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Posts posted by robkmil

  1. TE is going to be a very intriguing position. On the one hand, none of the top 3 candidates has even come close to proving themselves as a starter. On the other hand, we fans no longer have to experience the sinking feeling of "Oh god, another year of Robert Royal as starting TE."


    This will be a good battle, hopefully one of the three ends up being a playmaker.

  2. Not strange timing at all -- she possibly read the other one and thought, Hey, I'll write about this guy instead. Or she could have been planning it all along, considering that there's essentially an open competition at the position ...


    open competition, but they might want the media talking more abiut Fine. all I'm saying, the team controls the content on the BB.com website

  3. I was breaking it down and looked at it pretty objectively and thought AZ was a close second to us but they do not have the depth at RB like us past Hightower. AZ also has a aged QB in Warner and Trent reminds me of a much younger version of him (Quick thinking / better release time). AZ Wr's are equal to T.O. & Evans in many ways Stat wise as well.


    If the line plays hard in the trenches this year / we get a true no huddle dialed in tight, we've got ourselves a multitude of points. I really think that we have our best chance to score ever, that includes the K-gun offenses as well.


    Get your popcorn ready.


    we have good weapons, a qb that could be really good. but we got rookies on the line it all will depend on how good they play.

  4. Thanks Chuk, good find. I'm all for bringing in more players, especially on the lines. We might not be in dire need of DEs but we certainly aren't stacked either.


    Agreed, DE's are important positions and if he has talent why not take a flyer, we can't have too many DE's

  5. I have looked at our receiver situation and I am baffled that we continue to employ the likes of Josh Reed. What does he give us really. He once was an award winning receiver coming out of LSU and had all the promise in the world. Now he is nothing more than a third down, possession receiver. He offers nothing as far as special teams, or points. He is too small to be a factor around the goal line (similar to Parrish), but offers nothing after the catch, evident by his 23 consecutive games w/out a TD snapped late last season.


    Many believe that parrish should be gone come training camp cuts and i think it should be Reed. Parrish helps on special teams and IMHO would be better served in the slot given the abundance of opportunities that Reed has seen. Also Steve Johnson would be nice to put in the slot with Evans and Owens if he can keep up the play he closed out 2008 with. I also think that 5 receivers is what will make the 53 man roster and Evans, Owens, Johnson, Parrish and Hardy seem to me to be our best 5.


    After 8 years of Reed simply being a small possession receiver that disappears when needed, it is time to move on and give parrish and johnson more opportunities to shine. Parrish would be great in the slot between the twenties and then use johnson and hardy in the slots inside the twenties. Those are my "hopes", let me know your opinions!


    wow, you can't field 5 pro bowl big play receivers on every play. Reed did a fine job as a possession last season and was one of our most consistent threats. He makes important catches and catches that are difficult to make. He's a valued role player and the kind of guy that is verymuch needed to have success in this league.

  6. Yeah, good job getting TO that worked out for like 2 weeks...now he's not finding a home and I think he might sit for the first part of the season being unhappy. I just wanna say I called this move blowing up in their faces, now buffalo's getting embarrassed on espn b this story. Sad.


    where is the link to you calling you this move?


    why do you say he sits, wow jumping the gun.

  7. Chris Brown Reports from OTAs:


    "Veterans Kirk Chambers and Seth McKinney continue to hold down the starting roles at the two guard positions on the offensive line. Rookies Andy Levitre and Eric Wood are still being rotated in however, a good portion of the time. "


    For those of you who think our Offensive line will be upgraded this year...here is a newsflash....These guys aren't even getting starting reps.


    And oh by the way...Chambers and McKinney (who are currently starting over the kids) did not even start over Fowler and Preston last year... THAT'S how far off these guys are.


    This is just sickening.


    mckinney wasn't here last year

  8. Bills look to have 5 quality CB's this year. McGee is going to play like McGee has in the past. He will be a reliable starter. McKelvin, if he keeps improving could be a shut down CB or he could still be a disaster causing the Bills to lose a few games all by himself like he did last year.


    When was he a disaster last year? He didn't play much on defense until 1/2 way through the season. and he seemed to make plays. please point out the games and plays where he was a disaster. i don'tremember this at all

  9. rn blocking? Or is it?


    I truly believe that we are going to see more space to run between the tackles this year......is this going to translate out into big plays from Marshawn instead of him gaining 5 yards by carrying half of the defensive team with him......or are people concerned that his possible lack of vision will be exposed and guys like Jackson end up doing better with the improvements?


    Just wanted to know what folks thought about that.



    I do like our draft picks a lot, but remember these are rookies and their will be some learning curve.

  10. The Wildcat, single-wing, wing-T, are all sophomoric because it they can't hold up against the superior personnel and schemes of the NFL over any length of time. They are throwback offenses, that's why I use the word regress. They are offenses that put defenses in conflict UNTIL defenses adjust. Witness the continuing decline of Miami's Wildcat once it was exposed for what it was. A few plays here and there and yeah, it'll work. And it might even work over a longer period against lesser defenses. But I doubt it simply because of the athletic ability of defenders in the NFL. What puts defenses in conflict is superior personnel on offense more than anything else.


    The Pistol is interesting and I think it has potential with a superior QB, WRs, and OL to run it. It's a unique kind of hybrid that will give defenses fits again, with the proper personnel to run it. There isn't a regressive element to it at all and it actually expands the options that can be run from it. It might be tailor made for Tebow if he can improve his accuracy. If he's not accurate, defenses will kill him and that offense won't succeed. But with a superior QB, yeah it can do a LOT of damage.


    I'm not impressed by the success colleges in big divisions have with their schemes. College teams in big divisions are just that: college teams in big divisions. How do you honestly feel the best college team in the land would fare against the Detroit Lions? It wouldn't be close. Everybody on that lousy NFL team is good enough to play in the NFL. How many on the BEST college team are going to make an NFL team, let alone start on one? A few on offense? A few on defense? That's a LOT to ask for.


    GO BILLS!!!


    good point with the talent level, but these schemes in time will also evolve, new wrinkles will be added to counteract the defensive adjustments. as far as the pistol, it is just an updated version of a single wing offense. the only difference is that the ball is always snapped to the qb instead being snapped to a spinning fullback (which the qb often resembles in this offense), or another man in motion.



    these new offenses will be fun to watch and i hope more teams attempt them. i would like to see the bills do more than what they do.

  11. I also hate that all of these guys rave about the patsies picks. They have very few starters/contributors from their last two -three years of drafting. They have Mayo, but not much else. They are good at signing vets and placing them in spots that make them very productive. But they are not very good at drafting.

  12. Schlereth drinks the haterade once in a while. He did a segment on the Bills yesterday claiming they had the worst off season of any NFL team...TO will destroy Trent, Peters trade was dumb...Dilfer disagreed and liked our offseason FWIW.


    I watched this last night, says peters was awesome and bills shuldn'thave traded him. also says losing dockery will hurt. guy must not watch video. He also said or draft was the worst in the nfl, mostly because we didn't get a left tackle.

  13. Meaning no disrespect, but if Tebow went to a team and they started running single-wing, H-back, 2 QBs, etc. they wouldn't be changing the pro game at all. In fact, especially with regards to the single-wing, the game would regress. The athletes on NFL defenses are just too good, even on the worst teams. Sophomoric offenses like those don't have a chance. Like Miami's Wildcat, it's only gonna be good for a few plays a game, it's too limited in terms of what you show vs. run out of it, and superior athletes on D will make plays against it.


    I'd like to see how Tebow does his senior year. He may adapt just fine to a traditional pro-set and, with his physical gifts, may end up just fine. One thing's for sure, he's too good an athlete not to find a place on a team. Whether or not that's at QB remains to be seen. I hope he refines his game and succeeds at QB.


    GO BILLS!!!


    GO BILLS!!!





    why are they sophmoric? college teams in big divisions win with the offenses all all the time. They are creative offenses that put defenses in conflict. The KC Chiefs put up good offensive numbers with the pistol offense? it might have gimmicky but so what? it worked at the nfl. the team was no good, but the offense was more competitive becasue of it.


    The single wing worked for the dolphins and other teams last year. why would it be regression? please explain.

  14. Hello, I am publishing a book prior to kick off 2009. this being our 50th aniversary I am going to have a contest for all of you. I will collect all submissions of your best TAILGATE story, recipe, and name if yours is one of the 50 chosen. All you have to do is submit your favorite recipe and your favorite "fanmanship" story of 350 words or less. This must be emailed to me prior to May 15th 2009. PM me for address or email to greggcummings@yahoo.com. So good luck to you all. And spread the word.


    What's your name? Title of the book? who is hte publisher? and how many other books have your written?

  15. I was just wondering for the people who have traveled to different cities to watch NFL games.... I was just wondering if anybody can name a stadium worse than the Ralph..The reason why I say that is because I keep hearing that RWS is the worst..the only one I could think of was Mcaffe Coliseum in Oakland.... Does anybody have anything else.


    I go tp every home game and can't complain, the seats are fine, the parkign is still cheap compared to others, the vending is ok. The only chanegi would make would be more or bigger bathrooms, sometimes the line is long

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