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Everything posted by BackInDaDay

  1. nice tandem, him and Moses ps - thanks for posting, KRC
  2. let's see.. it was 1st and 20 from our 18 both guys held on TD run, so the spot is where the foul took place. if refs see both guys hold - or just R Woods - the spot to walk off 10 from would have been our 25 for an R Woods hold - giving us a 1st and 23 from our 15. if refs see just E Wood hold - the spot to walk off 10 from would have been our 35 for an E Wood hold - giving us a 1st and 13 from our 25. now, they officially called it on R Woods, so i guess the former took place. where the hell they got our 43 as the spot of the foul, is beyond me, but we ended up with a 1st and 5 from our 33. go figure.
  3. as a rookie, it would be surprising for him to be savvy enough to read it right all the time. but Hackett should be coaching him up each week where and how he thinks the opponent will bring pressure, and what protections/audibles they have to adjust. my problem is watching linemen pass rushers off to blocking backs who are either late to help, or not there at all. that's really bad communication at a NFL level. even if EJ's recognition skills are dull, we've got some veteran guys who should be able to bail out their QB. as far as making the throws.. right now he may have a problem hitting you in your front yard. that's why i'd like to see the coaches run some things that let him get out of the pocket.. give him run/pass options.. let him play football before getting back to Pocket Passer 101.
  4. thanks for the post bandit. with man coverage on all three of his receivers, they're probably all default to 'go' routes - leaving Wilson to find the best match-up, and pull guys back - in this play he chose his slot receiver vs the FS. i'm thinking the combination of hand signals were instructing the WR to Baldwins left to break off his pattern, allowing Wilson and Baldwin to adjust their route/throw to the FS's technique (it's blocked on the pic, but i bet the other WR sat down, too). Wilson was smart enough to see Baldwin had outside position, and was accurate enough throw it there. this is basic stuff, but well executed. as important as it was for Wilson, Baldwin and the other receivers to be on the same page this play, it's just as important that his protection calls were executed so well. from the small sample of All-22 from our TB game, i've seen piss poor route running, badly designed routes that draw defenders into passing lanes, and missed blocking assignments. Manuel could make this play with ease, and probably has (someone could check the TD pass to Goodwin against the Jets), but when his protection breaks down, and the play is poorly designed, and his receivers get lazy - well, we look how we look. ps - talking about 2nd play shown
  5. "You don’t need a weatherman To know which way the wind blows" nope.. ya just need Sully
  6. first off, thanks for posting the clip, but i don't know what you guys are looking at. the call was on our WR, and i'm not the only one who thinks so.. http://www.wgr550.com/pages/17939009.php?contentType=4&contentId=14333438
  7. really? the clip shows Woods holding Revis' arm as Spiller runs past them. where do you see Wood holding?
  8. that's cool - sorry i didn't pick up on that.. just thought you were repeating what the bonehead announcers were telling us. my bad
  9. our center had his own issues Sunday, but the flag was thrown downfield on receiver Robert Woods
  10. although i disagree with some of the WGR kid's conclusions, it was a real eye opener viewing just that small sample of undisciplined offensive play out of the TB game. i'd like to believe that the extent of it was due to the recently acquired 'lost season' mentality, but i'm guessing this is the heart of the team's problems in all phases. we're talented, but soft. Marrone had better find a way to motivate this bunch, or they'll sink him.
  11. i think the key point you made here is that "the O just isn't capable of running a more complex offense at this point" there's a lot wrong out there!
  12. "hardly one play" - the WR should have ran a deeper route with a sense of urgency. he ran a lazy pattern too close to the posted up slot man "another wood play" - the D rushed 2 down linemen, an LB from their left, and the delayed CB blitz. both the TE and slot receiver ran into deep zone coverage. one of them - i'm thinking the slot man - should have broken his route off when the CB crossed his face to blitz
  13. the backfield motion - the upback hitting the B gap as if to block, and the fake handoff to the tailback - was meant to pull the LBs into defend the handoff as the upback cleared to the flat to receive the swing pass, where the WR was breaking down to block the DB. unfortunately, the RDE took an inside rush, the upback got tangled up with him, and EJ was left with no other options because the back-side WR wasn't being used as a safety valve.
  14. on disagree about play 1. when he steps up into the pocket, he could have hit the crossing pattern, but he wanted the deeper completion (down and distance?). when he sets his feet to make the throw as the deep-in is coming out of his break, the DT's arms are up and he's got nowhere to go with it. agree with you about play 2. when the upback got knocked down, there were no other options. the entire play depends on your back getting a clean release through the line. had the DE taken an outside rush, he may have beaten the LB on the swing pass, but you're right.. this could of have been worse. updated - the fake to Spiller did have those LBs biting, so this may have worked if the DE didn't gum it up
  15. maybe i'll buy this all-22, but after seeing a sample of what these guys are doing out there - i'd pull out the few hairs i have left!
  16. check post 317 on prior page #1 - if you time it right, you can draw a straight line through the two receivers and the outstretched armed DT and EJ as he's cocked to throw.. and the DE breathing down his neck #2 - pretty obvious
  17. this guy Jeremy doesn't know what he's looking at. after viewing two of his critiques, i'd suggest you all enjoy the free clips and take his analysis with a large grain of salt update - they won't post the same explanations i posted here. not surprised. it's cool seeing the game from this perspective, though - so i do appreciate that. one thing i've noticed is that the same issue exposed in problem 1 - the timing of the deep square in & crossing patterns - is evident in some fashion elsewhere.. for instance, there's a play in there where the slot man is stood up by his defender, directly in the path (passing lane) of the wideouts deeper slant pattern. EJ had to pull it down.. forgot how it ended. Hackett better get together with his receivers coach to find out why these patterns aren't being executed as they're practiced.. and he should have the foresight to ask 'what if' on every page of the playbook. not too impressed.
  18. first play - EJ was about to throw to receiver at the 40 yard marker when DT jumped with arms up to defend.. before EJ could recover our RT was beaten by the DE - trouble here was two receivers converging to the same passing lane, allowing DT to defend two options with one jump! - these are the patterns that usually end up with a deflected ball to the up man getting picked by deeper cover man, but they were both open. would have been a good gain if not for DT's head's up play second play - receiver at top was preparing to block down field for our fullback who tripped before getting out into the flat. not sure where their safety was, but that could have gone somewhere - on secend look, he was knocked over by inside rush of RDE, who ended up at EJ's legs - worse thing about this play was this was EJ's only option. don't know if it was drawn up this way, or receiver to EJ's right took play off
  19. i still say Bobby Bell clipped on a kickoff return when the outcome of the game was still in doubt! As for Wilson, it's a shame his first roll of the dice - purchasing the franchise - has remained his best one.
  20. you're preaching to the choir, but that's not EJ's only issues right now
  21. all QBs check down when the risk/reward of a downfield throw dictates it.. QBs evaluate risk differently. those who are confident they can make the play, pull the trigger. those who aren't, don't. so why not let a QB with confidence issues tuck it in and take off to make positive plays? risk of injury? fine, but if this ability was part of the package that attracted you to this kid, why hold him back? because of two early injuries? ok.. then they may have as well drafted Barkley, or any of the other 2012 statues
  22. yep.. a physical receiver is not necessarily tall. is there a fiercer competitor that Steve Smith? but if you can find a big physical receiver, he'll make a QB with accuracy issues look good. the NFL's all about match-ups.. these types of receivers are match-up nightmares.. and if you add speed, well, you can blind-fold your QB
  23. as Cain tells Bruce Wayne as he leaves him for dead, "there can be no despair without hope".. must have been a Bills fan
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