who was not nearly as bad when he started as he is now. He's let the "Cool Street Stu" thing go completely to his head...

  7. The guy hit two of the three kicks he was asked to make, the only exception being a 40+ yrdr from the left hash (a righties least favorite spot) into the wind which barely slid wide. He hit deep, high kickoffs all day long and I think he even made a big tackle on the Jags KR that got called back on a penalty.

    And because he just missed one kick outside 40, it's like we've suddenly got a board full of that Sullivan guy. In addition to the wags who want to cut him right now we even had one math major who was ranting about how he cost us 6 points on Sunday  :D

    Lindell hasn't been great over his career, but he's been striking the ball very well every single time I've seen him this year. If he keeps regularly missing 42yrdrs then maybe giving him hell will be in order, but don't blame the kicker because Mularkey didn't have the guts or the confidence in his defense to let him try a 49yrdr from the right hash (I think) with the wind at his back when another 3points would have been enormous.




    It's interesting, and I guess this just dawned on me, but you can parallel the Lindell situation to the Bills overall situation... What I mean is, if Lindell had not gone 3 for 7 from 40-49 yds. last season, I don't think anyone would be spazzing. And even though the loss of a Home Opener while only totaling 10 points is always going to sting a bit, had it not come after a 6-10 Season where our biggest problem was scoring points, I don't think the furvor would be quite so intense...


    Just a thought... B)

  8. One of my best friends lived in Denver during the Elway years and I spent enough time there to witness the fan reaction to the first 3 Super Bowl losses. Elway was amassing the still-standing record of most sacked QB in history and 10% of the fan base and the most critical of their sports media used phrases like "has no pocket presence"- "can't get rid of the ball fast enough"- "one-dimensional" and other familiar little sayings that QBs have hung on them when their team is performing poorly.


    10% of fans in Denver and that part of the media that had picked him as the target of keeping their own careers on track were actually screaming for his replacement right up until his first ring.


    Most football autorities agree that it was only when Elway accepted the fact that he was NOT the "difference-maker" that he'd been touted as all his career that he became a Super Bowl winner.




    Look...I'm not saying Elway did not have his detractors, I'm just saying those "Football Authorities" you speak of were idiots... :D


    I know Elway had his faults, but that guy was awesome. And when they put the Team around him he was even better...I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but personally Elway is right behind Jim Kelly in my book as the best QB of all time. And I just tend to ignore the detractors in his case, and in Kelly's case for that matter, cause I think those people were nuts...


    No offense meant though, I hear where you are coming from... B)

  9. Guys, this gloom and doom is getting a bit ridiculous.  We have a good team that just needs to learn how to finish off an opponent.  We'll get there. 


    All this about how we stink, TKO should be traded, waiting for JP etc., is crazy.  This season hasn't even really begun yet.  For a little refresher, here's how some of last year's plaoff teams started...


    Dallas (0-1) Final Record 10-6

    St. Louis (0-1, then 1-2) Final Record 12-4

    New England (0-1, a 31-0 whipping) Final Record 14-2, SB Champs

    Philly (0-2) Final Record 12-4

    Ravens (0-1) Final Record 10-6

    Green Bay (0-1, then 1-2 after ugly loss to Arizona) Final Record 10-6


    And for the piece de resistance...


    Buffalo (2-0, dominant 31-0 and 38-17 wins vs NE and Jax) Final Record 6-10


    Point is, its early and a lot can change, if we're sitting at 0-6 or 1-5 a month from now, then we can discuss tarring & feathering Donohoe, till then....GO BILLS!!!!




    Well...to be fair I only saw one guy mention Trading TKO, and he got run out of the Building (or off the Wall in this case). :D


    As to the rest of your Post, we'll see...


    Those teams you mentioned starting out poorly last year certainly proves it can be done. The question is are the Bills as good as those Teams were, or are they more like the Team THEY were last year, a 6-10 Team who could not score? Based on Week #1, it's hard for me to give them the benifit of the doubt simply because, yes the Coaching is better and the philosopy is different (both big time improvements as far as I'm concerned), but they STILL only scored 10 points at Home...No matter the excuses, it's the same net problem. Not to mention they have the same PK who is at best 50/50 outside of 40 yards... Until they show me they can score, I'm not getting my hopes up, that's all...


    Can it be done? Absolutely! And I certainly hope you are correct Sir...But this year, they're going to have to prove it...At least to me... I'm not about gloom and doom, I'm more about cautious pessimism...B)

  10. Your correction is noted and accepted.


    My personal position on Beldsoe has always been that it's foolish to ignore the fact that he's one of the most productive QBs in history and one of today's most experienced at every level including the playoffs and two Super Bowls plus a Super Bowl ring. I find the suggestions that he's not capable of being the starting QB on a Super Bowl winner to be naive and void of the historical occasions of experienced QBs who have won their Super Bowls at the tail end of careers that were considered up to that point "disappointing". Elway and Plunkett stand out as particularly relevant examples- both facing a vocal majority of fans claiming they took too many sacks and couldn't win the big one yet finishing strong to cap off thier time in the league. Let's hope the system brought in by the Mularkey regime revitalizes the "old timer" running our offense to the benefit of the team. Last week was arguably a step in the right direction, and surely the impetus for some of the scumsucking trolls on this board to begin to try and minimize some of their past positions.




    Well...Plunkett...O.K....but Elway?? All I remember hearing is the Broncos could never get Elway the help he needed on Offense, or Defense for that matter. When he got a running game, he won 2 SB's... But I really don't remember an outcry that Elway had lost it...And even if that was the case, I personally would never have thought that by watching the Guy play....


    And while I admire your faith in a possible Bledsoe resurrection, instead I think the chances are he is among the vast majority of QB's who decline substantially in the later years of their careers. And his career Stats seem to back that decline theory, though it has been more slow and steady. Not that the Bills can't win with Bledsoe, but I just don't think he's one of these "exception to the rule" type of Players. He was a Great Young QB, but the NFL has gone through such an amazing change since Bledsoe came in from a speed standpoint, and even a Blitzing standpoint, that I just can't see Bledsoe ever being a Franchise-type QB again. If the Bills D stay VERY good, they can win with Bledsoe, but I no longer believe he's a difference maker with the Game on the line like he was when he was a Kid...


    JMO B)

  11. Eric Moulds' fumble on the goaline I thought was what kept us from shutting the door on this one.



    The fumble was on the 7 Yard line, and the Bills got the Ball right back on the Reese INT, which was returned to the 3 yard line...net plus 4 yards...


    Never like to see a TO in the Red Zone...But it turned out that one did not hurt us...

  12. in a 16 game season. it might be educational to look beyond the scoreboard.





    Look...I realize they are not going to Win every Game...But they just lost a VERY winnable Game at Home. That means to make up for the loss, they have to win a MUCH tougher Road Game...


    Well see how much the Scoreboard from Sunday can be ignored towards the end of this year. But it's never good to lose a Home Game...ever...

  13. Lindell's a bum and we've all been saying it for a long time. We NEED another kicker. He's going to cost us a lot of games this year. How can a professional kicker be under 50% between 40-49 yards? That's pathetic.  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Lindell.



    No doubt about it! Plus he got a pretty good Deal for a Kicker... ;)

  14. he looked up late and Smith got to the ball before Clements dids. Ever hear of the phrase "Give vredit where credit is due"? That was a pro-bowl play made by a pro-bowl level player



    Well...that's not exactly how Nate saw the play. In his Post Game comments he said he saw the Ball with plenty of time to react and went for the INT. He said, in retrospect, he should have just batted the Ball away.


    This from todays Buf News:


    Clements said following the game that he should have knocked the ball down instead of going for the interception. Gray agreed with that assessment.


    "It's important to recognize the situation you're in," Gray said. "When it's fourth-and-14, don't let it become a jump ball situation where anything can happen. Just try to knock the ball down."

  15. It's really sad when you hear NFL players talk about what an important lesson they learned on Sunday....puleeeeze!  Nate, Troy, Drew, Gray, Mularkey, Moulds, Takeo, ...c'mon guys. It's all lip service to make them feel better about the loss. This isn't high school or college ball.  Some of these "lessons learned" are things that were ingrained in Junior high school. 


    What really happened is we left J-ville hanging around in the game since the O didn't execute well enough to salt it away.  We relied on the D to win it at the end and J-ville out-executed them. There is no lesson.  We were beaten...period.  What they learned this week will have no bearing on the Raiders game.  The Raiders will be trying just as hard as Buffalo to win their home opener.



    Well...it's one thing when those comments come once every 3 or 4 weeks...


    But when it becomes a weekly deal it get REAL old, REAL quick...


    And the bare facts are Bills Fans have had to hear similar comments from the "star players" on this Team for 16 out of the last 27 regular Season Games played... and that's WAY too often... ;)

  16. Unfortunately this board is unwilling to have any debate anymore over Bledsoe's ability to lead the Bills to the promised land. If you disagree with Drew's play AT ALL, then you are automatically labeled a "crusader."


    Yes, Drew had a technically sound game yesterday and made no major mistakes like he routinely did last year. Yes, the blame for the offensive woes against the Jags was partly due to a superior Jags run D and to Mularkey's conservative play calling and to Moulds' fumbles, etc...


    However, we have $5 mill+ invested in our starting QB this season, and for that amount of dough I'd like to see the starting QB be asked to do a little bit more than hand off the ball 60% of the time and make only a couple pass attempts per game greater than 20 yards. 10 points of total offense off of 2 defensive turnovers is not going to win us a lot of games. Shane Matthews can easily do all that we asked of Drew yesterday, and Matthews costs us only the veteran minimum. If Sunday's game was a sign of all that we expect from Drew this season, maybe we should have flat out released him in the offseason and used that extra cash to get some real interior linemen. That's all some of the anti-Bledsoe people are saying.


    Drew is a Bill and I still support him all the way. In the weeks to come, though, I hope we can debate his worth to the team without being torn a new one in the process.


    Foxboro Mike, as long as you're willing to accept positive criticism of Drew, then I see no reason for you to not continue posting on this forum.



    KH...You made my day, week, month, and year with that post.


    Well said Brother, could not have said it better myself. And Thank You!



  17. Drew did not cause the loss.


    But it is pretty sad that the offensive braintrust has so little confidence in our HoF QB that they felt compelled to dumb down the offense so much that a rooke could run it. (Gee- I may have stumbled onto something here. too bad our rookie got hurt)


    However, you are incorrect in that the Bills paid Drew $5 mil for this limited production. TD will pay Drew $8.75 mil in cash for 2004. 


    Another dubious decision by Teflon Tom if they are not even going to try to exploit Drew's big arm with play action passes, especially with as much as they ran on Sunday.


    Hopefully, the coaches will get bolder as they get moe comfortable and the OL starts to jell. Much will depend on if Fat-Slow Mike will ever develop into something more than a turnstyle.



    Bingo obie! Look...For anyone who wants to debate this, forget about it because Drew said it himself. He said (basically) if they want me to just hand the Ball off, why did they bring me here in the 1st place?


    I really don't think there is any question the Bills did not, and will not get the QB they thought they were getting when they Traded for Drew. The other factors such as bad Coaching and piss poor O-Line play have simply, and I guess in a way luckily, sped up the evaluation process to the point we are at now. Bledsoe is a Vet QB, he can certainly run a Ball Control, 3 yards and a cloud of dust Offense. So just imput a system where the Bills give him the least chance of losing the Game...Certainly this Offense is not set up for a Franchise-type QB like the Favre's, McNair's, Culpepper's, Brady's, and Manning's of the NFL who are given Offensive systems that not only match their talents, but also make them them the focal points, especially with the Game on the line...


    Look, I guess I'm glad now the Bills have Drew if only for the fact that JP got hurt...But I'll never in a million years agree with the Contract extention, and we've been over this thing ad nauseam. I still for the life of me don't understand why, if the Bills were going in this direction, they used the #13 overall pick on a 5-11 speedy WR. But it has been only one Game, and I realize this new Offense needs time. I thought they were simply going REALLY vanilla in the Pre Season, but now I have to admit I'm a bit worried. One TD by the Starting Offense in 4 Pre Season Games, and basically nothing to Lee Evans. And after Week #1, a single TD by the Offense (greatly aided by a TO), and basically nothing to Lee Evans...I hope this is not a trend. And before anyone jumps me about Evans being a Rookie WR let me make it clear I'm not expecting him to get 1500 yards this year and 12 TD's. But I do expect the Bills to attempt to get him the Ball Deep minimum one time per Game if only to loosen up opposing Defenses. And BTW, that means even when the opposing D's are showing Cover 2 and dropping those Safeties WAY deep. Throw the Ball out of bounds, just show your not afraid to try it....Keep them honest that's all, Jim Kelly used to do it all the time...


    But I'll say this much, thusfar I can't bash Drew because he's doing a good job. The Sacks are down, he looks more lively, and he's getting the Ball out quick. And he's our Starting QB so I'm behind him this year 100%. But make no mistake about it, keeping Drew for 2004 means the Bills were telling each and everyone of us this was not a rebuilding year, and it was said time and time again by the Bills Brass that this is a Playoff calibre Team. Well...what I saw on Sunday was definitely a Playoff calibre Defense (4th Down conversions excluded), but again 10 Offensive points at Home will just about never get the job done. And if this is indicative of the Offense we will see for the rest of the year (and I really don't think it is, at least I hope to heck it is not), TD will never be able to convice me it was money well spent on DB... B)

  18. Exactly, and Clements has been getting toasted on a semi regular basis for the last year and a game.  I started calling him "toast" last year it got so bad.


    As for the Moulds fumble at the 7, I keep saying this but nobody seems to listen.  THAT FUMBLE HAD LITTLE TO NO IMPACT ON THE GAME!  Reese got an INT a few plays later putting the Bills at the 3 yard line...Reese's INT never happens if Moulds doesn't fumble the ball...those turnovers pretty much negate each other out and the Bills actually ended up with better field position because of it.  The offense should have put the ball in the endzone once they got the ball back.



    Exactly! The result was a net plus 4 Yards... B)

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