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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I've been doing it for a little over a week now [i posted this in the Health and Fitness forum a while ago but no one replied] and I've lost 2 lbs. and am sore in places I usually never work, like smaller muscles in the back and legs. I'm really digging it so far and will continue it until I plateau, and then maybe go back to the old routine for a little bit, perhaps. The best part is, it's short [~20 minute warmup, ~20-40 minute workout] but I'm still seeing effects and still getting really tired and sore from it. Plus, no running [usually]!
  2. Thanks for the advice, guys. I'm gonna watch season 2 and take it from there; my concern was I'd start watching it, it'd suck, but I'd keep watching it just to find out how it ended. Sounds like most are agreed that season 2 is a good one, though, so I'm psyched.
  3. I just started doing Crossfit workout of the day [crossfit.com] and I'm curious if anyone here has any experience with it. My main goal is to lower my bodyfat percentage, and the quick pace of the workouts suggests that crossfit works for that. I'm only on day 4 but already my body is tired and sore in areas I've never really tapped, so I think that's a good sign. I like the idea of mixing the workouts up constantly and focusing on core and gymnastic-type exercises, as I've always just kinda worked the beach muscles. Anyone have some experience with crossfit? Like or dislike? Just looking for some feedback to see if it's worth sticking with it for the long haul- I'm going to give it til the end of the month and if I'm not seeing results I might abandon it.
  4. Sorry to interrupt this thread, but I gotta ask- they just put Season 1 of 24 on Nextflix streaming and I watched the entire thing in about three days. It was addicting and awesome. My question is: are the following seasons that good? Is it worth continuing with the series or did it peak with Season 1?
  5. The biggest kitty move in sports- hitting a guy in the face when you have a !@#$ing catcher's mask on! I'll never get why this is celebrated by Sox fans. All it shows is that Varitek is a cheap shot coward.
  6. My guess is that he is, or will reveal, the link between the sideways world and the island world.
  7. So the Cowboys get all of Texas but the Yankees only get a 20 mile radius of true fans. Hmm.... Enlighten us: which team is appropriate for an upstate NY baseball fan?
  8. Haha, that's the primary reason I love his character! I hated Charlie- I thought by that time in the series it was time for someone to go, and I couldn't have been happier Charlie was the one.
  9. I don't hate Mikhail- he was a great character! Really surprised and happy to see him return. I loved this episode, and I don't know why. I was just into it all the way. Also, at the end, I though Desmond was actually Sayid for a quick second (maybe it was the long hair), and it blew my mind, because I thought sideways world and island world were existing at the same time like matter and anti-matter, and.... then I realized it was Desmond. Oh well. It looks like some characters are going to die next week, unless the ABC promo is another tease [questions will be answered!], and it's about time. Any tgreg, that Sawyer line made me laugh out loud- just the perfect line, and perfectly read by Holloway.
  10. We're in agreement that this issue is really diversionary when so much else needs to be fixed in this country, as well as tackling unwanted pregnancies before they occur is the best way to prevent abortions. However, in my opinion, the bolded part of your post is disingenuous. It may be a matter of cells, but from conception everyone knows it's going to be a human. Telling yourself it's just a clump of cells may make it easier to deal with, but those are cells that will create human life.
  11. This is going to keep me laughing for days. How you put up with this ****, I'll never know. I would have brain damage banging from my head against a wall in response one too many times.
  12. Way to go Tigers! I didn't think they'd pull it off. In my opinion, this is the most exciting playoff tournament in all sports- upsets abound, and the quality of play is fantastic. Also, let's go Big Red! I can't stand UNH, kick their ass!
  13. As to the Black Rock comment, something is off about MIB and Jacob's conversations regarding MIB's desire to kill Jacob. If we are to assume, then, that they were observing the Black Rock on the beach in S5 finale, MIB's desire to kill Jacob seemed like it was old news to Jacob, as if they'd had the conversation a million times. However, after Richard actually tries to do it, when Jacob talks to MIB later in the episode, he seems taken aback that MIB attempted to kill him. The tones of the conversation don't really add up, unless, perhaps, Jacob didn't really believe MIB would ever go through with it and Richard's attempt kind of woke him up, or something. As for the donkey wheel, something tells me MIB can't use it- if we are to assume that Christian Shepard = MIB [which we don't know for sure yet, but I think most assume that], then we know MIB has known about it for awhile, since it was Christian who told Locke what to do with it and what it would do. Thus, I think we should assume MIB can't use it for whatever reason.
  14. I agree with you that it probably has little effect, but I bet if people stopped kitty-footing around and just sent the census back promptly, the government wouldn't need to waste money sending multiple reminders.
  15. Are you offended by the profanity or the situation in which it was used?
  16. Who's behavior? The government who is mailing the reminders or the citizens who are tasked with filling out the census?
  17. You're right, maybe if people stopped evading the census takers and simply mailed back the census in a timely fashion, they wouldn't have to send out all these reminders and waste all that money.
  18. Their hockey team got a favorable seeding for the National Tournament, beginning on Friday: a 2 seed in Albany, playing a weak UNH team.
  19. I'm glad you didn't follow my advice and are now on board. A word of warning, though: you are about to embark on the worst stretch of episodes in the show's history. The first half of season 3 is terrible! However, don't let it get you down, because the second half of season 3 thru the end of season 4 is the best stretch in the show's history.
  20. You're of course entitled to your opinion, but I just don't understand this sentiment. And you're not alone, I know a lot of people who are getting fed up because they aren't getting "answers." I say, what's the rush? There are 12 hours of this entire series left, and I've always enjoyed the slow unwinding, fan debate and theories, etc. If they started dropping answers left and right, it just wouldn't be the same show. If it ends and we're still left wondering WTF, then I'll be pissed, but for now, savor the mystery.
  21. I thought that write up was subpar- usually it's a must read, but this week's brought little to the table.
  22. When I spent a semester in Cape Town, we called it, "Africa Time," meaning expect everyone to be 30 minutes to an hour late. Although, the white South Africans were always late too...
  23. After this episode, my preliminary theory on what the sideways flashes are: the life you get from Fake Locke; ie, his end of the bargain. Sayid did get to have Nadia back, just not as he thought.
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