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Everything posted by finn

  1. Maybe to water everyone. About all he's good for at this point.
  2. Just like against Cincinnati last year in the playoffs.
  3. Complete honesty: Does Gabe Davis make that catch? No way.
  4. The Dolphins were ready to roll over--they WERE rolling over. You... cannot.... turn... the... ball... over. It's the only rule. Three and out, fine. Just don't turn the ball over. Is it really that hard? Hey, Brady, how about running on every last play from now on?
  5. I don't either. Wishful thinking? Do they see $20 million instead of a useless player?
  6. Davis tripped over his own feet. How can you say it was on Allen?
  7. Yeah, but maybe Davis would have been in position to catch the ball if he hadn't tripped over his own feet. Of course, he would have dropped it, but still.
  8. Brady channeling Dorsey. Running too boring, maybe.
  9. Throw to Davis = interception. Any questions?
  10. That's what I've been saying all year. Four possible outcomes when you throw to Davis, in order: an incompletion, a drop, an interception, and a completion, with zero yards after the catch. It's like he's a plant from the Bills' opponents dedicated to the downfall of Josh Allen.
  11. Maybe he won't throw it at Gabe Davis again. Maybe McDermott will play the water boy instead of Davis.
  12. We can't be sure it was his fault, but you don't see Allen miscommunicating that much with any other receiver. Between his lack of separation, drops, and wrong routes, the guy is a flat-out liability, I don't care how well he blocks downfield.
  13. Weird, but it seems this Bills team is the kind that actually wins Super Bowls a lot of the times. It's not always the best team or even a top-five team that goes all the way. Meanwhile, the most impressive teams often don't get past the first round. Too preoccupied about the game to find evidence, but how many flawed teams won the Super Bowl? And how many excellent, even historically excellent, did not?
  14. Maybe. But I can also see them finally clicking on all cylinders. They seem due for a dominant offensive showing. Let's be honest: We have no idea what to expect.
  15. I wasn't surprised. The Chargers were blown out the previous game and their head coach fired. They had ten days to think it over and get behind the interim coach, who by all accounts is a players' coach who rallied the team. They were ready to give it their best shot. Meanwhile, the Bills were coming off a short week and had to fly cross country, so not surprised they were a bit flat. Put those together and you have the game that happened. I think the game actually showed us something about this Bills team. They easily could have lost with those dynamics, and they didn't. They took care of business. I suspect something similar will happen tomorrow night. Like the Chargers, the Dolphins were embarrassed the week before, and they're playing at home, down on their luck and counted out. That's a formula for some fight--at least for some teams. The Bills will be ready, though, or at least I think so. They've been hard to figure out this year, even in retrospect.
  16. Until last year's draft, Beane has made the defense a priority in the draft. In retrospect, that might have been a mistake, since Allen might have lit up the league with two or especially three quality receivers, likely enough to cover for an average defense. Easiest calls in retrospect: Pickens instead of Elam, and Davante Adams instead of Von Miller. Imagine Allen throwing to Diggs, Adams, and Pickens.
  17. Right, it's a mystery why they stopped the quick-tempo offense. It's almost like Dorsey thought, "Well, that works, so let's move away from it, just to fool them." I don't recall Brady going back to it, either.
  18. That's what the quality control position is all about: keeping an eye on your own team's tendencies. I hope the Bills have a good one. It does seem that Lamar is forever sending long, lazy passes to wide-open receivers, whereas Allen has to put the ball right in his receivers' hands every time.
  19. Quick sidebar: How did everyone miss on Nacua? The guy is amazing.
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