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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. 'preciate the advice. Cheers. I don't have HDTV yet, holding off until my current TV gives up the ghost. So all of this may be moot.
  2. In short, no. Our interior OL is set up right and will in a short period of time be comparible to any in the NFL if it isn't already. Our OTs however are mopes right now and need a ton of work in the next year and offseason to improve them. We are a legit LT away from having a very good OL. I should also add that I played football for over 15 years and in that time started at least one full season at each line position. Ross Tucker has it right about the relative importance/difficulty of each OL position. To move Wood to C wastes your best OL guy at the least important position, physically.
  3. My first kid is due any day now, so getting laid is well of the agenda... I am toying with the idea of upgrading my PS2 to either an XBox or PS3. Anyone got advice?
  4. I'd watch from the stands - damn the cost, damn the hassle, I'd be there to see it in person. The rest is a footnote.
  5. I'm afraid he did VA... (1:21) (Shotgun) B.Brohm pass deep right to C.Jackson pushed ob at IND 7 for 26 yards (R.Fisher). Caught along sideline at IND 10.
  6. This is BS for one simple reason: as a SuperBowl champ you make a LOT more money...
  7. I'm on IE6 at work too - but the site is definately useable on IE6, if not fully functional...
  8. OK - fair one - but his arm sure didn't look weak last week...
  9. No he doesn't! The wisdom on Brohm is that he has a big arm, but needs work on other parts of his game...
  10. Here's my take: Edwards has the Ones sewn up. He will start and be given enery opportunity to succeed. He has been acceptable in preseason, which is all you can hope for. Fitzpatrick. I think he gets dropped. He has little upside over Edwards, has done little to unseat him and is entrenched in a battle for the Twos with a younger guy. Brohm isn't starter material now, and the coaches don't think so either, or he would have been in with the Ones at some point. He needs time to learn the system and has more upside than Fitz. He's our number 2. Brown won't be put on the PS. It's a waste of a place when he can learn the ropes on the roster as the 3rd QB. He won't play this year and has a shot to become the guy if he can show any kind of ability in the practise setting in the coming 2 years.
  11. Where are your strengths vs theirs? What tone do you want to set for the game? Where do you think you will be at halftime? It's not a blanket decision a coach can make...
  12. Maybin is a major disappointment. He was projected as a 3-4 OLB and has failed to grasp that role in the first year he has been given the chance to play that position. Apart from flashes of speed, i've seen nothing to impress me on a pass rush front, really not great use of his hands, and he has no bull rush to speak of. He needs to show something now that Torbor is out for a while, or else he is going to be riding the pine and looking for a new job in January.
  13. Second that. Met Lori several times. This board has changed. Posts = up. Quality of posts = down. I post less frequently but still with no quality...
  14. Maybe dump offs was the thing Trent was required to practise...? We need to be careful not to judge too much from one practise. We also need to remind ourselves that THIS report differs significantly to Fluff's from the same practise. From what I have been able to gather, every QB has had his ups and downs, but the others haven't yet shown enough to unseat TE.
  15. Newcastle, perhaps. Liverpool, yes. But these British cities have all grasped modernity and regeneration in a way that US cities don't have to. Buffalo could lead the way in this regard.
  16. Hella is swearing?? We have way worse swear words over here...
  17. Is there a limit on how many posts can be on one thread?
  18. Bad journalism. Triceratops lived! All torosaurus specimens will now be reclassified as triceratops, the scientists said. So instead of this headline: "DINO NOBODY HAS HEARD OF WAS IN FACT AN ADULT OF ONE THAT PEOPLE HAVE" you get the story the Mail printed...
  19. Don't make me have to educate you boys in the mother tongue....
  20. This only reinforces our need to pick up a fairly expendable but reasonable guy who can play LT for us. Think Langston Walker.
  21. A waterfront stadium would do wonders for Buffalo. If ever a city needed to restart is beating heart is was Buffalo. I'm an out of towner (obviously) and I am totally besotted with the City of Buffalo - the boonies, not so much. Buffalo has a wealth of fantastic architecture, magnificent buildings that just have no life to them anymore. That's mainly because the spread of the city has dragged commerce away from the centre like too many American cities. Downtown feels hollow and soulless... And it shouldn't. You get a tiny bit of THAT feeling when you pull off the freeway and see Dunn Tire Park - like you get in Pittsburgh. You could get LOTS of THAT feeling with a waterfront stadium. Buffalo's skyline is already fantastic - a stadium added to it would make it really striking... A waterfront Stadium complex with associated retail and accommodation would transform downtown. You'd have your Hockey Arena, Baseball stadium and Football Stadium all in a couple of blocks - you'd attract more and more people downtown, breating life and colour into a town that is dying unneccessarily. You already have a metro system to connect a vibrant student population in the north to downtown. The airport easily serves downtown. You have a good rail service that stops right in the heart of downtown. We should be celebrating our beautiful city, not cyring about the old steel industry days and dwindling population.
  22. EXACTLY - look at Pittsburgh. It's a thing of beauty!
  23. I've played a lot of football in my life. Practise is always in pads. You can't practise unless you are in pads. You can learn in shorts, you can condition in shorts, but to practise you have to get the gear on and bang heads. Bravo Mr Gailey.
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