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Posts posted by PistolPeaTear

  1. uhh it was not minor involvement. kelly taped segments that would appear on the site's homepage, he said ish like "when i want the best odds on sports i go to sportsinteraction.com and you should too.." it was MAJOR involvement



    wonder how much he had on the bills to lose those 4 super bowls


    youre right, its a big conspiracy of jim kelly betting on and throwing all 4 of our super bowl losses. <_<

  2. this thread is just useless...


    we wont have a new coach until at least 2010, Jauron signed that extension, remember? Ralph won't fire him quite yet, sorry guys.


    Cowher will be gone by then, and we have absolutely no shot at him anyway. I would love to have him, cuz thats what I want, a coach with a pair.


    I would prefer a Rex Ryan or a Mike Trgovac

  3. 3-4 for the 5th game in a row? and they saw the 3-4 last year from the jets and pats twice a piece, along with the steelers, cowboys, browns, ravens (kinda). So don't you think after so many times seeing it the coaching staff would pick something up on it?


    This has been mostly the offense's inability to execute anything, and have absolutely no balls, which points directly to our poor coaching staff.

  4. First of all, you're putting words into my mouth if you think I said that the Titans will go all the way. Secondly, if you think the Titans aren't going all the way because of Collins I will like you to refer to the 1999 season. Yeah it was 9 years ago, but he's hardly slowed down.


    Lastly, if you have mixed feelings about the Steelers, why do you think they'll get through some much more qualified AFC teams?


    I wasn't, I just have them behind the steelers in the AFC for me....


    The AFC West is garbage so I dont see anyone going from there


    The AFC East is a tossup, and while I would love to say the Bills, they havent fared well as of late. And ill be damned if i said the Pats or Jets will go, but the Pats won't because of Cassel and the Jets have the interception machine Favre. I can't see Favre beating either the Steelers or Titans if they went to the playoffs somehow.


    The AFC North is the Steelers division, and while Baltimore is in the hunt, Joe Flacco, while showing signs of promise, just doesnt have it all together yet.


    Lastly the AFC South, which the Titans will win and it looks like the Colts are on the rise to go for a Wildcard.


    And as far as that run in 99 goes when Collins was QB of the Giants, when has he repeated that kind of year since? They got to the SB more on their defense, especially when they Manhandled the Offense of the Vikings in the NFC championship game that year. If the Titans fell behind enough in a game where they would really have to start passing to win, I don't see Collins leading them to a win. He's always been around that 1:1 ratio for TDs to INTs, I just dont see him winning a ring unless he does it a la Rob Johnson and is a bench warmer for a Champion

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