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Posts posted by BillsVet

  1. 4 hours ago, Sierra Foothills said:

    BillsVet, with all due respect PFT is a blog and they don't oversell themselves. As poor as the writing is (and it's terrible), Florio does have a lot of sources and gets things like contract details and internal NFL memos very quickly. In that regard he is fairly journalistic.


    He does have an annoying habit of stirring up shyt but that's the nature of the biz... provoking comments and traffic.


    For what they are PFT is good... a one-stop shop/central clearing house for all NFL news. And occasionally they break a big story so that's an added bonus.


    I used to follow them for UFA news years ago, but they went full click-bait garbage level writing and I could care less what he says.  


    But more than that...Mike Florio is the NFL's version of TMZ and acts like a clown on air.   

  2. "Obviously, a trade hasn’t occurred yet. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen. A team hoping to draft a quarterback could pivot to Jones, if that team doesn’t get the guy it wants."


    This passes for journalism in 2023.  Then again, it's PFT so not surprised. 

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  3. On 4/1/2023 at 12:21 AM, NyQuil said:

    Bulldog was really high on Jackson and want the Bills to draft him back in 2018 so he's always been pro Jackson. Its getting pretty bad though with how he keeps defending him and calling out teams for not wanting to talk to him. I think a little bit of it has to do with the sunk cost fallacy. He's spent so much time being a fan that he just can't be objective. It's hard to say "I was wrong."


    One thing that drives me mad whether if its Bulldog or other pundits is how they throw around that he is an MVP but never mention that it was four years ago and he hasn't finished that last two seasons. They also never bring up his 1-3 playoff record.


    A lot of pundits who want industry cred tend to overlook that hard reality of a market every time a player is on the market.  I'm actually surprised no one has yet claimed that owners have colluded with each other to make sure another large pay-out for a QB does not happen.  Or maybe it has and I missed that.


    I'd also expect owners to see that there are significant headwinds economically happening in the US right now and to balance a large expenditure, even at QB, against that consideration.  An outlay of 200M guaranteed is not the kind of financial decision a NFL team is going to take right now and especially not for someone who's had those injuries as you alluded to.   

  4. OP's thread is like political party A giving political party B advice on how to win elections.  Not exactly the guidance you take.


    Until or unless the NFL changes rules surrounding RTP, PI, holding, et al. then the way to win remains throwing the ball downfield to as many solid receiving options as possible.  


    Sheffield and Harty are effectively on 1 year deals, Davis in his last year of a rookie contract and Shakir is unproven.  The draft could shake out any number of ways, but finding another receiver in RD1/2 should be a priority.  One would think by now that banking on improved production from lower-tier players and Diggs isn't enough...but McBeane probably ain't changing this late in the game. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, WotAGuy said:

    Knox will only come close to being Kelce once defenses stop covering him, like they refuse to cover Kelce. 


    Check out Kelce blowing past Chargers 2nd Team All-Pro safety Derwin James in their Week 11 game game to put KC up with 30 seconds to play.  

  6. The irony to this is, both coaches have been criticized for not getting results until a franchise QB "fell into their laps." 


    Of course, Belichick had been a member of 2 SB winning teams prior to becoming a HC.  McCoach was a part of team with a SB appearance.


    Will likely never happen, but McD is still trying to jam that square peg into the round hole.  Belichick has adapted his football vision as the game changed in the early 2000s from a balance between offense and defense to one where offense is primary. 


    McD is not getting enough out of Josh and it's less on the QB than the HC by this point.  That would not be the case with BB. 

  7. 1 hour ago, BADOLBILZ said:


    How does this washed up gas giant keep getting more than minimum deals from Beane?


    I know fans like him because he plays to the crowd on the field and in social media but the reality is that he can't stay healthy and is a terrible run defender who basically refuses to use his natural size to be stout.   


    I said it last year..........it's fine to sign him to a minimum deal but there isn't much of a market for his services.   


    Either Beane is not the wizard people think he is or McD is telling him to just get it done. 


    3rd week of UFA handing out 3M contracts to DTs is not a good look.  And even though it's a moderate deal, it should be remembered when there's little to no cap room to make a trade at the deadline.  

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  8. 1 hour ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    Agreed this would be completely on-brand.  And the Bills are a year away from having no DTs under contract and probably also moving on from one or both safeties and Tre White.  Doubtful Epinesa gets a second contract here so you’ve got a hole there too.  Another defense-heavy draft should not be a surprise.


    Having a HC establishing the vision and determining roster priorities with a GM supporting personnel acquisition is showing some serious drawbacks.  That is, if the roster vision is askew and the HC is under pressure to get results.  The draft has to be more strategic than Buffalo handles it, as GM's tend to think long-term and less on what will help them next season...which is what a HC is focused on.    


    An example was the 2022 draft going CB and RB to address needs in Rounds 1 and 2.  I don't want to belabor that draft., yet understandable if the HC's short-term perspective has more sway over the GM's.  In that way, I can see them going defense heavy again to suit oncoming needs and the HC's vision.  Still disagree that loading up on that side provides more wins than does building an offense to compete with AFC Championship teams and perhaps others. 


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  9. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I know it's long, but read my OP! I am putting Josh Allen in the same elite group as 1 current HOFer, 2 no-doubt first-ballot HOFers, and one likely HOFer. And I'm saying as long as Allen is healthy we will be in the playoff (and yes, SB) hunt. If your expectations are that this team will go 14-3 or 13-4 every season, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. 


    Allen's been in his prime now three seasons - since 2020 - and there are things even he cannot mitigate.  

  10. 20 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    We’ve been through this many times before, but maybe our best window (to grab a Von or a similar game changer) was in 2021. But that time should come again. More than once. 

    I meant it to be “it’s really hard not to be a consistent winner when you have a HOF level QB.” Glass half full guy here …


    We're not even past the draft or into mini-camp, training camp, or the pre-season.  And already people are trying to get out in front of if there are bad results.  Has nothing to do with "glass half full."  It's mentally setting the basement for results and then we can go back and say...look, I told you so!


    "One of the problems with being a pessimist is that you can never celebrate when you are proven right." - Thomas Sowell


    But here, there's no celebration...people just start LAMP's as though they earn royalties off their pessimism. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Bruffalo said:

    The lack of investment in the offense is why Allen has to play like Superman every game.  It's very obvious why Josh puts the team on his back, because the offense was Diggs and Allen doing superhuman stuff.  Almost everyone else was a JAG.


    The 2019 WC game against Houston comes to mind when it was obvious Josh tried to do too much.  Back then it was because their top receivers amounted to Brown and Beasley who were good, but not WR1 types.  Kudos to them on acquiring Diggs, but the plan on offense since the 2020 off-season is what exactly?  There isn't one UFA or pick that is anywhere near Diggs to scare an opposing defense.  


    Yeah, Josh needs to protect himself and make plays from the pocket.  No argument there.  But if keeping pace with KC and CIN is done with a UFA G, 2 WR3/4 types, and a RB this is more of the same from previous off-seasons.    


    I don't put much into late 1st or 2nd round picks contributing out of the gate, but if they go defense with the 1st or both OBD is lost without a map.  

    • Agree 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ColoradoBills said:

    McDermott is publicly stating what most of us have been saying.  That alone is a big tell what goes on at OBD.

    What combination of responsibility that is between Josh and Dorsey is immaterial, they both are part of that.


    I'll add that Beane has responsibility in this too.  He has started to put resources into the OL and has to continue in the draft.

    I got no problem with McDermott getting a little tougher with coaches and players.


    McD is acutely aware of the criticism levied, so this is him getting out in front of it.  He knows expectations are high for 2023 and being an astute PR minded guy, he will set the narrative.   


    I also suspect McBeane are, for the first time in their tenure, chafing at the criticism about their "process" and trying to establish that it's not them that needs to change.  It's always something or someone else in McD's world.  Couldn't be that the emphasis on building defense has short-changed the offensive skill and OL areas leaving Josh to make plays.  Nah, that would mean McD might have to adapt to having a franchise QB and admit his "process" needs major tweaks to an overhaul.  :lol:

    • Agree 1
  13. 1 hour ago, HappyDays said:

    How is trading for Hopkins going to stop us from building through the draft? We're talking about at most one 2nd round pick. The cap space issue I at least understand the concern there. As far as the trade compensation itself that's not even a consideration for me. Who really cares?


    The benefit of trading a 2nd is that McBeane don't have a chance to over-draft a Cody Ford, Boogie Basham, or James Cook type player.  


    8 minutes ago, Zerovoltz said:

    From the outside looking in....


    Hopkins for the Bills....would be alot like when KC signed Sammy Watkins.  That contract was way too much, and it really wasn't needed. 


    KC signed Watkins to that 3 year 16 AAV contract with one 1,000 yard season on his then 4 year NFL career.


    Hopkins is a 10 year vet with 6 1,000+ seasons with 5 1st or 2nd All-Pro selections. 


    The only similarity is the cost of the contract, of which Watkins' was in UFA as opposed to what comes over in a prospective trade. 

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  14. On 3/23/2023 at 11:48 AM, msw2112 said:

    This sounds about right.  Frazier is a good man who is highly respected both within and outside of the organization, but it was time for a change.  This creates a more graceful way to move on from Frazier without having to fire him and it accounts for the contractual obligations too.  I also think that McDermott realizes that his seat could get very hot if the Bills don't advance farther in the playoffs soon, so he is putting the trust in himself to fix the defense.  Because he also has head coaching duties, Holcomb was brought on to help.


    I see it differently.  McD couldn't fire the DC he hired in 2017 who'd been on the job 6 seasons without looking like he was throwing someone under the bus.    Especially a guy who's liked in NFL circles, though will be 64 this year.  It wouldn't surprise me if the Bills pay him this year on his "sabbatical" then allow and out to find another job in 2024.    


    That transition keeps McD clean, gives the HC even more operational control over his beloved defense, McD can groom someone on the job, and McD does Frazier a favor.  McD is more political behind the scenes than people recognize or give him credit for.  Also doesn't hurt because it's abundant that McD gets whatever he wants to staff his defense...firing the DC after all the investment there really reflects poorly on the dominant voice in the room and his defensive preference.     


  15. 10 minutes ago, Coach Tuesday said:



    This thread partly summarized: Let's use our highest draft asset to fill a need.    


    Economy of resources and a positional value-based approach?  Nah, too challenging.   


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  16. 1 hour ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    Would be shocked - floored - if Ted Thompson 2.0 pulled the trigger here.


    Prove me wrong Beane.


    God rest Ted Thompson...


    But TT 2.0 is becoming a painfully appropriate comp.  Hope Beane finds some guts and tells his boss McD that they're not going defense as regularly happened 2017-2022. 

    • Agree 1
  17. 26 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    Yeah, I agree that KC has a "superior roster vision."   I think they've proved that by winning two of the past four SBs.  They're the current champions of roster building.  


    And, yet, I'm thankful for Beane and McD.  We win more than we lose with those two.   They've transformed an irrelevant NFL franchise into contenders.  And I've never heard them use Josh's salary as an excuse.  They're pretty good at taking accountability and not making excuses.


    But I do think Beane needs to get better for us to starting winning Super Bowls.  It's frustrating to have so many needs and so few resources.  


    Time will tell...have to hope McBeane learn from mistakes and correct themselves.  


    10 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Haha, this is complete revisionist history. If they didn’t have Pat Mahomes, they won’t have won the SB and would have be called morons for trading Hill and replacing him with scrubs. 

    reid is an awesome coach. Their GM is good. Pat Mahomes elevates that entire team. 






    One thing I know is...Belichick was nothing without Brady.  Right, CB?  I kid, I kid.  ;)

  18. 20 minutes ago, SCBills said:


    That's life with an elite QB.  


    The Von Miller & Tre White contracts are the only really potentially arduous contracts on this team.. and much of that is due to us hoping they can be 90% of what they were pre-injury moving forward. 


    Kansas City manages to get it done, but they are a well-run organization with a superior roster vision.  So much so that they entered the 2023 off-season as defending SB champions with 14M in cap space.   


    Of course, it requires bold moves to accomplish of which trading Tyreek Hill was one.  I vividly remember people here claiming that KC would not be nearly as good the following season.  So much for that. 


    The built-in excuse that having a franchise QB makes roster development exceedingly difficult is absurd.  Economy of resources is the key, and the Bills waste assets on RB's, middling DL, and other overpaid UFAs.  I'm glad to see more people here begin to doubt the PR efforts of McBeane who, backed into a corner, are offering weak responses as to why they can't fly with the best AFC teams.    


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  19. 25 minutes ago, SCBills said:


    They're not dealing with cap issues because of the RB position.   Singletary is a legit NFL caliber RB, and we could have re-signed him.  We chose not to.  Instead we are spending small cap hits on Hines and, presumably, Harris, on short term deals.  Not an issue.


    I do think Shakir and Davis are RD3 caliber prospects who fell.   My issue is the lack on RD1/RD2 Offensive picks (See Below)


    The cap issue comes into focus solely due to the misses on the Defensive Line.   20M in cap AAV tied up in Von Miller because Epenesa and Basham didn't hit, while Oliver is not a difference maker and Rousseau (while promising) is more of a DE2.


    2-1's and 2-2nd's, 4 premium picks in recent years, and we still had to pay Von to give us a high level pass rush.  


    Furthermore, those picks were spent on the DL, and could have been used elsewhere.. say OL, where we wouldn't have to spend 7-8M per year on McGovern.


    The DL draft picks though.. they are the issue.  That's why we have minor cap issues (our cap issues are not major, fwiw).



    The RB mis-handling is a contributing cause of their cap problemsNot a root cause.  


    The DL prioritization under McD's to include overpaid and undereffective UFA's along with pedestrian draft picks are another contributing cause though, yes.  


    Their cap issues were not minor.... they were 19.6M over the cap before all the re-structures, good for 26th in the NFL.  


  20. 2 hours ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:

    Just an epic failure to go RB in back-to-back years in second round and first round. They couldn't pull the trigger on him even if they did love him. They would at minimum have to work out a trade for Cook somehow. I see this first round pick being a WR, LB, or o-lineman with an outside shot of a TE. 


    The Bills took 2 off-seasons to fix cap issues from the previous regime and put themselves right back there 4 seasons later  If people want to understand why, a lack of vision on draft day is a contributing cause to that issue.    


    Singletary and Moss cost RD3 picks, albeit were on rookie contracts.  They ultimately replaced both with veterans in Harris and Hines who cost more in cap than a rookie contract player would.  They continue doubling down at RB and then cry how they're cap poor.  In 7 off-seasons, they've re-signed McCoy, signed UFAs like Tolbert, DiMarco, Ivory, Gore, Yeldon, Breida, and now Harris.  All while using 3 top-100 picks on RBs.        


    Is it that hard to identify a player in the 4th-7th rounds or via UDFA that can offer production on a rookie contract so they can start investing in WR's at the top of the draft?  It shouldn't be, but then again RD1 seems reserved for QB's and defensive players.  

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