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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. That's awesome. I'm happy to know the Capital Region has got so many Bills fans! I'll down one for all you this Sunday during the J'ville Beatdown!
  2. Final Democrat solution? Is there some sort of diabolical plan you are going to reveal to exterminate the party?
  3. I grew up in the Albany area with no connection to WNY other than the Bills. A good friend of mine went to U of R and is now in his 3rd year at UB Law, and is sadly a Jets fan, but we've made it to every Bills Jets game at the Ralph since 2003. Anyway, when he was at U of R, we always hit up Tahoe's on the night I arrived (Friday) and would get Duff's on the Saturday before the game. However, Mighty Taco has now replaced Tahoe's, and I gotta say I look forward to it everytime. It's the nacho cheese. It's delicious, better than T Bell. Also, La Nova pizza is the s***! We get that on occasion if I'm staying after the game on Sunday. Trying to make it a Buffalo double header by going to the Sabres-Caps game on the Saturday before the Jets game this year (at least my buddy's a sabres fan). Man, I can't wait for that Mighty Taco!
  4. I remember a few years ago the Times Union ran a survey about people's favorite teams by sport and overall in the capital district. IIRC, The Bills came in 3rd behind the Giants (by a lot) and the Jets (by a little) for football, but came in 3rd behind the Yankees and Giants for overall favorite. Shows the passion of the fans in the area. You would think WRGB would wise up to this over the years. I grew up a Bills fan in that area because back in the early 90's they were on TV a lot. It's a shame the number of new fans in the area is probably dwindling because they can't even be seen. I sent WRGB an email, even though I'm not in the area anymore. Good luck guys.
  5. I gotta admit I liked it way more than I thought I would. I usually don't care for SCIFI stuff, but it had enough of a Lost-type feel that I was decently into it. I'll take Tgreg99's advice and give it another few episodes. Nothing brilliant, but promising.
  6. I gotta check that out. Even though they're funny, like you said, they're legit.
  7. I love "Up to Me" and everything by the Band. And "Informer?" Nice. Kick Push is good, but my favorite Lupe song is "Dumb it Down." The National is such a great band, "Boxer" is a phenomenal album. Blind Melon is one of my favorite bands, Hoon and Buckley, two guys that could've done so much more. I really like "You're the Good Things" off that Modest Mouse album. And definitely one of the better Peter Tosh songs. Ha, gotta love Dyslexic Speedreaders. Although I've heard "1980" everywhere I've been this summer. A few of mine: "Seahorse" by Devendra Banhart ( )"Bridges & Balloons" by Joanna Newsom ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVcJvQQzBgo...feature=related ) "Heretic Pride" by The Mountain Goats ( )"Leaf House" by Animal Collective ( )"Last War" by Zap Pow ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQekKCZZztw ) "D.C.B.A.-25" by Jefferson Airplane ( ) "Acid Raindrops" by People Under the Stairs ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEhz4z_ztAw )
  8. It's debatable, but it's certainly close. Who's that much worse? Oakland, Miami, and KC bringing up the rear in the AFC, and I think KC is the worst of all of them.
  9. Truer words have never been spoken, Steely!
  10. Hah, true, it's easy to be a "genius" when you have the league's top personnel.
  11. Yes, agreed. We've- I've- got to keep our composure! We will know who we are in a month. Until then, we just beat a team without its top 2 WRs, and with 2 ST TD's. That won't be happening every week.
  12. True. After the 2003 opener 31-0 over the P*ts, I thought we were a playoff lock. We'll know who we are in a month.
  13. Aside from the two obvious ones- the Parrish return and the P- DE fake field goal TD (all too common), it was a 3 or 4 yard sack of Hasselbeck by Mitchell. Both Poz and KM lined up right in front of center, and right before the snap, I could almost sense the sack coming- i think Hasselbeck could too. KM and Poz rolled right in, Poz got picked up by the center and KM just threw Hasselbeck to the ground- the whole play took about two seconds. That's the moment I felt the Bills D was for real!
  14. Oh, ok. I thought it was the Jags, Texans, and Browns crashing back down to reality.
  15. I don't necessarily "cheer" it, but I'm not too broken up either.
  17. And reamed by everyone at NESPN- how dare they touch the great Brady?!
  18. Good memory re: #1- I was pumped about it at the time but forgot about it by the end of the game. Very big play at a time when the outcome was not nearly certain. In re: TE, I was not thrilled, but not utterly disappointed either. I'll take it, the kids on a long leash, as long as the D is this good! I was very happy w/ Chambers, and if Peters needs another week to get ready, give it to him. Where was Hardy all game? My only complaint..... Lynch fought for every yard, loved seein him gettin passes out of the backfield.... I'm still on cloud 9 and a little buzzed! GO BILLS!! I'm so glad it's back!
  19. And the final cut back! Amazing, I'm still in awe....
  20. Hah, yeah, there were a couple times I yelled at the screen there. But, if he can put on the show, I say go for it. As long as it doesn't cost a game, like you said. I think Parrish and Mitchell get it. Mitchell was in on so many plays today, it was great to see him out there. Angelo who?
  21. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS OUR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. FTW Portman and Johannsen tied for first.
  23. Truth re: Crow. It doesn't make sense from his POV to get surgery and totally screw the Bills over right before a contract year. Really intriguing theory you have, and it seems like the only logical explanation with the info at hand. Thank you for at least somewhat assuaging my mind for the evening....
  24. It really is the only thing that makes sense. If this wasn't meant to send a message of some sort, they could have put him on the PUP list, allowing him to come back in 6 weeks (per Tim Graham's blog on espn.com).
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