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Posts posted by PistolPeaTear

  1. ESPN can hate on the bills all they want. When is espn and its anchors ever right?


    PFT Put It into perspective:


    "Getting dissed is fine and dandy for the Bills. It's always better to be among the overlooked NFL franchises, since it's easier to catch the teams that are supposed to be "better" on paper off guard.


    Depending on whether they can get a top-notch tailback in round one, we think the Bills will be a factor in 2007. Even if the guys at ESPN are ready to write them off.


    Then again, it was Mel Kiper who suggested prior to the 2001 season that the Patriots could be the first team in NFL history to go 0-16. Mel was only a little bit off in his assessment. "

  2. I'm tired of all of the Michael Turner talk. Why do we want to help the Chargers out? Not only that, but Lynch is tougher and a lot more of real "football player" then Turner will ever be. Just a feeling I have regarding the two backs. I'm tired of figuring out how the Bills can trade up for Adrian Peterson. Why give away high draft picks when Lynch is tougher and a lot more of real "football player" then Peterson will ever be. Again, just a feeling I have regarding the two backs. I'm tired of the Patrick Willis talk. Crowell is our MLB and the Bills can find Spikes replacement in the second and third rounds (Durant, Alexander ect). The first Bills need is RB so why mess with it by getting cute and drafting at a position where we already have a starter. I'm starting to hope that he's taken by San Fanscisco so the Bills are forced to draft Lynch.


    Buffalo is a no nonsense tough town that should embrace, yes embrace, a guy like Marshawn Lynch. Being shot at (victim of mistaken identity), I have a feeling that he doesn't scare easy. Especially by the likes of a fancy boy like Teddy Bruschi. He's been the victim of an extortion plot, so he's already been initiated into the pitfalls and downside of NFL groupies. The guy loves his momma like the great Jim Kelly loved his momma. This kid was dealt a bad hand and has made himself into a successfull football running machine.


    I see guys like Turner and Peterson as thoroughbreds, I see Marshawn Lynch as a "football player". Just because he grew up in a bad area, doesn't mean he has character problems. I sometimes wonder why so many here want Brian Leonard because he's a "team guy" with "high character". Why isn't Lynch praised for his character? Seems to me he's come from much farther back and he's done a lot more for his teams than Leonard has. He's shown that he's a fighter to get where he's is now. I hope more fans here will start showing their support for this guy, a tough guy made for Buffalo. You can take Turner and Peterson, I want the Bills to draft Lynch no matter what.





    i cant believe im saying this, but i agree with 1billsfan, good post

  3. PFT put up their Bills draft needs, i was pretty much expecting us to be bashed, but they put together a good page that puts things in perspective to me.



    The Bills arguably are a team on the rise. The defensive line is solid, and the secondary will survive the departure of Nate Clements.


    On offense, the light might have turned on for quarterback J.P. Losman, and free-agency improvements to the line could make Losman perform even better as he continues to develop chemistry with receiver Lee Evans.


    The biggest missing ingredient on offense, however, is a star tailback. They had one (sort of) in Willis McGahee, but he was under contract for only one more year and the team decided to take what it could get and let him leave -- lest he continue to sow his seed all over the shores of Lake Erie.


    With the No. 12 overall pick, then, the Bills need to get a guy to carry the ball. For starters, they should closely monitor the status of Adrian Peterson. If he's not drafted by the Browns at No. 3 and if he's on the board at No. 6, the Bills should offer whoever holds that pick (the Redskins or the Bears or someone else) their first-round pick in 2008 for the opportunity to jump up and nab Peterson.


    Do the Bills need a 2008 first-round draft pick? With an owner and a G.M. who are both on the wrong side of 80, it might be prudent to use up some of those future picks in order to improve the team right now.


    If Peterson is gone, the next best guy is Marshawn Lynch. Though No. 12 could be a little high for Lynch, the Packers pick at No. 16; thus, if the Bills plan to slide down, they can't go very far.


    The Bills also could use another wideout or two, given that Peerless Price isn't the guy he used to be, and Josh Reed never became they guy they thought he'd be. With plenty of receivers regarded as potential first-rounders, the Bills will be crossing their fingers that one or two of them are still available when Buffalo uses its second-round pick. (And that third-rounder the Bills got from the Ravens as part of the McGahee trade could help them to get even higher in the round, if need be.)


    Though the Bills currently have five tight ends on the roster, none of them will conjure memories of . . . of . . . heck, have the Bills ever had a high-end tight end? For the passing game to be all that it can be, the Bills need an inside body who can get open and catch the ball.


    On defense, linebackers Takeo Spikes and London Fletcher-Baker are gone. The Bills might have trouble picking, then, between Lynch and linebackers Patrick Willis and/or Paul Posluszny. It's an area that they definitely need to address on day one of the draft.


    Though the secondary is solid and improving, another cornerback could be useful, if for no reason other than to fill the spot vacated by Clements.


    All things considered, the Bills are in much better shape than most league observers realize. And the fact that the team is being overlooked could make it easier for them to catch others off guard in 2007

  4. Last I checked the 2003 draft went like this: :thumbsup:


    1 23 Willis McGahee RB Miami

    2 48 Chris Kelsay DE Nebraska

    3 94 Angelo Crowell OLB Virginia

    4 111 Terrence McGee CB Northwestern State, La.

    4 127 Sam Aiken WR North Carolina

    5 151 Ben Sobieski G Iowa

    6 187 Lauvale Sape DT Utah

    7 228 Mario Haggan OLB Mississippi State



    Its been all downhill for us since we lost the great OG Ben Sobieski

  5. While the formula for determining how comp picks are awarded is secret, there has NEVER been a case of a comp pick being awarded to a team who gained more qualified players (in number) in free agency than they lost. To state otherwise is just plain ignorance on the issue of compensatory picks.



    weve gained more qualified players?

  6. In addition to the 32 picks in each round, there are a total of up to 32 picks dispersed at the ends of Rounds 3 through 7. These picks, known as "compensatory picks," are awarded to teams that have lost more qualifying free agents than they gained the previous year in free agency. Teams that gain and lose the same number of players but lose higher-valued players than they gain also can be awarded a pick, but only in the seventh round, after the other compensatory picks. Compensatory picks cannot be traded, and the placement of the picks is determined by a proprietary formula based on the player's salary, playing time and postseason honors with his new team, with salary being the primary factor. So, for example, a team that lost a linebacker who signed for $2.5 million per year in free agency might get a sixth-round compensatory pick, while a team that lost a wide receiver who signed for $5 million per year might receive a fourth-round pick.


    If fewer than 32 such picks are awarded, the remaining picks are awarded in the order in which teams would pick in a hypothetical eighth round of the draft.

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