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Posts posted by robkmil

  1. Are you serious? I doubt Ralph is interested in a marginal QB who hasn't competed in two years with the baggage he brings, at a position that the Bills are not desperate to fill. I also doubt Vick has any interest in coming to Buffalo, a small market city, to join a team with a clear #1 QB, and an extremely conservative head coach.


    Also note, the Bills have said they are not interested. (Full disclosure: This was a few months ago.)


    Yeah, I would doubt that he would want a former 1,000 yard rusher and a player with a winning record. It's not like the "Wildcat" has made a role for players like Vick recently. He also would allow our playcalling to be a little bit less predictable.

  2. won't happen...Ralph's against it and even if he's gone, Jim Kelly is against it

    Also, sticking someone who could cause a QB controversy on the team would be counterproductive. Jauron's trying to keep his job...not lose it


    Did you personally talk to Ralph about it? Where did you get this info from? just made it up probably

  3. Note: Maybin is represented by Chafie Fields/Joel Segal, not Parker, who represents Jairus Byrd.

    I also take issue with the Pro Football Talk post referencing this to be "a holdout." By definition and by reality it is not. Jason Peters was holding out. Aaron Maybin is unsigned.





    He is not practicing because he is holding out for more money. Therefore, he is a holdout.

  4. I'am 71 years old, and was @ the Anchor Bar the night that CHICKEN WINGS were born. A bunch of guys & myself used to play basketball every wed. night. After our workouts we went AB for beers & somethink to eat. After having a few beers & some eats, the lady that owned the AB, brought us a plate of wings to sample, saying that if liked them she would put that on the meun. WE ate them and asked what the hell we were eating, she said chicken wings. Need les to say they

    were great. She put that on the menu & as they say the rest history. They were fried in butter, in a big black iron frying

    pan. A number of are still alive to back this story up.







    P.S. Thats what the woman name was.


    really? I've read that same story ont eh back of their menues too

  5. Reed has some value, he has become a dependable receiver on 3rd down, just not a #1/#2 kind of guy

    Parrish has value too as one of the leagues best punt returners


    And if you talk to fans around here, I think Johnson could get the Bills a retrun of multiple first and have a bidding war.


    Yeah last year's 7th round pick with what 20 receptions can def. get us multiple first round picks. get real man.

  6. Is it still possible the Bills could trade a WR?


    With T.O., Evans, Reed, Parish, Johnson, Jenkins, Hardy currently on the roster with TE Nelson playing more like a WR then a TE could the Bills trade one or more away for future draft picks or a player? It would not shock me if it happened.

    Even Jackson could be used as a WR with his skill sets being on the field at the same time with Lynch.



    The question is, who would the Bills let go in a trade somewhere in the near future? What what would they expect back in return for a Win/Win situation?


    Good question, however, I don't think we will get a lot in return for the WR's at the bottom of our depth chart. maybe Hardy could give a good return.

  7. What makes you think the AFC is fonna be tough this year?


    The Patriots bring in Brady this year so they improve, And Dolphins will improve in year 2 of the system. The colts, and chargers are always good. Baltimore was young and will improve this year. Cleveland and Cinci can't be worse. KS has a new system and a new QB. The Stellers are always good. Plus generally every sportscaster says the AFC, especially the East wil be improved.

  8. My biggest concern will be coaching. This staff is not agressive by nature. They are slow to use a lot of rookies and when they are in, especially on offense, the playcalling will probably be weak and predictable. I hope not. I know this will also depend on Edwards not audibling into safer plays all the time and not dumping down.


    I also don't think we will see much of Maybin in the beginning of the season. So, he won't make much of an impact.


    I think we did good this offseason. I would like something better at the outside linebacker spot and at puss rush. I liek the rookies on offense and I like the skill players we have. We'll just have to hope everything comes together quickly.

  9. Russ is not a solid business guy.


    No harvard or wharton MBA, Russ.


    How he handled Peters and got absolutely used and discarded a la a used tampax, both by the Eagles and by Peters agent, should show you that.


    He is the other side of the moronic inferno (opposite his butt buddy DJ) that is the Bills brain trust.


    Trust in him to be idiotic.


    Sorry, reality check.


    Totally disagree, Russ is a smart buisness man. The Bills ahve continued to sell out and break their own records while not being a competitive. Russ was the marketing man for this. The Bills have banked a lot of cash on the Toronto deal and may make more. I believe Russ has a big part of this.



    As far as peters, he wanted to be the top paid tackle in the league and no budging. The guy admotted he was concerned about his contract while playing and he would hold out again in two years. What more could he have gotten out of a trade. First round picks are toughto trade for. and he wasn't even close to the top player at the position.


    What could you have gotten for peters?

  10. Lindell is a good kicker one of the best in the league. They won't get rid of him.


    I remember when he was the butt of all jokes here. Times have changed since he changed things up 3-4 years ago. He has been way more consistent.


    Lindell misses a lot of 4th quarter kicks that would make a lot of difference in close games. I say we try to bring somebody in that could be better.


    This guy is tsill probably just camp fodder

  11. It will have to be Fine or Shouman. Nelson will need his entire rookie season just to memorize Turk-ey's playbook and realize he will not be allowed to make one rookie mistake without getting buried on the bench. Turk-ey believes in Jauron's mantra....."It's hard to win in the NFL.....and if you can't memorize our 2000 page playbooks, it will be hard to play for the Buffalo Bills, no matter how much natural talent you may have or how many plays you can make.....we have a 7 win per season tradition to uphold here."

    Where do you get this from? and has it been mentioned by anyone previously that the Bills have a larger playbook than any other team. Watching them it sure doesn't seem like that.

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